[cctalk] Re: Did something happen to comp.os.vms ?

2024-03-12 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/9/2024 1:50 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:

Did something happen to comp.os.vms and/or usenet?  All the DEC newsgroups 
appear to be missing from Eternal September.


Eternal September and Thunderbird (I'm on a Mac) have been weird for me for a while.  For 
example I have had no new messages there in comp.os.vms since 3/9 until today (3/12) and 
then I got 23 messages dated 3/10 - 3/12.  I even did a "Get Messages" several 
time and nothing.  I don't know if it's Thunderbird or E-S.

John H. Reinhardt

[cctalk] Re: Current SOA scsi disk emulators for DEC

2023-12-03 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 12/3/2023 10:27 AM, Douglas Taylor via cctalk wrote:

That is my question.

I have used a couple of versions of the SCSI2SD boards in the past with Viking, 
Emulex QC07, DEC RQXZ1 controllers in the past, and also direct connections to 
MicroVax SCSI buss's.

There are other manufacturers of these SD to SCSI emulators now. What is the 
current SOA?  What works, what doesn't work with DEC hardware?


State of the Art SCSI replacement is the ZuluSCSI RP2040 which is from the same 
people as SCSI2HD (I think - at least the same US Store).  In any case the 
SCSI2HD is generally out of stock unless there is some NOS left.  The ZuluSCSI 
is what is in production now.

It's under continual development with fixes and new features are being added 
(for better or worse).  I have two in a MicroVAX3100-95.  One is the main file 
systems - I have a 256GB SD card where there are 4 drives allocated.  There are 
two 50GB main drives and 2 9GB system drives. I have them mirrored under VMS 
Volume Shadowing.  I aim to use about 50% of the capacity of the SD card to 
allow plenty of space for the card's firmware to do wear leveling.  They are 
SAMSUNG PRO Endurance cards with an estimated endurance of 140k hours.  The 
other ZuluSCSI RP2040 card is mounted for external access and is the backup 
device.  This gets rotated regularly.

All that said, in the MV3100 they are still slower by a touch than rotating 
disks.  But after having several Ebay SCSI disks have controller issues 
(shorting and burnt out controllers) I am hoping these are more trouble free.

I also have 2 older SCSI2HD in my AlphaServer DS10 systems for removable 
storage.  When I get a chance I am swapping them out for the ZuluSCSI RP2040 
models because they are slightly faster and much easier to manage.

The ZuluSCSI is a hybrid of the SCSI2HD hardware and SCSI firmware and the 
BlueSCSI management firmware.  With the SCSI2HD you needed a utility (mostly) 
to mange the settings of the SCSI2HD card.  COpying the data to the card 
usually meant using a utility like dd or something that could write to specific 
places on the card.  With the ZuluSCI you format the SD card in FAT or EX-FAT 
(if your disks are bigger than 4GB) and put them on the card with a specific 
name format.  The documentation explains it all pretty clearly.

www.zuluscsi.com - US Store and some documentation
https://github.com/ZuluSCSI/ZuluSCSI-firmware/wiki/ZuluSCSI-Manual - 
https://github.com/ZuluSCSI/ZuluSCSI-firmware - firmware

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09WB3D5GQ - Samsung PRO Endurance
 - marketing info

John H. Reinhardt

[cctalk] Re: Current SOA scsi disk emulators for DEC

2023-12-03 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 12/3/2023 10:27 AM, Douglas Taylor via cctalk wrote:

That is my question.

I have used a couple of versions of the SCSI2SD boards in the past with Viking, 
Emulex QC07, DEC RQXZ1 controllers in the past, and also direct connections to 
MicroVax SCSI buss's.

There are other manufacturers of these SD to SCSI emulators now. What is the 
current SOA?  What works, what doesn't work with DEC hardware?


State of the Art SCSI replacement is the ZuluSCSI RP2040 which is from the same 
people as SCSI2HD (I think - at least the same US Store).  In any case the 
SCSI2HD is generally out of stock unless there is some NOS left.  The ZuluSCSI 
is what is in production now.

It's under continual development with fixes and new features are being added 
(for better or worse).  I have two in a MicroVAX3100-95.  One is the main file 
systems - I have a 256GB SD card where there are 4 drives allocated.  There are 
two 50GB main drives and 2 9GB system drives. I have them mirrored under VMS 
Volume Shadowing.  I aim to use about 50% of the capacity of the SD card to 
allow plenty of space for the card's firmware to do wear leveling.  They are 
SAMSUNG PRO Endurance cards with an estimated endurance of 140k hours.  The 
other ZuluSCSI RP2040 card is mounted for external access and is the backup 
device.  This gets rotated regularly.

All that said, in the MV3100 they are still slower by a touch than rotating 
disks.  But after having several Ebay SCSI disks have controller issues 
(shorting and burnt out controllers) I am hoping these are more trouble free.

I also have 2 older SCSI2HD in my AlphaServer DS10 systems for removable 
storage.  When I get a chance I am swapping them out for the ZuluSCSI RP2040 
models because they are slightly faster and much easier to manage.

The ZuluSCSI is a hybrid of the SCSI2HD hardware and SCSI firmware and the 
BlueSCSI management firmware.  With the SCSI2HD you needed a utility (mostly) 
to mange the settings of the SCSI2HD card.  COpying the data to the card 
usually meant using a utility like dd or something that could write to specific 
places on the card.  With the ZuluSCI you format the SD card in FAT or EX-FAT 
(if your disks are bigger than 4GB) and put them on the card with a specific 
name format.  The documentation explains it all pretty clearly.

www.zuluscsi.com - US Store and some documentation
https://github.com/ZuluSCSI/ZuluSCSI-firmware/wiki/ZuluSCSI-Manual - 
https://github.com/ZuluSCSI/ZuluSCSI-firmware - firmware

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09WB3D5GQ - Samsung PRO Endurance
 - marketing info

John H. Reinhardt

[cctalk] Re: Logic Analyzers - HP/Agilent 16700B or 1670G?

2023-08-20 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/20/2023 6:55 PM, Tony Jones via cctalk wrote:

On Sun, Aug 20, 2023, 3:44 PM John H. Reinhardt via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

And so on.  Am I looking in the wrong spot?

No but you need to look longer  and as I said prices are all over the
place.  I see resellers asking for $1500-2000.Do a sold items search
and track the results over a few months.

Good luck


I appreciate the advice.  Thanks!

John H. Reinhardt

[cctalk] Re: Logic Analyzers - HP/Agilent 16700B or 1670G?

2023-08-20 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/20/2023 3:45 PM, Tony Jones via cctalk wrote:

On Sun, Aug 20, 2023, 12:05 PM John H. Reinhardt via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

I've seen a lot of posts at the EEVblog and it seems I missed possibly the
golden age of 16700 LA by a few years price-wise.

Also unsure what you mean by this.  I wouldn't pay more than $150 for an
empty 16700B, $250 for an empty 16702B and if you have patience I suspect
you could get a 16702B with multiple cards for $350 (sometimes with some
really nice cards). Now whether the cards work is another question.
Pricing is all over the place but prices have definitely falling over time.

Hi Tony!

I got the impression that people were finding them for around $100 - $300 back 
then.  The prices I see on Ebay currently are all much higher.  Certainly lower 
then when they were new though.

Perhaps it's because I have only been looking about a month and my primary 
source is Ebay.  Currently on Ebay, that I can see, the cheapest I see is a 
16702B with a couple of 16712A cards and no pods/probes for $300 plus $120 
shipping and tax.  The 16712A are the absolute minimum I think that would be 
useful at 100Mhx and 8K/16K memory.  I'd still have to find at least 2 sets of 
pods and probes.

The next cheapest is a 16700B for $430.  It has 4 interface cards but the 
listing doesn't say what they are. But it's local pickup only

Then there is  a 16702B for $449.99 which looks like and has a 16715A card and pods.  But 
the detail listing says "failed self test for: VRAM Serial Access Memory Inputs 
Test, VRAM Serial Port Cell Test, and System Clocks (Master/Slave/Psync) Test." Not 
sure if that's bad but is sounds like it.

And so on.  Am I looking in the wrong spot?

   John H. Reinhardt

[cctalk] Re: Dec Vax in Simh - VMS Operating system

2023-08-20 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk


  You have a problem.  The MicroVAX 3800 isn't supported in OpenVMS (VAX/VMS) 
until version V5.1-1.  You can't run it with any older versions.  It just won't 
work.  The problem is that DEC introduced the PAK license with V5.0 and unless 
you have some non-expiring VAX VMS PAK's, there is no legal[1] way for you to 
run it.  VSI has a Hobbyist (Community License Program) program but their PAKs 
only work on VSI released versions of OpenVMS and they have only done Alpha, 
Integrity and now, x86.  No VAX. Not now, not ever (according to several VSI 

  What you can do is use SimH and emulate older VAXen such as the venerable 
11/780 or 86xx up to the VAXstation 3200/3500 or 3500/3600 (I forget what all 
is available in SIMH) and use VAX/VMS up to V4.7.


John H. Reinhardt

On 8/20/2023 3:18 PM, devin davison via cctalk wrote:

Hello All,

I am working to get my two microvax systems working, I have a couple of
microvax 3800 systems.

While I am waiting to get the real hardware going, I would like to set up
simh with vms to use for testing.

I don't really need the latest version of vms, any old version with tcp/ip
would work. I do have about 16 dumb terminals i want to run as a lab and
connect to the vax.

Can anyone provide guidance on this matter for setting up and install of
VMS in sinh? I realize that there was the openvms hobbyist program, but i
may want to grab an older version of the os if it will run smoother on the
older hardware.

Open to suggestions, I hope to post back with some pictures once the real
vax 3800 hardware is running.


Devin D.

[cctalk] Re: Logic Analyzers - HP/Agilent 16700B or 1670G?

2023-08-20 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/20/2023 2:43 PM, Glen Slick via cctalk wrote:

On Sun, Aug 20, 2023, 12:05 PM John H. Reinhardt via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

Hello all.  I looking around for a Logic Analyzer for doing (mostly) DEC
QBus/UniBus stuff.  Being the way I am I want something with enough lines
to handle the most of the signals so I'm guessing something with roughly
80-ish channels.  I think that lets out all/most of the USB based LA.  I've
looked around and it seems the the HP/Agilent 16700 series (16700B/16702B)
are probably what I want.  I've also seen the 1670G which also seems quite
doable.  I've seen a lot of posts at the EEVblog and it seems I missed
possibly the golden age of 16700 LA by a few years price-wise.

What I'm wondering is if there is something specific I should be looking
for, or opinions on which LA is more suitable.  Or even if there is a
different make of LA to look for.

Thanks in advance for your help

John H. Reinhardt

Where are you located? That can have a large impact on the cost of
acquiring a large 16700-series logic analyzer. For example, I have more of
those than I need in the Seattle area. A local deal might work out well,
but if shipping is involved that can quickly get too expensive.

If bench space is limited, a 1670G takes up a lot less, and is completely
self contained and easier to move around and set up. On the other hand, a
16700-series is more flexible, and if you have space to set up an external
monitor you can see a lot more data on the screen at the same time without
scrolling around.

Hi Glenn,

Thanks for chiming in.  I've seen you post often on the EEVblog about various 

I knew I forgot something.  I'm in the Fort Worth, Texas area. So middle of the country length-wise 
but down South.  I've seen shipping on Ebay range from "included" (which is kind of 
scary) to $350 and "freight".

My bench space right now is kind of limited but I'm hoping in a few years 
(retirement) I'll have a bigger space to poke around in.  The 1670G is 
interesting in that way.  There seems to be a pretty complete one (Options 002 
and 003 - OSC and memory) on Ebay but that's the place that's charging $350 for 

John H. Reinhardt

[cctalk] Logic Analyzers - HP/Agilent 16700B or 1670G?

2023-08-20 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

Hello all.  I looking around for a Logic Analyzer for doing (mostly) DEC 
QBus/UniBus stuff.  Being the way I am I want something with enough lines to 
handle the most of the signals so I'm guessing something with roughly 80-ish 
channels.  I think that lets out all/most of the USB based LA.  I've looked 
around and it seems the the HP/Agilent 16700 series (16700B/16702B) are 
probably what I want.  I've also seen the 1670G which also seems quite doable.  
I've seen a lot of posts at the EEVblog and it seems I missed possibly the 
golden age of 16700 LA by a few years price-wise.

What I'm wondering is if there is something specific I should be looking for, 
or opinions on which LA is more suitable.  Or even if there is a different make 
of LA to look for.

Thanks in advance for your help

John H. Reinhardt

[cctalk] Re: OLD ftp.compaq.com Mirror?

2023-07-10 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

I just found this the other day, but I see the update date in in 2014 so it may 
not be of use.


There is some info about libraries under the Storageworks folder.


John H. Reinhardt

On 7/10/2023 10:54 AM, Ali via cctalk wrote:

Hello All,

I am wondering if anyone has a private or knows of a mirror for
ftp.compaq.com that is older than 2014? All the ones I have found online,
including the file at archive.org, are from 2014. By then a number of files
and directories had been purged e.g. "/pub/supportinformation/techpubs" and
"softlib1". I am looking for some old documentation and firmware for Compaq
switches and Tape Libraries but if anyone has a full set of files I am happy
to add them to a mirror. TIA!


[cctalk] Shipping help in Brunswick, GA

2022-11-06 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

So, I screwed up and in my excitement to find a DEC BA123 chassis (and MVII parts) I bid 
on an Ebay auction where there is no shipping and it's "Local Pickup Only".  
The problem is that I'm near Fort Worth TX and the MVII/BA123 is in Brunswick, GA and I 
don't really have the time to make the 2000+ mile round trip drive to pick it up.

Does anyone here know of a reliable shipping service in Brunswick, GA?  Or 
suggestions for outfits to check out?  Google hasn't shown me much other that 
UPS and FedEx stores.

Failing that, is there anyone near enough willing to pick it up in Brunswick 
that might want it for themselves?

Ebay listing  https://www.ebay.com/itm/334615827742?


John H. Reinhardt

[cctalk] Re: Is this a RIFA (uV3100-10 PSU)?

2022-10-23 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 10/23/2022 1:27 PM, Antonio Carlini via cctalk wrote:

I'm working on cleaning up a bit of battery leakage in a MicroVAX 3100 Model 10 
and while it's apart I decided to look inside the PSU (an H7822-00).

It's nice and clean inside with no bulging caps. What it does have is an X2 
capacitor, as shown here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/dpdqJ3tuGfsRDR3Y6.

It doesn't appear to be damaged and I can't see the word "RIFA" on it anywhere 
but I can't see two of the sides because of other components that get in the way.

So does anyone know for sure whether it is a RIFA brand or not, or do I have to 
desolder it to be sure?



It looks like the RIFA caps I've removed from my DEC H7864 P/S. Though mine 
were colored more toward the amber you find dead flies fossilized in and had 
visible cracks in the case.  The RIFA logo/name was on one side with other 
markings on the other side, on the top was only the X2 and the value.

You might have to remove it just to be certain that it is a RIFA, but the top 
lettering and the overall look point in that direction.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: List migration

2022-07-15 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 7/11/2022 12:38 AM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote:


The process of migrating the cctalk and cctech mailing lists to a new
host in Chicago is underway.  This evening, I've moved the list mail
handling to the new server, and this message will be the first live
test.  Assuming this works, you shouldn't have to change anything to
post to the list.

