On Aug 2, 2014 11:01 AM, "LtPowers" <ltpowers_w...@rochester.rr.com> wrote:
> And then there could be a little chat window allowing real-time
communication while the editor walks through her first edit.

[originally didn't realize who you were replying to… also haven't read the
whole thread yet]

That is technically feasible. Maybe would have new implications for privacy
(including WMF privacy policy). Unless the realtime chats were publicly
logged. (then same privacy as existing teahouse, etc)

Essentially would be a more interactive version of teahouse? (i.e. shorter
wait for a reply and you're paired with someone that's known to be
available at that moment) would be a part of teahouse?

How would you staff it? Shifts?

Anyway, that does nothing for the case Kathleen describes. 25 people
(20f:5m) in a class and everyone getting that introduction to all things
wiki. Then 7 stay active for a year including all the men. (and only 2 of
the 20 women)

I'm leaning towards thinking we as a community should (for now) focus more
on the retention gap than the recruitment gap. Then we're not recruiting
people just to (mostly) lose them in a month or two. But would be
interested to hear thoughts on that from someone with a more rigorous

-Jeremy (jeremyb)

P.S. http://www.onthemedia.org/story/31-race-swap-experiment/
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