Sebastian Rahtz (PassiveTeX) would be a good source of information. I think he tends to hang around on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Btw, URW provide one of the best-known set of free Type1 fonts for linux.


Victor Mote wrote:
J.Pietschmann wrote:

The TeX-Book has a chapter about this problem. It is available
as textbook.tex (in TeX, and quite officially). Amazingly, I
didn't find it on CTAN, but a google search turns up other
servers (I can send you the 460k compressed source).

I think it is also Volume A of Knuth's "Computers & Typesetting", which I
hope to receive shortly. I am hoping not to have to stop and become a TeX
user along the way, but I think it is worth learning as much as is morally
possible from them.

BTW, I looked for but did not find licensing information at tug & ctan
licensing information, as well as in my Norman Walsh book "Making TeX Work".
Does it use a GPL? If it had a compatible licensing scheme, it would sure
seem to make sense to use as much of the TeX work as possible.
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