One other positive note is that the migration seems to have cleared my old 
email address from the list.  I had contacted Jay because the list manager said 
the address didn't exist when I sent the command to stop and it also said it 
did exist when I sent the command to add it.  Jay looked but couldn't resolve 
it either.  But I noticed the emails finally stopped coming around July 10th.

The new hosting is provided by the Chicago Classic Computing group.

Many thanks to Jay West for hosting the lists for 20 years!

/Dennis Boone

So thank you Dennis!  I'm sure it probably cleared out some others caught in 
limbo as well.

Many thanks to Jay as well for his service to the community.


John H. Reinhardt

Re: Advice on Desoldering an IC

2022-04-15 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

I bought a Hakko FR301-03 in mid 2020 and, while I haven't used it for a lot, I 
can attest it has worked very well for what I have done.  I have used it to 
replace the RIFA caps on the boards of 3 H7864 power supplies and the pico 
fuses on several KDJ11-B 11/73/83 CPU boards.  In each case the solder was 
removed quickly and the parts literally dropped off the boards.  I have also 
used it to rework some badly soldered (by me) sockets on a QBone card I was 
assembling.  While it was relatively expensive (to me) it has been worth the 

John H. Reinhardt

On 4/15/2022 4:32 PM, Rob Jarratt via cctalk wrote:

I do have some diagonal cutters, but although small they seem to be still too 
bulky to reach the pins. I will have to try to find some finer ones. These seem 
to look OK: 


Also, I have seen the recommendations regarding a Hakko 808. It looks like the 
modern successor is the FR301 
https://www.hakko.co.uk/product/fr-301-portable-desoldering-gun/. I think what 
may be better about this is the wider choice of nozzles.






From: Chris Zach 
Sent: 15 April 2022 18:51
To: r...@jarratt.me.uk; Rob Jarratt ; General Discussion: 
On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts ; Rob Jarratt via cctalk 

Subject: Re: Advice on Desoldering an IC


Cut the pins with a very sharp set of dykes then remove them one at a time. 
Then use flux and detailer braid to remove the solder

On April 15, 2022 1:49:33 PM EDT, Rob Jarratt via cctalk mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org> > wrote:

I am trying to remove an IC from my PDP 11/24 CPU, a DS8641. I am really
struggling to desolder it. I am using the technique of applying fresh solder
and then removing it. But after multiple cycles of this I think I am
starting to damage the PCB.


I am using a fairly cheap desoldering station (this one
01384?st=duratool%20desoldering). Its spec in terms of vacuum pressure is
equivalent to that of the professional Hakko ones though. I am also trying a
hand desoldering pump. None of these are able to clear many of the holes of
solder, although some are doing better than others. Nevertheless, the IC
remains stubbornly unmoving.


Are there any tips for removing ICs?





Re: Plessy core memory - UNIBOne Info

2022-01-10 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

You can contact Joerg at his site http://retrocmp.com/contact  For email see 
the UNIBone - Get One Page 

A fellow on the VCF DEC forum tried to contact Joerg about a UNIBone recently 
and said he had better luck using the contact page on the web site.  You can 
also take a look a the Google Group for the UNIBone and the QBone (QBus 

If you're not phased by CPL programming and surface mount IC then I'd say go 
for the board from Todd (I've bought boards from him before, he's good).  If 
not then you might want a kit from Joerg. The Get One page lists kits for €170 
or assembled for €260.  In either case you have to supply your own Beaglebone 
Black though Joerg might still have some for €60.  I bought an assembled QBone 
and then later two QBone kits form Joerg.  His work is also good. I just 
finished one QBone kit (assembly - testing is to come) and it went well but the 
kit board (both QBone and UNIBone) come with all SMD items installed and the 
two CPL's programmed so is mostly easy through-hole soldering.  The trickiest 
part is the connection for the BBB.

Here are the build instructions - 


John H. Reinhardt

On 1/10/2022 1:43 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:

Hm. That is an idea. Technically I'm just wanting to get the thing working to 
see if it works, so a Unibone would be reasonable. Now where do I buy one/a 


On 1/10/2022 10:46 AM, Jay Logue via cctalk wrote:

On 1/9/2022 7:59 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:

*nod* I'll put the system aside again for awhile. But if I come across a DD11-C 
or D I'll go back to work on it.

I understand your frustration, as I've spent the better part of a year 
acquiring and fixing an ME11-L and associated board sets trying to get my 
short-box 11/05 up to a full compliment of memory.

Perhaps you've already considered this, but an alternative that just makes the problem 
"go away" is to get yourself a Unibone. Not period correct (and not core, which 
is what motivates me), but super useful and can emulate as much memory as you need.


Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 1/1/2022 1:10 PM, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:

On 1/1/22 12:12 PM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:



The starting price is expensive, but probably not utterly unreasonable,
given that:

They don't have a front picture, but there is a rear picture of a TU-77/TU-78 
tape drive interior.

As for testing, the 780 came wired for 208/240 3 phase power, with a big 5-pin 

The CPU cabinet seems to have 2 Massbus controllers, I think. So, maybe there's 
a Massbus disk included.


In separate auctions they have a RM05 and a TU77

TU77: https://www.ebay.com/itm/275083502085 (The 11/780 is visible in the 
background of the first picture)
RM05: https://www.ebay.com/itm/284587865252


John H. Reinhardt

Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 1/1/2022 12:40 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:

On Jan 1, 2022, at 1:12 PM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk  



The starting price is expensive, but probably not utterly unreasonable,
given that:

- the 780 was the first VAX, and thus historically important

- 780's are incredibly rare; this is the first one I recall seeing for sale
  in the classic computer era (versus several -11/70's, /40s, etc)

- this one appears to be reasonably complete; no idea if all the key CPU
  boards are included, but it's things like the backplane, etc (all of which
  seem to be there) which would be completely impossible to find now - if any
  boards _are_ missing, there's at least the _hope_ that they can be located
  (780 boards seem to come by every so often on eBait), since people seem to
  keep boards, not realizing that without the other bits they are useless

Interesting, but the argument for why it's not tested is implausible which 
makes me very suspicious.  I suppose there might be a few American homes that  
have only 110 volt power, but I'm hard pressed to think of any I have ever 
seen, and that includes really old houses.


Possibly part of the same installation they have:

TU77: https://www.ebay.com/itm/275083502085 (The 11/780 is visible in the 
background of the first picture)
RM05: https://www.ebay.com/itm/284587865252
LA120: https://www.ebay.com/itm/275084461044

Prices seem on the high end but not totally unreasonable.  There don't seem to 
be any RM05 packs included with the drive.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Terminal Emulator

2021-10-01 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 10/1/2021 12:34 PM, Zane Healy wrote:

On Oct 1, 2021, at 9:36 AM,   wrote:

Zane wrote...
A few years ago, I looked at ZOC v7, and others.  I opted for SecureCRT, and 
use it on my Mac and my iPad.  Though the Mac version is well over $100.  It 
seems to have about the best DEC Terminal emulation I could find on the Mac, 
and it supports keyboard mapping.

Seconded on "SecureCRT". It is one of the few programs that I pay for a license 
for. I do believe it has the most complete/solid vt100 and other dec terms emulation I 
have ever seen. Most other term progs only support the basics of vt100 and a few more 
advanced options. I haven't found anything yet that securecrt doesn't implement and 
implement correctly as far as vt100 goes. I have never needed anything color-related 
though, that may or may not be as well done.

I paid for a windows license, but I believe I also get free access to linux and mac 
versions just for licensing the windows version. In addition, every time I have emailed 
them (Van Dyke) and said "hey, would be handy to have feature xxx", it has come 
out in the next version. The really do listen to customers for product 

It is the only term program I use, as it literally handles anything I've ever 
considered possibly wanting to do (including a pretty full featured scripting 
language). There is one exception - HP terminal emulation - specifically the 
ones with the 8 function labels at the bottom of the screen. For anything 
old-HP related, I use QCterm. Also free, and does a great job with all the 
funky HP terminal oddities 

SecureCRT for windows - software + 1 year of support = $99usd. I do the 3yr 
option instead which is $139usd. Of all the software products I have paid for, 
this one is probably the best value to me.


I do keep a VT420 on a DECserver next to my Mac, as sometimes it’s more 
convenient to have the proper LK401 keyboard.  My only complaint about 
SecureCRT would be its handling of Double-Width/Double-Height characters, but 
that’s not something you normally run into.

It would be nice if they’d add REGIS support. :-)

As long as you have active support, you get free upgrades.

It’s xterm emulation offers 256 colour.  VT100/VT102/VT220/VT320 emulation 
offers ANSI Colour, but I’ve never played with that.  Trying it just now, it 
gives me colours on a Linux system.  I don’t know that I have anything on VMS 
that would give colours.


I tried SecureCRT a couple of times, once for home use and once at work.  I 
didn't like it but I can't remember why.  ZOC has done everything I need.  
Between the Matias keyboard which has 19 F keys and the correct number of 
keypad keys (not PC layout) and the ZOC keyboard mapping I have pretty much a 
VT200 style keyboard on my Mac.

Em-Tec gives product support for life, basically. I've emailed the author and 
gotten responses and help immediately.  Once you buy a version you get updates 
until the next major version and if you buy late into the current version you 
often get the next version free.  That happened to me between V6 and V7.  V7 
went nearly 3 years before I had to upgrade by paying $29.99.

In 2018 V7.21 of ZOC scored 105 (97 regular + 8 extra credit) on the VTTEST 
suite for VT100/VT102 terminals. 

No REGIS graphics though.  It will do the VT line drawing character set. 

Double-width/double-height lines work  

I've not had it have a problem with any part of VT100/102/200 emulation that I 
can remember.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Terminal Emulator

2021-09-30 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

I've been using a terminal emulator called ZOC. It comes in Windows and Mac 
flavors (I use the Mac) It seems to fit most of your criteria.  I've been using 
it since V6 (current is V8) for connection to many different PDP-11's, VAXen, 
Alphas, RasPi, device serial ports on switches, routers and storage servers. 
Setup can be a bit confusing at first.  The app manages config files for 
keyboard types (yes, keyboards are configurable - somewhat) and connection 
types.  I ended up creating a generic standard config for VAXen, PDP, Alpha, 
etc and then saving a customized version for each individual system.  They all 
get linked together by the connection manager.

Product Page: https://www.emtec.com/zoc/index.html
Features:  https://www.emtec.com/zoc/features.html

It has a 30 day free trial with no limitations so you can try it and see.

On 9/30/2021 1:57 PM, Mike Katz via cctalk wrote:

I am looking for a good terminal emulator.  Not for connecting to older 
computers serially but to connect with my embedded designs.
Do any of you have any recommendations.

I've been using Realterm for years but it's not very good.

I used UCON, hyper term, terra term, telix (going way back) and a few I can't 
remember the name of.

Here are my needs:

1.  Runs under Windows 10 (linux optionally)

    Yes - Windows 7, 8 , 10 and probably 11 when it comes

2. Has user selectable baud rates (I use 500K baud frequently)

    Yes - Baud rates from 300 to 921600 (460800 is the closest to 500k)

3. Can use any Windows Com Port.

    Not sure as I don't use Windows but I imagine any COM port will work

4. Can send files as raw binary

    Yes - Raw Binary or as ASCII

5. Has X-modem built in (nice but optional)

    Yes - XModem, ZModem, YMode, Kermit, SCP, Sealink (?)

6. Has some kind of basic VT-100 support

    Yes - VT100 or VT200 plus other Non-DEC

7. Can display both ascii characters and binary data has hex numbers, 
preferably on alternate lines (hex above the ascii character like this:
        45 76 65 72 79
 E    V   E   R   Y

    No...  I don't see an option for this.  But I've never seen an emulator 
that does.  You have one?

8. Can send short manually entered strings in hex or ascii.

    Doesn't appear to be able to do this.  But it might be possible with a 
programmed macro (yes, it has a scripting language)

9. Can recognize protocols (based on start and/or end of text characters)

    Might be possible with the scripting language.

10. Costs less than $100

    Price is $79.99 US or €79 for a version license.  Currently V8. When V9 
comes then upgrade is $29.99 US or €29

11. Can Capture what comes in the port

    Yes - Multiple logging and screen capture options

12. Has local echo (when connected to systems that don't echo what you type)

    Yes - Part of terminal settings

13. Has a large scroll back buffer.

    Yes - user selectable to about as large as your computer can handle

14. Has programmable macro buttons or function keys.

    Yes - Optional Tool bar and user defined buttons

15. Can handle removal and insertion of the TTL to Serial USB converter without 

    I don't think I have tried.  There have been a couple times when it's hung 
up on me but that was possibly odd output from a bum serial port.

Thank you

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Setting up a VMS system

2021-09-23 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 9/23/2021 8:12 AM, Scott Quinn via cctalk wrote:

On Wed, 2021-09-22 at 12:00 -0500, cctalk-requ...@classiccmp.org wrote:

Currently the Hobbyist Program covers Alpha and Itanium.  We?ve been
told it will cover x86 at some point.  I for one can?t wait for x86,
as I don?t really want to add an Itanium to run some of the newer


Not even that... looked at the VSI stuff and it is only the newest
Alphas that are supported. 21064/21164 and, I believe, 21264 are not

The VSI SPD for OpenVMS V8.4-2L1 (the version given with the VSI Commumity License program) 
indicated DS10 and newer.  However, as often mentioned, there is a difference between 
"supported" and "works".  People in comp.os.vms have installed the VSI releases 
on Alphastation 255's Alphaserver 800/1200 and other EV4 and EV5 Alphas.  VSI won't mark them as 
supported probably because they don't have any such systems to test on or just don't want to bother 
testing on such systems.

If you have somehow gotten a copy of VSI OpenVMS V8.4-2L2 then it was 
specifically built to support EV6 and newer Alphas.  It will NOT work on older 
systems such as the AlphaServer 800/1200/4100 and AlphaStation 255 series.

supported by any release licensed by VSI, and they changed the PRODUCER
key so you can't use those PAKs on DEC/CPQ/HP variants of VMS.

Part of their licensing agreement with HPE which prohibits them from 
selling/licensing any previous version of OpenVMS that they haven't worked on.

HP stopped issuing new hobbyist PAKs back very early in 2020. I put in
for a renew March or so and never got it. They were so disinterested in
the program that they didn't mention stopping it, so I guess it isn't
surprising that the page is still up.

If it's a VAX PAK you need, contact me and I can send you a copy of the last 
VAX OpenVMS Hobbyist PAK sent out.  Note that it expires on 1-JAN-2022 so it's 
good only for a few more months.

Isn't VMS DCL pretty close to RSX? Never used RSX, but that is what I
was always told. Anyway, good system, pretty solid, expect to do a LOT
of typing for commands if you're used to UNIX, and don't put any VAX
with a public DCL account on the Internet because there is a huge
security hole in DCL that was never fixed for VAX.


John H. Reinhardt

Re: Setting up a VMS system

2021-09-23 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 9/22/2021 7:21 AM, Philip Pemberton via cctalk wrote:

Hopefully a few of the DEC/VMS fans here might be able to help!

I'm on a bit of a quest. I've been given some old VAX/VMS software -- a cross 
compiler and some source code -- that I'd like to get running. My goal is to 
get the source code building and experiment with the compiler a bit.

Problem is that I've never used VMS before, and don't have a clue how to 
install or use it.

