T61 with 1440x960 resolution with an nVidia card and 2gigs of RAM costs
about the same as the 2.2Ghz MBP, so price wise that's not the issue here.

I wish there was some specific measurement that was done on a MBP running
Linux + VmWare (with bootcamp) as opposed to Parallels on MacOS X. :-)

On 7/8/07, Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Eran Sandler wrote:
> 1) Thinkpad T61 running Ubuntu and VmWare 5 with XP + Visual Studio 2005
> 2) Macbook Pro (similar specs to the T61) running MacOSX + Parallels and
> virtual machine with the same configuration.
> I prefer Linux but if the performance is worse than what I will get with
> comparable hardware on Mac + Parallels I'll go with a Mac.
Are a T61 and a similarly speced Macbook Pro also similarly priced? If
not, here is your tie breaker right there.

Vmware should give you performance comparable to other optimized VMs on
the same hardware.
> Eran

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