Can any point me to an idiot's guide to VMS, how to set it up and make it 
possible to send files to it from my Linux box?

I'm thinking of using SIMH, unless there's a better emulator available.

That is pretty much it for VAX emulation.  Going with the V4 release stream 
gives you a number of options, but they are all basically the same.

I'm still waiting on a reply from HP with a hobbyist licence PAK (I've filled 
out the form), but I figure I can get started on the learning while I wait.

That will be a long wait.  HPE stopped responding to OpenVMS Hobbyist requests 
around May 2020.  If you email me I can send you a copy of the last set of VAX 
OpenVMS PAKs that were sent out.  They are generic, as opposed to what they 
used to send out which had authorization # tailored to each requestor.  These 
are good only for a few more months s they expire on 1-Jan-2022.  As they were 
generic and the last Hobbyist PAKS that HPE was going to send out we got 
unofficial (from Hari, the HPE employee in India that ran the Hobbyist program) 
permission to give them to anyone that asked.

You don't say how old the software is that you want to run.  If it's VAX/VMS V4 
vintage then you gan get away without the PAKS as that is pre-LMF and PAK 
usage. But then again, V4.7 era is somewhat harder to install and set up than a 
V7.3 (the last VAX version)


John H. Reinhardt


2021-05-22 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 5/22/2021 10:29 AM, Zane Healy wrote:

On May 21, 2021, at 5:15 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk 

On 5/21/2021 3:41 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:

Does anyone have experience using a SCSI2SD board to replace a Hard Drive on a 
VAXstation or an AlphaStation?  I’m thinking about using them on some of my 
systems to reduce the amount of noise.  I’ve gotten used to a quiet office. :-)


I've got a SCSI2SD V5 in my MicroVAX 3100 M95. It sits on the SCSI bus along 
with the CDrom drive and a couple of 18GB Compaq/Seagate drives.  I've also got 
a SCSI2SD V6 in each of my two AlphaSever DS10 systems.  I had a few issues 
with the MV and an earlier version of the V5 firmware, but the last few 
versions have been no trouble at all.

In the MV3100 I mounted the SCSI2SD on a 3.5" 3-D printed mount which is mounted on a 
3.5" to 5.25" mount and it's mounted in the front opening next to the CDROM drive.

In the DS10's the 3.5" 3-D printed mount is put in the floppy opening.

This is definitely good info John, how is the SCSI2SD performance on the 
DS10’s?  I’m pondering using either an AlphaStation 200 4/233 or a AlphaStation 
500/333 as a workstation, rather than my DEC PWS 433a or my Compaq XP1000/667, 
simply due to power usage, and heat generation.

I just placed an order for the initial 4 V5.2 boards I’ll need.  Once they have 
V6 boards back in stock, I’ll need to order a couple of those as well.  These 
should definitely help reduce heat, noise, and power consumption.



  They perform adequately.  They are no speed demons for sure since they're basically a SCSI-2 
(there is a SCSI-2 Mode enable option) disk.  They go about as fast as most drives with a 50-pin 
interface do. It's been a while since I configured them but I'm sure I have them set to the fastest 
speed.  The SCSI2SD utility for V6 has a dropdown box with speed choices and mine are either set to 
"Synch, 10MB/s" or to "No Limit (safe)".

  Truthfully though I haven't used them in a while in the DS10's since I did an 
experiment with a P410 SmartArray card with two 256GB Samsung SSD's and it 
worked (and is still working).  The only downside to that is they have to be 
configured somewhere else since the Alpha MSA utility doesn't understand them.  
But once configured (both cards and SSD) then they work great.  The other 
downside is no boot support so I need to either boot from a normal SCSI drive 
or the SCSI2SD.  I've thought about the latter, but haven't tried it yet.  
Though I have booted from the SCSI2SD before.

  I'm pretty sure at some point I experimented with using HBVS between two 
SCSI2SD drives (partitions on the same SD since I only have one card in each 
system) and it worked.  But I can't find any notes so it might be something I 
intended to do but didn't.

 John H. Reinhardt


2021-05-21 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 5/21/2021 3:41 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:

Does anyone have experience using a SCSI2SD board to replace a Hard Drive on a 
VAXstation or an AlphaStation?  I’m thinking about using them on some of my 
systems to reduce the amount of noise.  I’ve gotten used to a quiet office. :-)


I've got a SCSI2SD V5 in my MicroVAX 3100 M95. It sits on the SCSI bus along 
with the CDrom drive and a couple of 18GB Compaq/Seagate drives.  I've also got 
a SCSI2SD V6 in each of my two AlphaSever DS10 systems.  I had a few issues 
with the MV and an earlier version of the V5 firmware, but the last few 
versions have been no trouble at all.

In the MV3100 I mounted the SCSI2SD on a 3.5" 3-D printed mount which is mounted on a 
3.5" to 5.25" mount and it's mounted in the front opening next to the CDROM drive.

In the DS10's the 3.5" 3-D printed mount is put in the floppy opening.

John H. Reinhardt
  PRRT  #8909
  C HS  #11530
  N-Trak   #7566

Re: Looking for VAXSET Software Engineering Tools for VMS 4.x

2021-04-17 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 4/17/2021 2:15 AM, Mark J. Blair via cctalk wrote:

On Apr 16, 2021, at 11:38 AM, Malte Dehling via cctalk  

Whether VAXSET is on there or not, I would be very interested in ISOs of
both of these either way!

If Antonio does not mind sharing them a bit more widely, I would also like to 
have ISOs of them. I'm interested in running earlier VMS versions on my 11/730.

I too would be interested if it is possible to get disk images of these two CDs.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: DEC H8575-A DB25 to MMJ

2021-04-14 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 4/1/2021 7:54 PM, Glen Slick via cctalk wrote:

If you want to make up a large number of MMJ cables using some
original DECconnect cable, here is a listing of a 1000ft spool of
original DEC H8240 cable. Some people have bought some of those spools
and reported that they are original DECconnect branded cable:

I can now verify that this is indeed DEC cable.  Boxed and labelled externally 
and internally:

QTY:1    DATE 5191

Between this and a generic 6-wire silver satin spool (which I also use for 
model railroading uses), I should be set for life.


John H. Reinhardt

Re: DEC H8575-A DB25 to MMJ

2021-04-08 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 4/7/2021 10:37 PM, Ron Pool via cctalk wrote:

I found some more DEC MMJ crimpers that look pretty decent out there on eBay, 
but they're not well labelled.

 $15 plus shipping new (2 avail) MMJ die for ideal crimp frame 30-506.

There are new and used Ideal 30-506 frames on eBay for reasonable prices.  Search for 
"Ideal 30-506".

 $55 plus shipping used kit (2 avail) including above die, other dies, and 
30-506 crimp frame plus cable cutter and stripper.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/IDEAL-TWISTED-PAIR-KIT-45-074/301901645725 $55 free 
ship in US used Ideal kit (without case) similar to above including DEC MMJ and 
other dies and tools, but of a different vintage

And it could be worth searching for Crimpmaster instead of Ideal.  There are 
lots of used Ideal Crimpmaster frames with dies, but not all of them include 
Ideal in the description.  Maybe some of them are DEC RJ-11 MMJ.

 -- Ron Pool

The Ideal Crimpmaster tool looks a lot like the Paladin / Greenlee / Tempo 
tool.  It may be that the Ideal dies will fit.

A search of the Ideal site finds no mention of the 30-558 RJ11 MJ crimp die 
though so perhaps it's out of production there as well. If you find one and 
want it, get it as who knows if they will be available again.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: DEC H8575-A DB25 to MMJ

2021-04-07 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 4/7/2021 10:43 AM, Glen Slick via cctalk wrote:

On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 9:53 AM Jonathan Stone  wrote:

  Google Shopping shows the PA2067 MMJ die available at 3 online stores. 
Digi-Key lists it too.

What are the pros and cons of the die and a PA8000 CrimpALL, versus the IEC 
tool ( https://iec.net/product/modular-crimp-tool-for-rj11-dec-mmj-connectors/) 
? If one either already has an RJ45 crimp tool; or doesn't have any crimping 
tool at all?

I can't answer the question about how the Paladin / Greenlee / Tempo
Communications PA8000 CrimpALL + PA2067 MMJ die compares to other
crimping tools. I don't have any first hand comparison knowledge.

I have two of the Paladin Crimpall handles.  I keep a DEC MMJ die (PA2067) in 
one and the other gets swapped with RJ45 and RJ11/12 as needed.  They work well 
and the ratchet handle allows a good amount of crimp pressure.

As far as availability of the PA2067 dies, Mouser and DigiKey say
Obsolete and none in stock. The PA8035 (PA8000 with PA2067) that I
have I bought from Online Components. They now show none in stock for
both the PA8035 and PA2067.

While there might be some of these floating around in inventory
somewhere, I'm skeptical that most that show up in search results for
online stores are actually available. Most likely if an order was
placed it would be canceled after a few days when the seller realizes
they have none in stock and they can no longer order any from the

There are lots of sources for the crimper handles.  Look for the PA1300 and PA8000 as 
typical examples.  But the dies are fading.  As Glen mentions, the hits you get for the 
PA2067 from Google are all false hits.  The most promising one I found was Gordon 
Electronics, but I confirmed with a phone call this morning that it is a non-stock item 
that they have to order from the factory - so no go there.  I have looked at the GreenLee 
and Tempo web sites and there is very little mentioned.  Tempo has a "Discontinued 
Items" section and you will find the crimper handles and dies listed. I don't know 
when they went out of production.  My assumption is that Paladin was bought by Greenlee 
and then sold to Tempo as it seems Tempo is the most recent source.  In any case, the DEC 
MMJ die is virtually extinct in the wild and the others seem to be going away also.

I've ordered the IEC crimper to see what it's like and to have a backup in case 
something happens to my Paladin.  Hopefully, it is a good tool and IEC keeps it 
in production as it seems to be the only source now.


John H. Reinhardt

Re: DEC H8575-A DB25 to MMJ

2021-03-31 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/31/2021 1:37 AM, idinc--- via cctalk wrote:

hello all

i am looking to purchase qty 2 DEC H8575-A DB25 to MMJ adapters.

Stonewall Cables has been a supplier for a long time. Before getting a crimper 
I bought lots of cables from them.


And DEC cables/connectors in general:


Pacific Cable - I have no experience with them:

There are a few actual H8575-A available on EBay

anybody have some that they can sell?

also need a couple of mmj to mmj cables, 10' or longer would work.

DEC MMJ plugs are available from:

Cables.Com: https://www.cables.com/dec-mmj-6p6c-modular-plug.html
Pacific Cables: http://www.pacificcable.com/Picture_Page.asp?DataName=MMJ

A DEC MMJ Crimp tool is available from:

IEC: https://iec.net/product/modular-crimp-tool-for-rj11-dec-mmj-connectors/

If you can find them there is a Paladin crimper that you can get a DEC MMJ die. 
 I have one of those, it works sell, but is apparently discontinued.

Cables are available from:

Stonewall Cables has been a supplier for a long time. Before getting a crimper 
I bought lots of cables from them.

Cable Depot:  http://www.cabledepot.com/05MCPhoneMMJ.html
Pacific Cables: 



timothy rutherford


John H. Reinhardt

Re: VCF Swap Meet in Wall, NJ

2021-03-19 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/19/2021 8:57 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:

On Fri, 19 Mar 2021, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote:

What about giant squid?  You dont think it can happen to you and then...

There will always be SOMETHING.

I read on the interwebs that Lee Harvey Oswald was hired by JFK to distract the 
press to avoid coverage of the Staten Island Ferry giant squid attack. 

But, there have been no verified accounts of giant squid attacks in Wall, NJ.

See?  It worked!

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Vax/pdp on ebay

2021-03-07 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/7/2021 1:56 PM, Glen Slick via cctalk wrote:

On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 11:25 PM Wayne S via cctalk

Is anyone from this list bidding on this.
If so i’ll back out. Just don’t want it to be “recycled “ and i have room for 


Sold for $4,900. Looks like a couple of low score bidders got in a
bidding war and really wanted to win.

Nice bit of kit to jumpstart a QBus VAX / PDP collection, but that
price seems just a tad bit too much...

At least I doubt it will be getting recycled anytime soon.

I was watching the auction because I thought I might bid.  Silly me. :-) With 
15 minutes to go, it was $595.  At 10 minutes it was up around $1200.  The last 
2 minutes were something to watch as the price jumped to $2000, then $2400, 
$2700, $3700 and higher.  The last 15 seconds saw the price soar through the 
$4000's and nearly make it to $5000.  By then, I was hoping to see it that 
$5000 mark but it fell just short.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Vax/pdp on ebay

2021-03-05 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

I need one for an 11/83 (if I can get my CPU board to run). It's on my "to do" 
list to try to 3-D model one for FMD or resin printing.

John H. Reinhardt

On 3/5/2021 10:51 AM, Nigel Johnson via cctalk wrote:

Speaking of badges, I have a BA23 that doesn't have one. It was an 11/73
but that badge is gone, and I am trying to repair an 11/93 to go in there.

Does anybody have a spare 11/73 badge for the BA23 that could be used as
a model for a printed version that says 11/93?  I don't believe there
ever was one for the BA23 chassis!  I have a BA123 micro VAX II badge
going spare if anybody needs it, or to swap for an 11/73!



Amateur Radio, the origin of the open-source concept!
Skype:  TILBURY2591 nw.john...@ieee.org

On 2021-03-05 11:46 a.m., Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:

On Mar 4, 2021, at 1:55 PM, Wayne S via cctalk  wrote:

Is anyone from this list bidding on this.
If so i’ll back out. Just don’t want it to be “recycled “ and i have room for 


I’m relieved it’s not closer to me, or I’d be sorely tempted to go for that.  
That’s a seriously nice pile of gear.  Especially as they have the right badges 
on the pedestals.  I’m more interested in downsizing than adding more, but 
that’s exactly the sort of thing that would tempt me.


Re: Vax/pdp on ebay

2021-03-05 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/5/2021 3:03 AM, Ed C. via cctalk wrote:

Not me, but please ping me if you do and would like to part one of the
11/73. Regards.

On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 8:25 AM Wayne S via cctalk 

Is anyone from this list bidding on this.
If so i’ll back out. Just don’t want it to be “recycled “ and i have room
for it.


Sent from my iPhone

That's a nice collection of DEC kit. The PDP-11/73 pedestal would be nice.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: digital group's Richard Bemis

2021-03-05 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/5/2021 8:30 AM, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:

On Thu, 4 Mar 2021 at 05:23, Brad H via cctalk  wrote:

Hi there,

I am working on a 30 minute historical video about the digital group.

[Spelling out my thought process]

"the digital group" -- so he means Digital Equipment Corporation.
Never heard them called a "group" but fine.

when dg was still operational

"dg"? Huh? He means DG? Data General?

Well which _do_ you mean?

Digital meant Digital Equipment Corporation meant DEC.

DG meant Data General.

Neither was anything "group".

I don't know who you mean...

No, he means "The Digital Group". It was a microcomputer company in the 
1975-1979 time frame.



John H. Reinhardt

Re: Massbus - was: Re: VAX 11/750

2021-02-26 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 2/26/2021 8:40 AM, Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk wrote:

Toby Thain wrote:

Rich Alderson wrote:

You could ask our friends Keith Perez (Massbus Disk Emulator v1) and
Bruce Sherry (MDE v2) about it, or even ask me.  ...  produced, and
we had to do something.  My brilliant friend Keith sat down with a
logic analyzer and an RP06 attached to a KL-10, and proceeded to
spend the next two years (when not called on for other projects)
creating a disk emulator. ...

Later, Bruce came on board as the museum was ramping up, and redid
the design in a Xilinx chip with VHDL. ...

Are the above projects published?

See here:


Also here is Rich's announcement on DEC-10 day of 2017

Happy DEC-10 Day!

It is my honor to announce that we at Living Computers: Museum + Labs
are releasing to the computing community our Massbus Disk Emulator
and all the associated software.  This device connects via Massbus
cables to the RH10 and RH20 interfaces on KI-10 and KL-10 systems, to
the RH11 interface on KS-10 and small PDP-11 systems (including the
front end 11/40 on the KL-10), and to the RH70 on the PDP-11/70.  The
MDE provides up to 8 emulated RP06 or RP07 disks (represented by disk
files in the format used by the SimH emulation of these systems).

We expect that it will also work with the RH780 on the VAX-11/780 and
VAX-11/785 although we have not yet tested it in this configuration.

The original MDE was designed by Keith Perez in 2005, and emulated up
to four RP06 drives connected to a KL-10.  The current generation was
a redesign by Bruce Sherry in conjunction with the restoration of our
DECsystem-1070 in 2012, and initially provided eight RP06 drives on
the RH10.  It has undergone continual development, with associated
software created for us by Bob Armstrong, and is now being opened up
for the use of the relevant communities.

To this end, we have placed the design files for the hardware and the
source files for the software to interface with it, along with our
library of Universal Peripheral Emulator routines, on public access
repositories at Github.  The URLs for these repositories are




These are released under a very liberal license which will allow for
free use of the MDE by any interested party.

Happy Dec-10 Day!


Richard Alderson, Sr. Systems Engineer
Living Computers: Museum + Labs
2245 1st Avenue S
Seattle, WA 98134

Cell: (206) 465-2916
Desk: (206) 342-2239


John H. Reinhardt

Re: PDP-8 memory card on eBay?

2020-12-30 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 12/30/2020 5:36 AM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

On 12/30/20 3:19 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:

Anyone recognize this card:


I looked, and it doesn't seem to be any of those for a PDP-11. However, I
see the DRAM array is 12x4 chips, which makes me think it might be for a


it's a 32k 8a memory board

If it helps, when you zoom in on the red card it says MS8-CA.  Looks like the 
listing has ended but no buyer.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: DEC PDP-8/E wanted

2020-11-20 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 11/20/2020 8:01 AM, Tom Hunter via cctalk wrote:

I know it is the year 2020 but nevertheless what are my chances of finding
a complete and repairable DEC PDP-8/E or as a second choice a PDP-8/I ?

Is there any hope or should I be just content with my SIMH based PiDP-8/I?

Tom Hunter

Funny you should mention...

There is a guy in Endicott, NY with a PDP-8/E possibly looking for a new home.  
Posted a couple days ago on the VCF DEC Forum

Circumstances require selling off some or all the DECs [ will still have some 
DGs to play with ].
One can often get a general idea of value based on prior open market (like 
eBay) sales but not
enough comparables out there, so would like to get a ball-park idea.

Prefer to see them stay within VCF but because of the amount previously invested I'm not 
able to "give it away"
at hobby prices as I would like in an ideal world. Everything is good shape and 
complete, but not booted up since dry long term storage. May sell some or all 
of it but will try here before eBay. Here's a quick overview, informed and 
straightforward feedback much appreciated.

> Complete PDP-8/E, 8k core, full flip chip/board set (have list), good 
condition, long dry storage.
> Complete PDP-11/05, 8k core, full flip chip/board set (have list) good 
condition, long dry storage.
> DECScope VT-52, good condition nothing missing or damaged from long term 
> RX-01 dual floppy drive, good condition nothing missing or damaged, from long 

thanks for your help.
Roger in NY 

Be aware people are telling him his system is probably worth about $1000.  I 
have seen other 8's go for more on Ebay but I don't recall which model.


John H. Reinhardt

Re: 11/84 print set

2020-10-19 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 10/19/2020 10:33 AM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

On 10/19/20 8:31 AM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:

The listing says sold already.  Did you get it?

yes, I went ahead and got it even though I can't afford to
paypal is my normal aek@bitsavers adr

Good deal!  I just sent a Paypal.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: 11/84 print set

2020-10-19 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 10/19/2020 10:27 AM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

anyone willing to chip in some money to help me pay for this?

The listing says sold already.  Did you get it?

I don't have a PDP-11/84 and likely never will but I'd chip in $50 if you got 

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Diskless VMS install

2020-08-25 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/25/2020 4:42 PM, Glen Slick via cctalk wrote:

On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 11:50 AM John Klos via cctalk


I have a VAXstation 4000/60 with an internal disk but no CD drive. I'd
like to install VMS (7.3), but I'm new to VMS.

I have a SIMH VAX instance running on the same LAN with VMS installed
(mounting the VMS images is easy, of course). Can anyone point me to a
HOW-TO which explains how to use one VMS system to MOP / netboot another
system to install VMS?

As far as I can remember the standard VMS installation over the
network mechanism assumes you are booting from and installing from an
InfoServer, not another system running VMS. Although for Alpha VMS

There is probably already an How-To out there somewhere on setting up
and using a SIMH InfoServer. I'll have to take a look around and see
what I can find. Or also spend some time seeing what it takes to get a
SIMH InfoServer set up again myself and make some notes along the way.

From the guy that wrote the Infoserver stuff for SimH

  "InfoServer Software on Simh"

InfoServer software: 


Booting from InfoServer:  OpenVMS VAX V7.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual 

 Sec 3.1.2 - Booting from Infoserver 

A quick Google search didn't find any How to on using an Infoserver but the 
pieces are there in the V7.3 Install manual.  Matt Burke's page on setting up 
the Infoserver software in Simh worked for me a few months ago.  If you have 
questions on anything that' snot clear, then ask.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: 1U VAX, was: Re: Computer stores

2020-08-25 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/25/2020 3:00 PM, David Brownlee via cctalk wrote:

On Tue, 25 Aug 2020 at 19:46, John Klos via cctalk

I was going to comment that the only way I could see a 1U VAX was if
someone rack mounted a 4000/VLC.  Is that the stock VLC power supply?
My cluster doesn?t even have that much space.

What do you use to go from SATA to SCSI (SCSI-1 even)?

It's a standard 1U power supply with a custom adapter. You can see it
better here:


I use a SATA to IDE adapter, then an IDE to UW-SCSI adapter, then an
UW-SCSI cable and terminator, then finally a 68 to 50 pin adapter.

The previous drive was a Samsung SSD, but I think that constant, non-stop
swap use wore it out. This was the smallest new spinning rust drive I
could find.

SCSI2SD would work for a while, but, again, swap usage would wear out an
SD card in no time, I'm sure.

Wow, I'm surprised the VLC could generate enough traffic to wear out
an SSD - compared to a modern box running heavy compiles and suchlike.

Very cool box :)

Thinking about SCSI devices for my collection of older boxes - I
wonder if rascsi set to use the pi's RAM rather than an SD card to
provide a swap device would work out.
Actually, could be interesting to run a modern *nix box with the right
type of scsi adapter in target mode and have it "export" devices and
or ramdrives to older boxes...


Make sure you use a higher quality SD card.  Something labeled "High Endurance" or 
"Industrial".  They have internal wear leveling firmware to spread the writes/erases out 
over the memory array and help keep it from getting any hot spots that wear out quickly.  It won't 
last forever but it will help it last longer.

Examples: High Endurance: 


It may seem wasteful, but if planning on long life for an SD card that is the 
O/S drive then get something big and only use a portion of it so that the wear 
leveling can work with more.  So if you want a 16GB disk, then get a 32GB or 
even 64GB SD card and use SCSI2SD's internal partitioning to only use 1/2 or 
1/4 of the full drive.

That's my theory anyway.  I'll let you know in a year or three if it worked. I 
have SCSI2SD in two AlphaServer DS10's, a MicroVAX 3100 and a PDP-11.  I also 
use the same theory in a couple Raspberry Pi's.  The Pi's use log2ram for the 
/var/log files to help also. They don't actually swap much.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: DEC Server 300

2020-08-10 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/10/2020 12:24 PM, Douglas Taylor via cctalk wrote:

I'm interested in getting one of these, but browsing the manuals it appears 
there is software that is installed on the VAX to use them with VMS.

Not necessarily a VAX, but on something that either has DECnet or MOP.  Most, 
but not all DECservers download it's OS from the network. So you need something 
on the the local network with the correct file to load when the DECserver boots 
and makes the request.

Is the software required to attach terminals and login to various Vax's? Or is 
it for management of the Dec Server 300?

It's the DECserver's OS so yes to both.

If the software is required, where do I find it?  Is it in the hobbyist 
distribution?  Is there a VAX and ALPHA version?

If you have access to any of the VMS software distribution CD's it on there. For the DS300 
it would be in the DS3C022 directory on the appropriate CD.  According to Wikipedia you 
need the SH1601ENG.SYS file Online images of 
the CD are available several places online.  www.archive.org has some, VAXHaven as several 


For downloading the file into the DECserver you need an OpenVMS system with DECnet 
and that kit you get from the distribution CD will tell you how to install.  Or you 
can follow this instruction to set up downloading from a Linux system 

A DECserver 300 installation manual 

Some of the software was available on one of the VMS Freeware CDs.  I don't 
remember which one though and it's not in my notes.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: RSTS Professional scans

2020-08-06 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/6/2020 2:04 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:

On 8/6/2020 1:13 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

almost finished with this


I'd like to gap-fill the rare RSTS Professional issues if anyone still has 
them. They are staple-bound so they can be scanned without removing a binding.

There are a good number of the archived on Brett Bump's RSTS.ORG site.


It says 21 of 35 scanned and in process but it's been in process for a number 
of years. Brett might be on other projects.  I know he's here occasionally.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: RSTS Professional scans

2020-08-06 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/6/2020 1:13 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

almost finished with this


I'd like to gap-fill the rare RSTS Professional issues if anyone still has 
them. They are staple-bound so they can be scanned without removing a binding.

There are a good number of the archived on Brett Bump's RSTS.ORG site.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: OpenVMS Community License

2020-07-28 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 7/28/2020 1:11 PM, Camiel Vanderhoeven wrote:

On Jul 28, 2020, at 7:47 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org>> wrote:
The question that will be answered when someone gets the VSI CLP PAKs is will 
those PAKS work on an older version of OpenVMS?  The Hobbyist PAKs produced by 
Compaq and HP have always worked on current and older versions.  Is there 
something in the License Manager code that could limit it? The Hobbyist PAKS I 
have been getting for years all list DEC as the Producer even through the 
Compaq and HP years.  I suppose VSI could have engineered OpenVMS and/or the 
PAKS with VSI as the Producer which would probably limit them to working on VSI 
versions of OpenVMS.

No need to wait for that; I can answer that question right away; VSI's been 
selling licenses for a while now. Yes, they have a different PRODUCER, so they 
will not work with older (non-VSI) versions.

That's pretty much what I expected.  This also means that anyone wanting to run 
OpenVMS AXP V1.x, 6.x, 7.x and 8.3 or 8.4 is dead in the water after Dec 31st 
2020.  Not sure why you would want to, but I'd wager there is always someone 
that would.

It also means that HPe *could* issue non-expiring PAKS with the DEC producer 
which would not impinge on VSI's ability to create AXP, IA64 PAKS for profit.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: OpenVMS Community License

2020-07-28 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 7/28/2020 11:20 AM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:

On 7/28/20 12:01 PM, Zane Healy wrote:

On Jul 28, 2020, at 7:31 AM, Michael Kerpan via cctalk  

This leaves those of us using VAX emulation high and dry, still. HP was
unwilling to let VSE offer VAX licenses. Are there any good free/cheap
Alpha emulations that are at least as functional as SIMH is for VAX stuff?
That may be the way forward, at least until the x86 version ships. Do any
of these newer things still run VAX binaries? There's a bunch of old games
like old-school VMS Moria and BOSS (a science fiction game in the
Rogue/Moria tradition) that I'd like to me able to keep playing.


Games are among the things that often don’t work on the Alpha. I’m most 
familiar with trying to get DND running on Alpha.  You can always try to VEST 
the VAX binaries (that didn’t work with DND).  I have other software that 
requires VAX.

Unless my memory is failing, this is also a problem for DECnet routing, isn’t 
that VAX only?

That's what has always been said.  But I thought I read somewhere (maybe 
HECnet) that the Alpha/Integrity version could do some routing also.  I may 
have misunderstood.

I just applied for licenses, I’m curious to see what software is included, and 
if it opens up a newer version of OpenVMS/Alpha than HP was offering.  I’m also 
wondering if these licenses will work with older versions of OpenVMS (required 
for older Alpha’s).

I can answer this one.

Any license issued by VSI will be for a VSI version of VMS, therefore,
newer than anything from HPe.

VSI can not issue licenses for any HPe vresion of VMS so, no, these
licenses will not work for older versions of VMS.

The question that will be answered when someone gets the VSI CLP PAKs is will 
those PAKS work on an older version of OpenVMS?  The Hobbyist PAKs produced by 
Compaq and HP have always worked on current and older versions.  Is there 
something in the License Manager code that could limit it? The Hobbyist PAKS I 
have been getting for years all list DEC as the Producer even through the 
Compaq and HP years.  I suppose VSI could have engineered OpenVMS and/or the 
PAKS with VSI as the Producer which would probably limit them to working on VSI 
versions of OpenVMS.


John H. Reinhardt

Re: SCSI2SD & Amiga's

2020-07-07 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 7/7/2020 2:57 PM, Zane Healy wrote:

On Jul 7, 2020, at 12:24 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk 

On 7/7/2020 1:02 PM, Ethan O'Toole via cctalk wrote:

I run a SCSI2SD on my A2500 with whatever SCSI card it has by default. The only 
issue that I have is the SCSI2SD boots slower than the Amiga, so when I power 
on the Amiga I have to wait a few seconds then do the A+A+Control reboot three 
finger salute (or whatever it is.) Before it's ready the Amiga just sits at a 
white screen forever, but after a reboot the SCSI2SD is ready and it boots fine.

What version of the SCSD2SD V5 do you have?  The V5.1 was reworked to boot faster (so 
claims the site here 
 ) and the V6 boots even faster I believe.

I was wondering about this myself.

It would be nice if the SCSI2SD was mounted on a expansion cover plate though, 
with the LEDs visible and the SD card accessible externally.

That's how I them mounted in my MicroVAX 3100 and AlphaServer DS10.  On the Alphaserver I bought 
the 3.5" bracket and replaced the floppy disk with it.  On the MicroVAX I used the same 
3.5" bracket and mounted it in a 5.25" to 3.5" bracket with a homemade baseplate.

SCSI2SD mounting bracket: 

Is Inertial Computing a good place to buy from?  I was looking at their 
website.  It looks like the latest v6 might be the way to go for Amiga, VAX, 
and Alpha.  With v5.1 making more sense for my PDP-11/73, due to cost, it’s not 
like I’m going to get 10MB/sec on a Q-Bus backplane. :-)


They are.  I bought from them just a month and a half ago - the replacement for the 
"Drilled" board plus another for my PDP-11/xx (53/73/83 depending on which CPU 
board I feel like using) and it was delivered in 3 days despite shipping from CA to TX in 
these COVID limited days.

I haven't tested but you're probably right in that a V5.1 is probably good for 

John H. Reinhardt

Re: SCSI2SD & Amiga's

2020-07-07 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 7/7/2020 2:24 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:

On 7/7/2020 1:02 PM, Ethan O'Toole via cctalk wrote:

Am I correct that a v5.1 SCSI2SD should work just fine?  Anything I need to be 
aware of?

I run a SCSI2SD on my A2500 with whatever SCSI card it has by default. The only 
issue that I have is the SCSI2SD boots slower than the Amiga, so when I power 
on the Amiga I have to wait a few seconds then do the A+A+Control reboot three 
finger salute (or whatever it is.) Before it's ready the Amiga just sits at a 
white screen forever, but after a reboot the SCSI2SD is ready and it boots fine.

What version of the SCSD2SD V5 do you have?  The V5.1 was reworked to boot faster (so 
claims the site here 
 ) and the V6 boots even faster I believe.

Extra FRIGGIN awesome is I can pull the SD card out, shove it in a Win10 laptop 
and boot the same OS on WinUAE... copy stuff on, pull SD card out stuff it back 
in the physical system and go.

It would be nice if the SCSI2SD was mounted on a expansion cover plate though, 
with the LEDs visible and the SD card accessible externally.

That's how I them mounted in my MicroVAX 3100 and AlphaServer DS10.  On the Alphaserver I bought 
the 3.5" bracket and replaced the floppy disk with it.  On the MicroVAX I used the same 
3.5" bracket and mounted it in a 5.25" to 3.5" bracket with a homemade baseplate.

SCSI2SD mounting bracket: 

StarTech 3.5" to 5.35" mount <https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000HLZXH2>

 -- : Ethan O'Toole

Oh, I drilled a hole (1/4") through the SCSI2SD mounting bracket and mounted a 
LED wired to the holes on the PC board. Pro tip: Remove the SCSI2SD card from the 
bracket before drilling so that when the drill breaks though it doesn't zip in and 
chew off a couple of the SMD resistors and capacitors... Don't ask me how I know. :-P

John H. Reinhardt

Re: SCSI2SD & Amiga's

2020-07-07 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 7/7/2020 1:02 PM, Ethan O'Toole via cctalk wrote:

Am I correct that a v5.1 SCSI2SD should work just fine?  Anything I need to be 
aware of?

I run a SCSI2SD on my A2500 with whatever SCSI card it has by default. The only 
issue that I have is the SCSI2SD boots slower than the Amiga, so when I power 
on the Amiga I have to wait a few seconds then do the A+A+Control reboot three 
finger salute (or whatever it is.) Before it's ready the Amiga just sits at a 
white screen forever, but after a reboot the SCSI2SD is ready and it boots fine.

What version of the SCSD2SD V5 do you have?  The V5.1 was reworked to boot faster (so 
claims the site here 

 ) and the V6 boots even faster I believe.

Extra FRIGGIN awesome is I can pull the SD card out, shove it in a Win10 laptop 
and boot the same OS on WinUAE... copy stuff on, pull SD card out stuff it back 
in the physical system and go.

It would be nice if the SCSI2SD was mounted on a expansion cover plate though, 
with the LEDs visible and the SD card accessible externally.

That's how I them mounted in my MicroVAX 3100 and AlphaServer DS10.  On the Alphaserver I bought 
the 3.5" bracket and replaced the floppy disk with it.  On the MicroVAX I used the same 
3.5" bracket and mounted it in a 5.25" to 3.5" bracket with a homemade baseplate.

SCSI2SD mounting bracket: 

StarTech 3.5" to 5.35" mount 

 -- : Ethan O'Toole

John H. Reinhardt

Re: RSTS/E has just had its 50th Birthday...

2020-06-28 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 6/28/2020 6:16 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:

I don't remember if any of the material in bits/pdp11/rsts on Bitsavers is 
RSTS-11. There is the material from PDP-10 tapes that was discussed here in the 
past year, which I identified as very early RSTS sources. I don't know yet if 
they are complete enough to run, that would be an interesting experiment.
FWIW, there's a RSTS/E V10.1 source master copy (including DECnet/E and build 
control files) among the Bitsavers materials.

Has anyone ever posted any of the V6 or V7 sources?  I see the V8 and V10.1 
sources on Bitsavers.


John H. Reinhardt
  PRRT  #8909
  C HS  #11530
  N-Trak   #7566

Re: BYTE Magazines

2020-06-03 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 6/3/2020 2:30 PM, Will Cooke via cctalk wrote:

On June 3, 2020 at 2:22 PM John Herron via cctalk  wrote:

I'm not quickly finding it but weren't there some magazines missing or hasit 
been decided all are scanned and it usable quality? I see one 
listhttps://vintageapple.org/byte/ and archive.org also has a collection 
butthey weren't in order in my browser.

The ones at vintageapple.org are almost complete.  Some of the scans are bad 
last time I checked (such as Oct 86 I think.) But that has almost all of them.


Apparently they are complete.

*2/11/19*: Last 8 issues of Byte Magazine added; the Byte archive is now complete. 
Many thanks to The National Museum of Computing in Canada for providing 4 of the 
mising issues. (Please consider donating to them 
 to support computer history.)

Lots of good Mac stuff there I didn't know about.  Looks like I can offload my 
10 boxes of Mac System 6 and System 7 programming manuals and books to someone 
that wants hardcopy.  Everything I have is in PDF on that site now.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: MSV11-R doc needed

2020-05-06 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

Hmmm.  Smoke???

John H. Reinhardt

On 5/6/2020 3:30 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:

Never heard of it, but if you want me to try plugging it into my BA23 let me 
know. What's the worst that could happen :-)


On 5/6/2020 4:23 PM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:

Hi, I'm looking for documentation on the MSV11-R; there's next to nothing
online. (An -11/84 manual gives config, but that's all I cam find.) There is
an 'MSV11-R User Guide' (EK-MSV1R-UG), but it's not online; I don't suppose
anyone out there has one?

I'm trying to confirm an online report that it's a PMI card; if so, I want to
put a warning on the CHWiki page for it, to warn people not to plug it into a
Q/Q backplane. (I have one, and did try it back when I first got it, but I
don't recall if I knew it might be a PMI card at the time! I'm too
lazy/low-energy to get my Q/CD machine running so I can plug it in and see if
it still works. :-)

Given the size of the card, and the amount of non-memory logic, compared to
the MSV11-M and MSV11-Q, I would tend to suspect it is a PMI card, but it
would be good to find some DEC docs to confirm it.


Re: Charles Lasner [Was: Re: LINC-8]

2020-04-27 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 4/27/2020 9:58 AM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:

NL7776 /SETUP -2


Ok, that made me laugh.


I never had any exchanges with Charles, well, none of significance, but he 
could be of rather, um, shall we say strong opinion on topics.

John H. Reinhardt

On 4/27/2020 10:40 AM, Pontus Pihlgren via cctalk wrote:

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 09:08:24AM -0500, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:

Charles Lasner.  He passed the weekend of April 3rd due to
complications from the COVID-19 virus.  I'm fuzzy on his exact
biography, but he was big in the development of OS/8 for the PDP-8 at
DEC.  His current project was an update of OS/8 which he called
P?S/8.  Apparently he owned multiple LINC-8's according to comments on
the Facebook group.

He also worked onKermit-12, for instance the code that identifies which
PDP-8 machine it is running on. It is quite fun to follow that code. It
can, impressively, separate between a PDP-5, LINC-8, PDP-12, Straight-8,
8/S, 8/I, 8/L, 8/E, 8/A, 6100 and 6120.

Here, search for "MACHINE,.-."

A lot of PDP-8 know-how and trivia went with him, sorry to see him go.


Re: LINC-8

2020-04-27 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 4/27/2020 7:47 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:

 > From: Bob Smith 

 > saw a comment that this belonged to CJL.

Chris Lindblad? Sorry, I'm drawing a blank on someone with those initials who
is connected with the LINC.

Charles Lasner.  He passed the weekend of April 3rd due to complications from 
the COVID-19 virus.  I'm fuzzy on his exact biography, but he was big in the 
development of OS/8 for the PDP-8 at DEC.  His current project was an update of 
OS/8 which he called P?S/8.  Apparently he owned multiple LINC-8's according to 
comments on the Facebook group.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: LINC-8

2020-04-26 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 4/26/2020 5:21 PM, Bob Smith via cctalk wrote:

saw a comment that this belonged to CJL.

That's what they're saying over on the PDP-8 Facebook page. 

John H. Reinhardt

On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 4:57 PM William Donzelli via cctalk



I've read manuals for these, but I've never even seen a picture of one before.

"needs work"

That would be an understatement.

...and be careful with this deal...


Re: REL APL-11

2020-03-30 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/30/2020 6:29 PM, Marc Howard wrote:

Stupid question time.  I last used APL in a class in 1975.  Back then you 
needed a magic terminal and/or a magic Selectric typeball.  How does one input 
or print a program on a PDP-11 with mere mortal equipment?


Marc Howard

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 4:07 PM John H. Reinhardt via cctalk mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org>> wrote:

On 3/30/2020 1:37 PM, Mark Matlock via cctalk wrote:
> Bill,
>      I have the APL-11 V2.1 source files on a RL02 disk image. I will make it 
available at http://www.rsx11m.com/apl11.zip <http://www.rsx11m.com/apl11.zip>
>      Once you mount the disk image with Simh, the are two ready to run 
task images that will run under RSX11M or M+
> In [201,200]APL6OK.TSK and APL7OK.TSK that are the REAL*4 and REAL*8 
versions of APL-11. On the disk are the
> Original .MAC sources as well as files from a RSX SIG tape that modified 
APL-11 for I/D under RSX11M+ that increased
> The workspace (.BXWA from ~3 to ~6 bytes). It also contains a 
character set for Vt220 for the APL character set.
>     When you install the APL task experiment with the /INC to maximize 
the available workspace, On my system, I can
> INS APL6.TSK/INC=37000 to max the workspace for the single precision 
>     Also, the scanned APL-11 reference manual can be downloaded at 
http://www.rsx11m.com/APL-11-Ref-Man.pdf <http://www.rsx11m.com/APL-11-Ref-Man.pdf>
>   and the APL11 installation guide at http://www.rsx11m.com/APL11ins.pdf 
>     The RSX SIG files that have the info to change APL-11 to an I/D 
RSX11M+ task are at [370,360] on the RL02 disk. I remember having this work back 
in the mid-1980s butI have not been able to get it to work today. If I link it 
with ODT it seems to blow up when the first overlay is loaded. If anyone could 
help with that I’d really appreciate it!
> Best,
> Mark

Thanks Mark!

I remember we had APL at Rose-Hulman when I was in college there from 
1978-1983.  At first I thought it was on the VAX-11/780 that showed up over the 
summer of 1980, but now I realize it had to have been on our PDP-11/70 running 
RSTS/E. Probably APL-11 V1.X since it was there in the Fall of 1978 when I 
started.  We had a couple of DEC LA36's with the APL character set and 

John H. Reinhardt


  On page 1-5 of the APL-11 Reference Manual that Mark posted there is a table 
showing the ACII equivalents for the special APL character set.  There are also 
instructions there on how to do it.  It's a combination of characters and 
backspaces.  Kinda tough on a video terminal but workable on a printer.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: REL APL-11

2020-03-30 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/30/2020 1:37 PM, Mark Matlock via cctalk wrote:

 I have the APL-11 V2.1 source files on a RL02 disk image. I will make it 
available at http://www.rsx11m.com/apl11.zip 

 Once you mount the disk image with Simh, the are two ready to run task 
images that will run under RSX11M or M+
In [201,200]APL6OK.TSK and APL7OK.TSK that are the REAL*4 and REAL*8 versions 
of APL-11. On the disk are the
Original .MAC sources as well as files from a RSX SIG tape that modified APL-11 
for I/D under RSX11M+ that increased
The workspace (.BXWA from ~3 to ~6 bytes). It also contains a character 
set for Vt220 for the APL character set.

When you install the APL task experiment with the /INC to maximize the 
available workspace, On my system, I can
INS APL6.TSK/INC=37000 to max the workspace for the single precision version.

Also, the scanned APL-11 reference manual can be downloaded at 

  and the APL11 installation guide at http://www.rsx11m.com/APL11ins.pdf 

The RSX SIG files that have the info to change APL-11 to an I/D RSX11M+ 
task are at [370,360] on the RL02 disk. I remember having this work back in the 
mid-1980s butI have not been able to get it to work today. If I link it with 
ODT it seems to blow up when the first overlay is loaded. If anyone could help 
with that I’d really appreciate it!


Thanks Mark!

I remember we had APL at Rose-Hulman when I was in college there from 
1978-1983.  At first I thought it was on the VAX-11/780 that showed up over the 
summer of 1980, but now I realize it had to have been on our PDP-11/70 running 
RSTS/E.  Probably APL-11 V1.X since it was there in the Fall of 1978 when I 
started.  We had a couple of DEC LA36's with the APL character set and 

John H. Reinhardt

Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-14 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/13/2020 10:30 PM, Tapley, Mark B. via cctalk wrote:

On Mar 10, 2020, at 7:59 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk 


On 3/10/2020 1:17 PM, Tomasz Rola via cctalk wrote:

I really liked the idea of running VMS on simh (and learning some more
skills), even if I had to register online. But when I looked, it
seemed I would have to make Polish users group first, became its only
member and president (hehe) and only then register... Holy Schwartz,
they tried to drag me on the dark side, but I resisted.

Nope. All you have to do is go to eisner.decuserve.org and register (follow my 
earlier instructions).  They don't care what country you are from. All are 
welcome.  Do it now and get your OpenVMS Hobbyist license(s) that will last 
until the end of 2021 at least.

John H. Reinhardt

Was already registered, and got my current PAK text file yesterday (2 day 
turnaround, not bad).
Where’s the best set of current instructions to install from CD? I think I have 
actual Hobbyist CDs.
I want to install on my 3 capable machines:

VaxStation VLC
AlphaStation 300
AlphaServer 2100 4/275

Thanks in advance!

Philip Wherry's notes are still one of the best out on the net.  Just ignore the SimH 
portions. <https://www.wherry.com/gadgets/retrocomputing/vax-simh.html>

Since HPE nuked it's OpenVMS documentation site it's harder to find actual 
OpenVMS documents online but SUNY has a V7.3 site with most available.


V7.3 Install guide for VAX in HTML 
<https://www.itec.suny.edu/scsys/vms/OVMSDOC073/v73/6630/6630PRO.HTML> and PDF 

And for Alpha in HTML 
<https://www.itec.suny.edu/scsys/vms/OVMSDOC073/v73/6629/6629PRO.HTML> and PDF 

John H. Reinhardt

Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-11 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/11/2020 12:10 PM, Antonio Carlini via cctalk wrote:

On 11/03/2020 00:59, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:

Nope. All you have to do is go to eisner.decuserve.org and register (follow my 
earlier instructions).  They don't care what country you are from. All are 
welcome.  Do it now and get your OpenVMS Hobbyist license(s) that will last 
until the end of 2021 at least.

I registered two days ago. Can I claim my hobbyist licences now or should I 
wait two weeks until I end up on some internal system?



Last I knew it took a week or two for the information to get to HPE so they 
could validate when you use the HPE registration page.  YoOu can certainly try 
now.  Maybe they have sped it up.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-10 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/10/2020 6:46 PM, Doug Jackson via cctalk wrote:

Having worked for them in also not surprised.

When they absorbed Compaq their culture changed.  Significantly for the

I'd be stunned if they existed in a form other that selling printers and
ink cartridges in 5 years time.

They can't, they have no printers or ink to sell.  They already broke the 
company up into HP - printers, ink and PC's and HPE - Servers, etc (including 
OpenVMS until it was sold or licensed to VSI).

John H. Reinhardt

Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-10 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/10/2020 1:17 PM, Tomasz Rola via cctalk wrote:

I really liked the idea of running VMS on simh (and learning some more
skills), even if I had to register online. But when I looked, it
seemed I would have to make Polish users group first, became its only
member and president (hehe) and only then register... Holy Schwartz,
they tried to drag me on the dark side, but I resisted.

Nope. All you have to do is go to eisner.decuserve.org and register (follow my 
earlier instructions).  They don't care what country you are from. All are 
welcome.  Do it now and get your OpenVMS Hobbyist license(s) that will last 
until the end of 2021 at least.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-10 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/10/2020 8:48 AM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:

On 3/10/20 2:31 AM, Dave Wade via cctalk wrote:

-Original Message-
From: cctalk  On Behalf Of Rod Smallwood
via cctalk
Sent: 10 March 2020 04:14
To: Fred Cisin via cctalk 
Subject: Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

On 10/03/2020 02:19, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:

On Tue, 10 Mar 2020, Doug Jackson via cctalk wrote:

At the end of the day there are three paths.
1.  Accept that HP doesn't give two hoots about hobbyists and patch
the abandoned operating system to fix the problem.
2. Declare that we need to develop an open replacement.
3.  Accept that HP actually owns the rights to our VAX 11/785
machines and arrange for them to be dropped off at their corporate
headquarters because they can't do anything without software.

4. Contemplate what would happen if dropped off from a considerable
altitude, . . .

It is discouraging that they have the power, and legal rights, to do
what they like, but don't value the hobbyist market enough to try to

Like all large US corporations they are dollar driven

I noticed that. I wonder how they would feel if I were to take my VAX to 
MakeFests with a notice on saying how much they want for a licence to actually 
load software and demo an antique machine

They would not care and it would have no effect on their bottom
line so why should they?


It would be bad PR.  But it's still unlikely they would care as the people who 
attend Makerfests aren't usually the ones that sign the contracts.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-09 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/9/2020 12:20 PM, Eric Smith wrote:

On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 4:32 PM John H. Reinhardt via cctalk mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org>> wrote:

I would think that those that already have legal VAX PAKs/licenses could 
still run them. It's just no *NEW* PAKs could be legally generated.

The hobby PAKs _and_ the licenses have a one-year expiration.

As a Hobbyist license holder since 2004 I am well aware.  The language Bill 
used implied that no one would be able to legally run OpenVMS on a VAX.  I was 
saying that those who had bought licenses previously (implying commercial and 
other entities) should still be legal in running VAX OpenVMS even after HPE 
shuts down their OpenVMS activities.  Bill may have been intending just the 
Hobbyist (and educational licenses, too) but the language was ambiguous.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-08 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/8/2020 11:14 AM, Lee Courtney wrote:


Thanks for the heads up. What would you suggest one enter for the mandatory 
fields: Participating Chapter * and Membership Number *

Lee Courtney

You need to belong to a DECUS chapter in order to get the Hobbyist license.  The easiest way now (and 
cheapest) is to ssh to eisner.decus.org and log in with the username of "REGISTRATION".  That 
will take you through the process of getting an account.  These instructions are also a the bottom the 
page at <https://eisner.decus.org/>  As a result you get a DECUS member number which you can use on 
the HPE Hobbyist registration site.  Participating Chapter would be "DECUServe" (it's at the 
end of the list).

IIRC there is about a two week wait from the time you get your member number on Eisner until the 
number is active in the HPE database for the Hobbyist license so you may have to wait a bit.  In 
the meantime you have an Eisner account which is an Alphaserver DS20 running OpenVMS V8.4 to play 
with.  If you are new to VMS then "HELP" is your friend.  You can find out just about 
anything you wanted to know starting with "HELP".

John H Reinhardt

On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 3:34 AM John H. Reinhardt via cctalk mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org>> wrote:

For those interested, HPE has finally, formally announced the end of their 
participation in the OpenVMS Hobbyist Program.  A number of people have 
received the below message from HPE, probably everyone they have on record as 
having current Hobbyist licenses.

If you have any current or future ( at least before the end of 2021 ) 
interest in Hobbyist licenses for any version of OpenVMS from 5.0 through 8.4 
for VAX ( only up to 7.3) or Alpha and Itanium, then register now.  HPE is 
looking to find out how many are interested in Hobbyist offerings and even 
though the new license will be good through 2021, I don't expect them to be 
generating them past the end of 2020 and maybe sooner.

Register for Hobbyist PAKs at one of the following (I suggest the HPE 
address first):


     Note the underscore between hobbyist and registration in 

One Hobbyist user reports this:

     I’ve just received an update from the OpenVMS Customer lab:

     Here’s the message from the OpenVMS team.  The idea was that hobbyists 
would visit the site and renew their licenses, and in response, we would 
provide the final set of licenses,

     explaining the scenario:


        As we approach the end of the HPE OpenVMS V8.4 standard support 
period, HPE

        plans to conclude the HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program.

        The HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist licenses we are issuing in 2020 will be 
the last set.

        Subsequently, HPE will not issue new HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist licenses. 

        is the final set of the HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist licenses. These final 

        are valid through December 31st, 2021. We hope that this additional 

        period will enable users to plan for the future.

        Users who wish to avail of HPE OpenVMS long term licenses are 
encouraged to

        purchase permanent licenses at standard prices. You may contact 
[Fellman, Jon]

        mailto:jon.fell...@hpe.com> <mailto:jon.fell...@hpe.com 
<mailto:jon.fell...@hpe.com>>> for the same.


     Cheers, Wiz!!

John H. Reinhardt

*From:*owner-hec...@update.uu.se <mailto:owner-hec...@update.uu.se> 
[mailto:owner-hec...@update.uu.se <mailto:owner-hec...@update.uu.se>] *On Behalf Of 
*David Moylan
*Sent:* Saturday, 7 March 2020 4:14 PM
*To:* hec...@update.uu.se <mailto:hec...@update.uu.se>
*Subject:* [HECnet] HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

Hi all,

Just received the e-mail below. I’ve hunted around all the various Hobbyist 
locations and licensing pages and can’t find any additional information.

I’ve already replied back to ask what the impact of Hobbyist renewal 
licensing will be. I have no further information at this stage.

Have others received this as well? Does anyone have any further knowledge 
on this?

I can see a few people have forwarded/posted the same message on 

Cheers, Wiz!!

*From:*OpenVMS Customer Lab [mailto:openvmscustomer...@hpe.com 
*Sent:* Saturday, 7 March 2020 3:13 PM
*Cc:* OpenVMS Customer Lab
*Subject:* OpenVMS Hobbyist Notification

Dear HPE OpenVMS hobbyist,

This is to inform you that HPE is concluding the HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist 
license program in alignment with the HPE OpenVMS support roadmap.

If you wish to understand more details, ple

Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-07 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/7/2020 5:23 PM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:

On 3/7/20 9:10 AM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:

On Mar 7, 2020, at 5:00 AM, Michael Kerpan via cctalk  

Well that's sad news. Since VMS Software may or may not ever launch a
proper hobbyist program and has stated that they don't have the ability to
issue licenses for VAX versions of VMS, that means we have until 2021 to
legally use VMS on the vintage hardware or emulations. After that, I guess
we will have to either sail the seven seas or learn to love 4.3BSD...


If VSI doesn’t have the ability to issue VAX versions of the VMS license, will 
it be possible to buy VAX licenses?  I’m curious as about five years ago, I had 
to help buy VAX/VMS licenses for a project.

My understanding is if something doesn't change to allow VSI to
issue VAX licenses there will be no way to legally run a VMS on
a VAX as HPE will be out of the business completely.


I would think that those that already have legal VAX PAKs/licenses could still 
run them. It's just no *NEW* PAKs could be legally generated.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-07 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/7/2020 8:10 AM, Zane Healy wrote:

On Mar 7, 2020, at 5:00 AM, Michael Kerpan via cctalk mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org>> wrote:

Well that's sad news. Since VMS Software may or may not ever launch a
proper hobbyist program and has stated that they don't have the ability to
issue licenses for VAX versions of VMS, that means we have until 2021 to
legally use VMS on the vintage hardware or emulations. After that, I guess
we will have to either sail the seven seas or learn to love 4.3BSD...


If VSI doesn’t have the ability to issue VAX versions of the VMS license, will 
it be possible to buy VAX licenses?  I’m curious as about five years ago, I had 
to help buy VAX/VMS licenses for a project.


On the HECnet list, David Moylan had sent an inqujiry to the OpenVMS Customer 
Lab and got this as a response

"  Users who wish to avail of HPE OpenVMS long term licenses are encouraged to

  purchase permanent licenses at standard prices. You may contact [Fellman, Jon]

   for the same."

So this HP person, Jon Fellman looks like the person to ask about buying an OpenVMS VAX 
license.  I've sent him an email but I don't expect a response until Monday at least.  
The "standard prices" part doesn't' look encouraging.

John H. Reinhardt

HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

2020-03-07 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

For those interested, HPE has finally, formally announced the end of their 
participation in the OpenVMS Hobbyist Program.  A number of people have 
received the below message from HPE, probably everyone they have on record as 
having current Hobbyist licenses.

If you have any current or future ( at least before the end of 2021 ) interest 
in Hobbyist licenses for any version of OpenVMS from 5.0 through 8.4 for VAX ( 
only up to 7.3) or Alpha and Itanium, then register now.  HPE is looking to 
find out how many are interested in Hobbyist offerings and even though the new 
license will be good through 2021, I don't expect them to be generating them 
past the end of 2020 and maybe sooner.

Register for Hobbyist PAKs at one of the following (I suggest the HPE address 


   Note the underscore between hobbyist and registration in 

One Hobbyist user reports this:

   I’ve just received an update from the OpenVMS Customer lab:

   Here’s the message from the OpenVMS team.  The idea was that hobbyists would 
visit the site and renew their licenses, and in response, we would provide the 
final set of licenses,

   explaining the scenario:


  As we approach the end of the HPE OpenVMS V8.4 standard support period, 

  plans to conclude the HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program.

  The HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist licenses we are issuing in 2020 will be the last 

  Subsequently, HPE will not issue new HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist licenses. 

  is the final set of the HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist licenses. These final 

  are valid through December 31st, 2021. We hope that this additional 

  period will enable users to plan for the future.

  Users who wish to avail of HPE OpenVMS long term licenses are encouraged 

  purchase permanent licenses at standard prices. You may contact [Fellman, 

  mailto:jon.fell...@hpe.com>> for the same.


   Cheers, Wiz!!

John H. Reinhardt

*From:*owner-hec...@update.uu.se [mailto:owner-hec...@update.uu.se] *On Behalf 
Of *David Moylan
*Sent:* Saturday, 7 March 2020 4:14 PM
*To:* hec...@update.uu.se
*Subject:* [HECnet] HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license program is closing

Hi all,

Just received the e-mail below. I’ve hunted around all the various Hobbyist 
locations and licensing pages and can’t find any additional information.

I’ve already replied back to ask what the impact of Hobbyist renewal licensing 
will be. I have no further information at this stage.

Have others received this as well? Does anyone have any further knowledge on 

I can see a few people have forwarded/posted the same message on comp.os.vms.

Cheers, Wiz!!

*From:*OpenVMS Customer Lab [mailto:openvmscustomer...@hpe.com]
*Sent:* Saturday, 7 March 2020 3:13 PM
*Cc:* OpenVMS Customer Lab
*Subject:* OpenVMS Hobbyist Notification

Dear HPE OpenVMS hobbyist,

This is to inform you that HPE is concluding the HPE OpenVMS Hobbyist license 
program in alignment with the HPE OpenVMS support roadmap.

If you wish to understand more details, please reach out to us at the earliest 
through the usual license renewal webpage.

Thank you.

HPE OpenVMS team

Re: Another old phart trying to clean out the house

2020-01-13 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 1/13/2020 10:46 AM, Jack Rubin via cctalk wrote:

I'm in the process of "cleansing" before putting our house on the market in the near 
future. I've been eBaying lots of things over the last couple of years (thanks to all here who have 
been good customers!) and have more to sell, but also lots of "stuff" with little or no 
market value that could be useful to people who build/repair/tinker with the old machines that we 

If there is anyone in the greater Chicago area (or anywhere else) who'd like to 
drive over and take away anything from a carton to a carload of old stuff, from 
docs to chips, please let me know. No inventory list, no shipping - just a 
walk-through and carry out.

In another two weeks (end of January), I'll be trashing most of it.

Reply to me directly (off list) if you want to come by.


I just last week fired up the PDP-11/53 I bought from you last April.  Works 
great!  I wish I wasn't down in Fort Worth or else I'd be over looking and 
probably aggravating my wife (What?? More junk??).  Actually she's pretty 
understanding.  ;)

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Your Vale Coaches order has been received!

2019-12-31 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 12/31/2019 11:19 AM, Mark Darvill via cctalk wrote:

It is and that would have been a very expensive sandwich…  I am sorry for being 
the root cause of something to talk about off the usual topics!

Back to Classic Computers please…. :)


A pleasant diversion on this last day of the year.

Happy New Year's Eve all!  (for those not over the timezone far enough to be in 
the New Year already...)

Hopefully I'll boot my PDP-11/53 soon.  I just have to get up the nerve to test 
the Power supply. Now we're back on topic.  :D

John H. Reinhardt
  PRRT  #8909
  C HS  #11530
  N-Trak   #7566

Re: Your Vale Coaches order has been received!

2019-12-31 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 12/31/2019 11:14 AM, Nigel Johnson via cctalk wrote:

I thought that mysen, then I saw the title.  I believe what is offered is a 
coach ride to get the sandwich at an event of the Royal Horticultural Society

Perhaps a little more upscale than the average MacDonalds?

Yes, that makes more sense!

On 31/12/2019 12:09, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:

On 12/31/2019 10:15 AM, Adrian Stoness via cctalk wrote:


I know!!! 69£ for a sandwich lunch??? Talk about price gouging!

On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 8:16 AM Mark Darvill via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

Good news! After a bit of a configuration nightmare (it is more
complicated than Worldpay) I have got it working.

I will test a couple more times and then figure out what we need to do to
make it live.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Vale Coaches - Office 
Subject: Your Vale Coaches order has been received!
Date: 31 December 2019 at 14:11:32 GMT
To: mark.darv...@mac.com
Reply-To: Vale Coaches 

Thank you for your order
Hi Mark,

Just to let you know — we've received your order #10075, and it is now

being processed:

[Order #10075] (31st December 2019)

Product   Quantity    Price
RHS Cardiff Flower Show - Saturday 18th April 2020
Pickup Point:
Sturminster Newton
Packed Lunch Sandwich:
Egg & cress on brown
Packed Lunch Drink:
Apple Juice
1 £69.00
Subtotal: £69.00
Payment method:   Barclaycard
Total:    £69.00
Billing address

Mark Darvill
April Cotatge
Sackmore Lane, Marnhull
Sturminster Newton
DT10 1PN
01258 820871
Thanks for using valecoaches.com!

Vale Coaches
Site built by Marnhull Computers Marnhull Computers 

John H. Reinhardt
  PRRT  #8909
  C HS  #11530
  N-Trak   #7566

Re: Your Vale Coaches order has been received!

2019-12-31 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 12/31/2019 10:15 AM, Adrian Stoness via cctalk wrote:


I know!!! 69£ for a sandwich lunch??? Talk about price gouging!

On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 8:16 AM Mark Darvill via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

Good news! After a bit of a configuration nightmare (it is more
complicated than Worldpay) I have got it working.

I will test a couple more times and then figure out what we need to do to
make it live.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Vale Coaches - Office 
Subject: Your Vale Coaches order has been received!
Date: 31 December 2019 at 14:11:32 GMT
To: mark.darv...@mac.com
Reply-To: Vale Coaches 

Thank you for your order
Hi Mark,

Just to let you know — we've received your order #10075, and it is now

being processed:

[Order #10075] (31st December 2019)

Product   QuantityPrice
RHS Cardiff Flower Show - Saturday 18th April 2020
Pickup Point:
Sturminster Newton
Packed Lunch Sandwich:
Egg & cress on brown
Packed Lunch Drink:
Apple Juice
1 £69.00
Subtotal: £69.00
Payment method:   Barclaycard
Billing address

Mark Darvill
April Cotatge
Sackmore Lane, Marnhull
Sturminster Newton
DT10 1PN
01258 820871
Thanks for using valecoaches.com!

Vale Coaches
Site built by Marnhull Computers Marnhull Computers 

John H. Reinhardt
  PRRT  #8909
  C HS  #11530
  N-Trak   #7566

Re: Yahoo Groups going away

2019-10-17 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 10/17/2019 9:49 PM, Ali via cctalk wrote:

The guy who runs groups.io is the one who created onelist, which became
e-groups, with got swallowed up by Yahoo!, and then he left.

He knows how to do it.  People who have switched over seem happy with
BUT, does he have an appropriate level of resources to handle THAT much

I saw a posting about this on one of the groups I am in (XXCopy) and it
seems as if groups.io is not free. At least there was talk of a $110


The groups are free as long as you use less than 1GB of storage.  More storage 
costs.  Unfortunately, since this past February, you also have to pay in order 
to have Groups.IO do the moving of your messages, files and photos.  No freebie 
for that anymore.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: DecNet / Linux

2019-09-01 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/31/2019 11:10 AM, John Forecast via cctalk wrote:

I finally got around to getting DECnet running on the latest release of 
Raspbian for the Raspberry Pi (the 2019-7-10 Buster release). I’ve also done 
some (very) limited testing on Debian Buster (both 32- and 64-bit  x86 
kernels). For anyone who is interested the code is available at:



Thanks! Looking forward to trying it out.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Too many DEC binders

2019-08-25 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/25/2019 12:28 PM, Shoppa, Tim via cctalk wrote:

Starting around the VMS 5.5 era, isn’t anything from then or later on the 
Condist documentation CD’s? And thus we don’t have to make a priority for 

Tim N3QE

IIRC, most of the documentation on the ConDists were in DEC's BookReader 
format.  That might be getting hard to read these days unless you happen to 
have an OpenVMS machine with DECWindows.  I just looked at my earliest CD - 
Sept 1995 ODL and except for some of the basic how to use this CD documents 
(which are in text and PostScript), it's all in BookReader format which means 
you can't read it on a Mac/Windows/Linux system  You need a OpenVMS or Digital 
Unix or Ultrix system.

I have a smattering of CD sets starting with a 1994 SPL and then up through 
2007 VAX and 2010 Alpha.  The ODL sets are available on HPE's site beginning 
with the 2005 sets through the EOL of various platforms - VAX is 2011, Alpha is 
2017, Integrity is ongoing still but coming to an end soon.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Too many DEC binders

2019-08-24 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/24/2019 3:56 PM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk wrote:

I have done some test scans tonight. If anyone has any feedback, now
would be a good time to give it, before I spend many more hours



I looked at the Error Log Utility Manual and it seems good. Download size of 
2.6MB is reasonable.  The clarity is good at 100%. I zoomed in to 600% and the 
character edges were starting to get ragged but as far as I know that should be 
good. I shrunk down to 50% and they were a little hard to read but I'm on a Mac 
using Preview and that happens to all documents as far as I can tell.  I 
haven't checked with Adobe.

The colors seemed good, too.  The covers were good and the red highlights 
inside were legible.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Too many DEC binders

2019-08-24 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/24/2019 4:11 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

On 8/24/19 1:38 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:

On 8/24/2019 3:30 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:

I'll have to double check, but from the looks of this list I don't need the 
VAX/VMS Grey Wall that I acquired a couple
months ago.  It's a nearly pristine set of the V5.0 VAX/VMS documentation set. 
Some volumes are still sealed in plastic.

I'll see about getting those up and checked
There is just a lot to do

No hurry, Al.  I tend to work more with the more modern versions - VAX 7.3 and 
Alpha/Integrity 8.x.  I just saw them on Ebay, checked to see if they had been 
archived anywhere and didn't see them in the usual places and didn't want them 
lost. That you have them already scanned, just awaiting that precious time is 
fine with me.

I have some RSX-11M manuals coming next week. I think they are not online, but 
I won't know for sure until they arrive.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Raspberry Pi write cycles

2019-08-24 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/24/2019 2:16 AM, Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk wrote:

Zane Healy wrote:

I use RPi3’s for PDP-10 and DPS-8 emulation, I haven’t tried them for
VAX emulation.  I would like to try a RPi4 for VAX emulation.

I have an RPi4 running ITS.  I attached a fast USB3 memory rather than
running off the SD card.  For the full ITS rebuild from scratch it takes
two hours rather, compared to one hour on my Core i7 2.4 GHz laptop.

An RPi2 with slow SD card takes around 24 hours!

I just did a "make all" for SimH on a 1GB Pi 4B using a SanDisk industrial 8GB 
SD card and it took 75 minutes to build the 75 different emulators.  It has the latest 
updates to Raspbian Buster.

What USB3 thumb drive did you use?

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Too many DEC binders

2019-08-24 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/24/2019 3:30 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:

I'll have to double check, but from the looks of this list I don't need the 
VAX/VMS Grey Wall that I acquired a couple months ago.  It's a nearly pristine 
set of the V5.0 VAX/VMS documentation set. Some volumes are still sealed in 

On 8/24/2019 12:03 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

here is a list of the manuals I have scanned but not pdf'ed


Re: Too many DEC binders

2019-08-24 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

I'll have to double check, but from the looks of this list I don't need the 
VAX/VMS Grey Wall that I acquired a couple months ago.  It's a nearly pristine 
set of the V5.0 VAX/VMS documentation set. Some volumes are still sealed in 

On 8/24/2019 12:03 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

here is a list of the manuals I have scanned but not pdf'ed


Re: Current MANX location

2019-08-20 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/20/2019 11:26 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:

On 8/20/2019 11:08 PM, John H. Reinhardt wrote:

On 8/20/2019 10:37 PM, Zane Healy wrote:

On Aug 20, 2019, at 5:16 PM, John H. Reinhardt via 
cctalk  wrote:

On 8/20/2019 1:51 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:

On Aug 20, 2019, at 11:43 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk  

From: Glen Slick

Yes; thanks!

I don't know it didn't show up in my Web searches - I tried a number of
different things, no luck.

Also,http://manx.classiccmp.org/  (which is the medium-old URL I had for it)
redirects to something that has no working link to Manx; probably ought to fix
it to go to the new location.


Stupid question.  What is MANX?  I’d thought that it was an alternate source of 
manuals.  To my disappointment, the manuals that turned up when I searched it, 
apparently don’t exist online anywhere.


It's kind of like an internet index.  Most (if not all?) of the entries are 
pointers to where the document is (or was) located.  I've run across some dead 
links but most seem to be current.  At least the stuff I've searched for.

John H. Reinhardt

Leave it to me to search for obscure stuff, like manuals for DEC ALL-IN-1, or 
DEC Ada.  What I found really odd was that it had part numbers and manual names 
from one version, but when I clicked on the links it said no known version 


Anyway... What version of the ADA manuals are you looking for? VSI has some for 
an Alpha Version 3.5 that they scraped off the HP site before they disappeared. 
 I have some older VAX ConDists that might have ADA documentation.

Some links that still work:

Master SLP/ODL Index 1997- 2017 

Just Checked.  I have the 1999 Q3 (Sept) SPL and ODL which should have VAX ADA 
V3.5 binaries and Documentation.  Are there Hobbyist PAKs for them?

John H. Reinhardt

Here's the link the the VSI "Legacy" documentation page.  The Ada there is V3.5 
for Alpha but if you want VAX I would think that it's close.


No comment.  *facepalm*

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Current MANX location

2019-08-20 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/20/2019 11:08 PM, John H. Reinhardt wrote:

On 8/20/2019 10:37 PM, Zane Healy wrote:

On Aug 20, 2019, at 5:16 PM, John H. Reinhardt via 
cctalk  wrote:

On 8/20/2019 1:51 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:

On Aug 20, 2019, at 11:43 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk  

From: Glen Slick

Yes; thanks!

I don't know it didn't show up in my Web searches - I tried a number of
different things, no luck.

Also,http://manx.classiccmp.org/  (which is the medium-old URL I had for it)
redirects to something that has no working link to Manx; probably ought to fix
it to go to the new location.


Stupid question.  What is MANX?  I’d thought that it was an alternate source of 
manuals.  To my disappointment, the manuals that turned up when I searched it, 
apparently don’t exist online anywhere.


It's kind of like an internet index.  Most (if not all?) of the entries are 
pointers to where the document is (or was) located.  I've run across some dead 
links but most seem to be current.  At least the stuff I've searched for.

John H. Reinhardt

Leave it to me to search for obscure stuff, like manuals for DEC ALL-IN-1, or 
DEC Ada.  What I found really odd was that it had part numbers and manual names 
from one version, but when I clicked on the links it said no known version 


Anyway... What version of the ADA manuals are you looking for?  VSI has some 
for an Alpha Version 3.5 that they scraped off the HP site before they 
disappeared.  I have some older VAX ConDists that might have ADA documentation.

Some links that still work:

Master SLP/ODL Index 1997- 2017 

Just Checked.  I have the 1999 Q3 (Sept) SPL and ODL which should have VAX ADA 
V3.5 binaries and Documentation.  Are there Hobbyist PAKs for them?

John H. Reinhardt

Here's the link the the VSI "Legacy" documentation page.  The Ada there is V3.5 
for Alpha but if you want VAX I would think that it's close.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Current MANX location

2019-08-20 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 8/20/2019 1:51 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:

On Aug 20, 2019, at 11:43 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk  

From: Glen Slick

Yes; thanks!

I don't know it didn't show up in my Web searches - I tried a number of
different things, no luck.

Also, http://manx.classiccmp.org/ (which is the medium-old URL I had for it)
redirects to something that has no working link to Manx; probably ought to fix
it to go to the new location.


Stupid question.  What is MANX?  I’d thought that it was an alternate source of 
manuals.  To my disappointment, the manuals that turned up when I searched it, 
apparently don’t exist online anywhere.


It's kind of like an internet index.  Most (if not all?) of the entries are 
pointers to where the document is (or was) located.  I've run across some dead 
links but most seem to be current.  At least the stuff I've searched for.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Computer Reset shop, liquidation. (USA)

2019-07-17 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 7/17/2019 11:34 AM, William Donzelli via cctalk wrote:

I am doing a documentation purge (most DEC) at VCFmw this year, just
as I did a few years ago. And yes, what does not get sold or given
away gets pulped at the end of the show. My van will then be empty so
I can take your stuff.


Just curious, but anything worth scanning (DEC)?  Not that I'll make it to 
VCFmw this year.  I'm in/near Fort Worth, TX so it's a long haul for me.  But 
they all are from here.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: R: OT: the end of Dyn DNS

2019-06-27 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 6/27/2019 12:56 PM, Grant Taylor via cctalk wrote:

On 6/27/19 2:38 AM, U'll Be King of the Stars via cctalk wrote:

I have heard the that you shouldn't have your register be the same company as 
your DNS provider, and I intend to revise this proposition. If the argument 
still holds then I would keep gandi.net as my registrar look for a different 
DNS service.

I've not heard that myself.

But I can see how people might say that in an effort to distribute eggs across 
more baskets.

What I've usually heard is don't have your domain registrar also be your site 
host.  Like GoDaddy.  Apparently some people have had problems with the host 
not letting them move the name registration when switching hosting providers.  
Or vice versa. I don't have any experience with that. I've either self hosted 
or, like now, have co-located hardware.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: OT: the end of Dyn DNS

2019-06-26 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 6/26/2019 8:36 PM, Charles Dickman via cctalk wrote:

Now that Dyn has been absorbed by Oracle I need a new DNS service for my
vanity domain. I welcome suggestions for a replacement provider.


I use Duck DNS.  I can't really say much about it though. I just signed up last 
month.  So far it works fine.  It's free. The DNS name changes fairly soon 
after my home IP updates.  It works with my Ubiquiti EdgeRouter.

The biggest negative I have so far is that you have to use the 
x.duckdns.org hostname.  One that uses a name of your choice (and 
registration) would be nice.  Do any do that? For free? Or cheap? I didn't dig 
real deep into providers.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: RSTS collection in the UK

2019-06-26 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 6/26/2019 9:45 AM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

On 6/26/19 12:55 AM, Dave Wade via cctalk wrote:

Could really do with a UK RSTS person to take and scan.

I seriously considered it, but money for shipping wasn't available.

I should know better than to ask, but what was the shipping estimate?

John H. Reinhardt

Re: RSTS collection in the UK

2019-06-25 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 6/25/2019 8:00 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

On 6/25/19 5:35 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:

I hope someone scans that RSTS/E documentation.  There isn't a lot of it 
available online.


I count 75 manuals under pdp11/rsts on bitsavers

Sounds like a lot, I know (and I've downloaded them all) but for all 3 versions 
of V06 (A/B/C) there are only 16 manuals total. Some are things like Runoff and 
TextEdit which are semi generic, but others like the Sysgen manual there is 
only V06A, nothing for B or C.  Same for the System Manager's Guide.  And the 
Install notes.  And so forth.  V7 is worse. V7.0 was a major, major change in 
RSTS/E and there are only seven manuals for it.  Only two relatively minor 
manuals for 7.2 and that's it.  V8 has only a beta level internals manual.  V9 
has a good coverage but tht won't help you for earlier versions much.

This collection in UK manuals for version from 4a to 10.1 That's significant 
for a RSTS/E fan.  It could be hundreds of manuals total if each version 
released is represented.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: RSTS collection in the UK

2019-06-25 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 6/25/2019 11:20 AM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:

interface boards, a mix of dual, quad and Unibus. Is there anything in 
particular that you need? Finally I have a mass
of RSTS related documentation, such as one copy of every edition of the US 
publication RSTS Porfessional magazine. Plus
copies of RSTS and RT-11 operating system manuals, from RSTS Version 4a (1974) 
through to Version 10.1 (mid 1990s)."

I hope someone scans that RSTS/E documentation.  There isn't a lot of it 
available online.  Especially earlier version like V06. I wish I was on the 
other side of the ocean but I'm in Fort Worth, TX

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Missing posts in archive and no Subject: line

2019-06-18 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 6/17/2019 1:18 PM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:

So, a couple of posts yesterday did not show up in the date archive:


which is how I read the list. They are:

And now I know why your posts always break the threading in Thunderbird... I'd 
wondered how it happened. ;)


John H. Reinhardt

Re: 9-Track Magtape Drive ID

2019-06-01 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 6/1/2019 5:24 PM, Mark J. Blair via cctalk wrote:

On Jun 1, 2019, at 14:57, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk  
Is this the system that was on Reddit?

Yes. I’ll be fetching it next weekend. I’m excited! I wonder if the hard drive 
is still usable, and if there is anything interesting on it?

By a chance meeting with my neighbor today, I learned he has a bunch of pallet 
racking from a defunct business he emptied out. He offered that I could go grab 
some for myself. He also mentioned that he planned to bring some to his farm 
next door to me before he sells off the rest. Since I’m planning to rent a 
truck next weekend anyway, I offered to help out by hauling for both of us in 
exchange for taking a skim off the top of the pile. It’ll be a busy weekend!

Mark J. Blair 

Congrats!!  Should be fun to play with.  I just picked up a Micro PDP-11/53 
which is about the biggest I can fit into my office/computer room.  lol

John H. Reinhardt
  PRRT  #8909
  C HS  #11530
  N-Trak   #7566

Re: 9-Track Magtape Drive ID

2019-06-01 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 6/1/2019 1:23 PM, Mark J. Blair via cctalk wrote:


I am taking the whole system. It's in a rack with a PDP-11/34A, a System 
Industries 9400 controller, and what looks to me like a Fujitsu M228x series 
hard drive:


I grabbed the M228x manuals from Bitsavers to look up how the spindle and 
positioner locks work. I had been planning to de-rack it all so my dad and I 
could load it into my pickup truck in bite-sized pieces, but I think I would be 
better off renting a box truck with a lift gate.

What are the chances that it's the same PDP-11/34A that Warner did backups on? 

Would the brown panel between the tape drive and computer be a filler panel, or 
part of the 11/34A? I don't know anything about the system configuration yet 
other than what can be seen in that picture.

Is this the system that was on Reddit?

John H. Reinhardt
  PRRT  #8909
  C HS  #11530
  N-Trak   #7566

Re: Modern Rack Rails in Classic Racks?

2019-05-01 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 4/29/2019 7:20 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:

the system temperatures. My plan is to keep the 24x7 servers as low to the 
ground as possible. Stuff that gets powered of “when needed”, can go higher up 
in the rack. The one exception will be if I put the MicroVAX III with RA7x 
drives into the rack, like I’m threatening to. Those would probably be forced 
to go in the bottom.

That's what I had to do with my rack (see other email).  The HP C3000 is a 6U 
high blade chassis and heavy when loaded so it had to go right above the two 
UPS (also heavy).  This gives a nice, low center of gravity.  I hope the tape 
drives higher for less bending over when doing tape manipulations.  The network 
switch, router and affiliated items also go high for the same reason.

Perhaps, in hindsight, I should have had electric and network run to the 
garage, but with Texas summers and no A/C I wouldn't be able to run anything a 
good number of months.  I do miss my Ohio basement.  Basements in the DFW area 
are few and far between due to the type of soil around here.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Modern Rack Rails in Classic Racks?

2019-05-01 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 4/29/2019 12:19 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:

My next question is, what options are there for putting a shelf in a standard 
rack?  My google-fu seems to be failing me.  I’ve I’m going to put any desktops 
in the rack, I’ll need a shelf or two, at a minimum.


Moving from Ohio to Texas in 2017 I gave away two DEC tall racks (36U?).  Rebuilding here in my converted bedroom office I bought an open 4 post rack off Ebay that lists as 27U but has about 29U of usable space (see link at end of email).  The top was meant to be two thick caps tying the two sides together but I'm putting shelf on top for a Compaq TSZ08 reel to reel tape drive.  I've found that rack shelves are an expensive thing.  My main rack was "only" $200 and most shelves were around $100 each.  Then I found this one at Amazon:   for around $45.  It's solid and sturdy. The shelf itself is 26" deep and the supports are adjustable for racks of different depths.   It's fixed and doesn't slide, however.   It may be what you're looking for.  I haven't found anything better for less.  It's made by the same company that made my rack and now I see I could have gotten it cheaper ($6) from Ebay! Doh! 

If you're also looking for something to use to mount your Proliant (If you 
don't have the HP rails) then these are good:

Full Length adjustable Rack Rails: 

Partial Length adjustable Rack Rails: 

They com in single, two and four packs with slight savings the more you buy.  
Because of the adjustable nature, they do have some screws which impinge on the 
roughly 17.5" between the rack rails. I have a few things that fit rather 
tightly against them but they do flex a bit which allows the item to fit.

I can't run everything at once (I could, I have two 30 circuits feeding them 
but not for long as the heat...), but I have everything there to boot up when I 
need them.

In my rack I have (from top down):

  Compaq TZ08 Tape drive (on open shelf at the top level)

  A partial Length rack rail with a Lantronix ETS16PR terminal server

  2U allocated to a 12" deep Cantilever Server Vented Shelve with an Edgerouter 
Lite Firewall/router and a Raspberry Pi 3 DNS/DHCP/NTP server

  An HPE Aruba 2920-48G 48-port 10/100/1000 switch with 4 10GBE SFP+ ports

  A Raritan Paragon II KVM switch

  HP MSL2024 Tape Library with two LTO4 SCSI tape drives

  PDP-11/53 system in a BA23 chassis

  Compaq Network Storage Router M2402 for FC to SCSI bridging

  HP Storageworks 8/24 SAN switch

  HP P2000 G3 MSA Storage Controller with 12 2TB 3.5" SATA drives

  HP D2700 storage shelf with 252.5"  SAS drives

  HP C3000 Bladeserver Chassis with one BL460c Proliant blade for VMWare 
hosting and two BL860c I2 Itanium for OpenVMS

 (2) APC 2U high 3000VA SUM3000RMXL2U UPS systems


John H. Reinhardt

Re: H960 rack on eBay

2019-04-26 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 4/26/2019 12:15 PM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:

H960 (rack only, really, although it looks like there are two NA11-N/S sheaths
as well):


Not a bad price; pick-up only though (just as well, considering how much it
costs to ship the blasted things).


Some of what was in that rack are here:


SMD Disk controller: 

BA11 Chassis: 

John H. Reinhardt

Re: SCSI2SD: Is it worth a try?

2019-03-18 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/18/2019 9:15 PM, Charles Dickman via cctalk wrote:

What is the experience with the SCSI2SD with old computers? It looks to be
SCSI-1 and SCSI-2 compatible and I see a lot of reports of usage on this
list. I am curious about how well it works and which version to get.

Versions up to 5 seem to be GPLed and reasonably available. V6 does not
seem to have schematics or boards open sourced and I haven't seen a
supplier for them. The web page lists some sources, but they don't have the
V6 available.

It looks like the V6 is not open because someone used the design without
following the GPL.

V6 claims synchronous transfers, but I don't think most of my hardware
supports it. That consists of VAXstations and qbus scsi cards. If I was
after speed I wouldn't be using old hardware, but the speed has to be
consistent with the era.


I've had mixed success.  Neither a V5.1 nor a V6.03 worked with my MicroVAX 
3100 M95, it's built in SCSI interface and OpenVMS V7.3.  Light access worked 
but as soon as you tried any kind of actual work it threw hoards of mount 
verification messages and errors piled up and became unusuable.

On the other hand, the V5.1 worked terrific on my Compaq AlphaServer DS10 with 
a Qlogic ISP1020 SCSI card and OpenVMS V8.4

Others have had success with MicroVAXen and V7.3 and earlier so I think it's my 
system, but I haven't had time to work it out yet.

John H. Reinhardt
  PRRT  #8909
  C HS  #11530
  N-Trak   #7566

Re: VAX 4000-100 Free to a good home

2019-03-12 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 3/12/2019 5:30 PM, Chris Hanson via cctalk wrote:

On Mar 12, 2019, at 3:14 PM, Zane Healy  wrote:

Based on his area code, he’s in Virginia, near Washington DC.  So far enough 
that I can’t be tempted, and this is one of the very few items I’d find 
tempting. :-)

You can’t really base anything on that, most people use mobile phones these 
days and mobile phone area codes have little to no correlation with one’s 

   -- Chris

True. I don't have a land line and my cell is left over from living in Ohio so 
my 513 area code won't give anyone any hints about where I am (Hint: they say 
Yee haw a lot down here).

BTW, If this VAX can't find a home and is destined for a dumpster, I'll hold it 
as long as necessary.  I'm very close to Fort Worth, TX (Okay, I gave it 

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Orphan HP Alphaservers looking for a new home

2019-01-24 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 1/24/2019 6:07 PM, Richard Loken via cctalk wrote:


All of you have at one time expressed interest in all or part of this
rack full of Alphaservers and one of you even talked about driving a truck
up from Montana and taking it all home.

Are any of you still interested?

First priority goes to anybody willing to come up here and pick up all or part 
of the collection.  I will consider shipping if that is what it comes down to 
but the packing and transprotation will be expensive for the DS15 and extremely 
expensive for the other units.

I'm in DFW Texas area so a drive up to the far north is not in the cards.  But 
I just bought a DS10 on Ebay and paid around $50 shipping.  With this DS15 
being in Canada I expect shipping to be more but I'd pay $200-300 for it if 
that's what it takes.

I also know I think other have their dibs in first.  But if they wash out...

John H. Reinhardt

Re: Any VCF Forum Mods or Admin here?

2018-12-18 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 12/18/2018 11:24 PM, Evan Koblentz via cctalk wrote:

I'll take care of it.

On 12/19/18 12:10 AM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:
Does anyone here have any pull or contacts with the owner or moderator at the Vintage Computer Federation forums?  I've been a member there since January 2014.  In the past, I've lurked a lot, made a post here and there but have been pretty inactive. As such, my account is still moderated and post must be approved. In October I got more active, culminating with a thread asking about using a SCSI2SD card with a MicroVAX and OpenVMS V7.3 <http://www.vcfed.org/forum/showthread.php?66437-More-SCSI2D(-V6)-and-OpenVMS-Questions>. After a few waits to get post approved, I figured at some point I would get un-moderated, but no such luck.  So I wrote the Site Admin Erik <http://www.vcfed.org/forum/member.php?4-Erik> a PM and asked to be un-moderated.  He wrote back that it was done but unfortunately my next post and any others since then are still being held for approval.  That was October 27th.  They still have not been approved (nor rejected, they are in limbo as far as I know).  
I PMed Erik back but according to his profile he hasn't logged in since October 26th.  After a while I sent a message to the moderators as outlined in this sticky <http://www.vcfed.org/forum/announcement.php?f=23=2>. No response.

So I am asking here because I figure there must be some overlap and maybe 
someone know someone that can help


And Evan did!  All he had to do was mention fixing it and it was.

Actually, it may have been fixed long ago.  Evan looked and my account appeared 
to be already set to un-moderated so I tried a new post and it worked without 
problem.  I don't know why I didn't try sooner or why it seemed back in October 
not to work. But it works now and I am happy.

Thanks Evan!  VCF runs a great set of forums.

John H. Reinhardt

Any VCF Forum Mods or Admin here?

2018-12-18 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk
Does anyone here have any pull or contacts with the owner or moderator at the Vintage Computer Federation forums?  I've been a member there since January 2014.  In the past, I've lurked a lot, made a post here and there but have been pretty inactive. As such, my account is still moderated and post must be approved. In October I got more active, culminating with a thread asking about using a SCSI2SD card with a MicroVAX and OpenVMS V7.3 . After a few waits to get post approved, I figured at some point I would get un-moderated, but no such luck.  So I wrote the Site Admin Erik  a PM and asked to be un-moderated.  He wrote back that it was done but unfortunately my next post and any others since then are still being held for approval.  That was October 27th.  They still have not been approved (nor rejected, they are in limbo as far as I know).  I 
PMed Erik back but according to his profile he hasn't logged in since October 26th.  After a while I sent a message to the moderators as outlined in this sticky . No response.

So I am asking here because I figure there must be some overlap and maybe 
someone know someone that can help


John H. Reinhardt

Re: 2 huge warehouses full of old computers

2018-10-29 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 10/29/2018 2:53 PM, Electronics Plus via cctalk wrote:

Thursday I visited Computer Fusion near Dallas, TX. They have 2 huge
warehouses that they have been filling up since the 1990s. I saw a lot of
old Sun gear, lots of 90s era PCs, etc. Not all of it is listed on his site,
but if there is something specific you want, go to http://www.cfusion.com
and send them a request. Yes, he still has working ESDI, MFM, etc drives J


Cindy Croxton

Electronics Plus

1613 Water Street

Kerrville, TX 78028

830-370-3239 cell



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Since I live in Fort Worth, I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear about this.  Or 
rather, my wife wouldn't want me to hear about this. Oh, my, they're actually 
in Euless, TX.  Only 30 minutes from me.  This could be dangerous.

John H. Reinhardt

IBM Z196 Enterprise Mainframe Computer on GovPlanet

2018-09-28 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

I'm a DEC guy so I don't know anything about the IBM world, but this is going 
up for auction on GovPlanet.com

Location is Richmond, VA

Seller: Commonwealth of Virginia, Dept. of General Services

IBM Z196 Enterprise Mainframe Computer

Mips:1280;MSU:160; Processors: 6 CP + 2 zIIPs; Storage: 32,768 meg

HSA Size-=16 GB; FICON express8 channels= 24; ESCON channels= 36; CTC/CNC 
Channels= 8 single mode

 Internal Coupling channels= 4; OSA Express3= 20;

Crypto Express3 cards= 2; Serial Number= 1D0E7

Bidder responsible for all loading and handling. Site does not have staff to 
assist with removing this lot.Site does not ship Please contact Mike 
Shaffer at 804-297-2494 or e-mail mike.shaf...@vita.virginia.gov for inspection 
appointments or more information. Hours are by appointment only. Appointments 
may be scheduled Mon - Fri excluding holidays. All sales as is where is. No 
warranties or guarantees. Bidder to inspect in person to confirm condition

Just in case anyone is interested.

John H. Reinhardt

Re: old DEC stuff

2018-05-30 Thread John H. Reinhardt via cctalk

On 5/30/2018 10:23 AM, Electronics Plus via cctalk wrote:

If they are still around, this guy had a lot of old DEC stuff.

Not affiliated with seller, etc.


Mitch Miller

| Phone (937) 847-2300 / Fax (937) 847-2350 (Old area code was 513)


| Keyways, Inc.

| 204 S. Third St.

| Miamisburg, Ohio 45342 USA


| E-mail: mil...@keyways.com

| Web: http://www.keyways.com

| Stock List: http://www.keyways.com/stock.html



Cindy Croxton

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They are still quite active. Both as a brick and mortar storefront (or warehouse) and 
as an online seller 

John H. Reinhardt

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