Re: DispatchAction security

2004-09-18 Thread Paul Speed

Michael McGrady wrote:
Mike Kienenberger wrote:
Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mike Kienenberger wrote the following on 9/17/2004 2:17 PM:

Any time you allow an end user an opportunity to specify a parameter 


reflection, you're introducing security concerns.
However, a secure version could be created by only allowing a 

a hardcoded list of methods.

But your approach to encoding could do the same thing for a dispatch 
param so I'm not certain that using an Action vs DispatchAction is 
any more secure.

I must not be understanding you.
If you have url of /pagemethod=X and use reflection to resolve X, 
then you have far less control than if you simply check to see if X 
is in your list of approved methods.

On the other hand, a pure action with /pageSaveButtonName=ButtonValue 
is always going to go to my save code if the SaveButtonName 
parameter exists, and it'll go to my default code if not.   There's no 
other option.  That's as secure as it gets.

On the other hand, if you're just saying that you can encode your 
reflection dispatch name so that /pagemethod=X becomes 
/a1b2c3d4e5.psc, you've just made the security more obscure.  If 
someone figures out your encoding, they can still bypass it.

The first rule of computer security programming is never trust user 
data.  Let users specify indexes of items in lists, never the item 
values themselves.

I am not sure what you are saying, Mike.  
To bud in and sum up the other Mike's point, I think he was saying this:
When you map request parameters directly to method names using 
reflection then the user can mangle the request parameters to set any 
property they want to... perhaps even unintended ones.  Suddenly, any 
public properties are exposed to the world (or private ones if you've 
turned that on in security settings for some reason).

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Re: DispatchAction security

2004-09-18 Thread Rick Reumann
Mike Kienenberger wrote the following on 9/17/2004 7:13 PM:
On the other hand, if you're just saying that you can encode your reflection 
dispatch name so that /pagemethod=X becomes /a1b2c3d4e5.psc, you've 
just made the security more obscure.  If someone figures out your encoding, 
they can still bypass it.
I still don't see how it becomes that much different. Take the two 
approaches (and correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm sure you will:):

In approach one will assume going straight to a regular Action:
I'm assuming you'll have this encoded to look unintelligible to the user 
and it will end up resolving to use the / mapping in your 

In a dispatch approach you could have a URL that looked like
I don't believe the above would be 'that' much more work to encode and 

I don't think dispatch actions should be done away with because of 
security concerns. Those not using any kind of encoding stuff, like you 
are Mike, still often claim the regular Action is more secure because 
you don't have a dispatch parameter signifying what you are going. This 
argument is weak though because using a regular Action you can tell what 
you are doing just as easily.

Couldn't most security concerns be checked when the user gets to the 
Action or by some filter? In other words, if someone mangles a URL to 
try to get to an update page when they should only be going to a view 
only page, you could always make sure to check the user has permission 
to get to that resource and kick them out if they don't.

After reverting back to using regular Actions I decided to go back to 
using regular DispatchActions. I think they help organize the code 
better. Like I mentioned in another post, I don't see people breaking up 
a FooBarDao into UpdateFooBarDao, CreateFooBarDao, classes.

I'm certainly not saying that using a Dispatch Action is that much 
better than breaking out the code into separate Actions, I'm just not 
seeing how the other side can claim the reverse though - That using 
regular Actions are much better. Possibly if it makes encoding much 
easier in some way, and that is an application requirement, than I could 
see how using regular Actions would be preferable in that instance.

You could also always just code your DispatchActions with the 
unspecified method and then have the flexiblity to add other methods 
later if they logically fit within that class.

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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-17 Thread Michael McGrady
Steve Raeburn wrote
1. Big reason for not including this as a standard action is the use of '.x'
to identify the method name to dispatch to. The .x suffix has a particular
meaning in HTML (i.e. Image Button) and it would be incorrect/misleading to
subvert it for other uses that have nothing to do with image buttons.
Your critique gave me an idea, Steve.  I think that I will avoid that 
.x stuff and just use something like: method.update in the HTML.  
The result will be the same and no one will get the willies over the 
.x.  They also will see that the presence of .x is not what it seems to 
be.  What do you think?

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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-17 Thread Martin Cooper
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 21:19:03 -0700, Michael McGrady
 Martin Cooper wrote:
 IMHO, dispatch actions, whatever flavour, are a bad idea in the first
 place. They are essentially second-level controllers. What for? You
 already have a perfectly good controller in the Struts ActionServlet,
 so why have your own additional levels of controller below that? It
 only complicates the mechanism by which an incoming request is handed
 off to the relevant body of code, and confuses people trying to
 understand how the application works.
 The problem that dispatch actions are primarily related to, Martin, is
 determining which submit or image type was pressed when a form is

This is condescending. I know what dispatch actions are for, and have
done since before you knew they even existed.

 The problem is that you have to find out what the parameter
 is (it could be various things) and not what the value of a parameter
 is.  The controller is not set up for this.  The controller cannot do
 this.   I agree that the usual way of doing this confuses people.  Other
 ways, using Button classes in ActionForms, for example, which I have
 discussed at length elsewhere, is a really heavy and slow solution.  I
 find SimpleDispatchAction or the associated ImageTagUtil, which does not
 use Action code at all clear and good ways to do this.  You cannot avoid
 the problem.  The problem is real.  How do you solve it?  JavaScript?
 Given the available solutions I have seen in Struts, which are:
 LookupDispatchAction, Button classes outside the ActionForm, Button
 class as an inner class in the ActionForm, ImageTagUtil, and
 SimpleDispatchAction, I vastly prefer the last two.  That's why I coded
 them, of course, so I am prejudiced.
 As for which of SimpleDA, MappingDA, FubarDA, whatever, is the best,
 all I have to say is that exposing the names of non-trivial Java
 methods in URLs, and so visible outside the container, makes me very
 queasy from a security perspective. So if I was forced to use a
 dispatch action, I would certainly choose one that did not rely on a
 query string parameter to specify the method name.
 I am not sure what exposed methods you are talking about.  This is not
 required at all.  Thanks for you contribution to this.  I am glad you
 weighed in.  It is impossible to tell what silent people think.

If you don't know what exposed methods I'm talking about, how could
you possibly know that This is not required at all? You know very
well what methods I'm talking about, and nowhere did I suggest that
that they were required, only that they are extremely undesirable.

Martin Cooper

 Michael McGrady
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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-17 Thread Michael McGrady
Steve Raeburn wrote:
If that was you, Steve, trying to reach me on the chat, you caught me in 
the middle of changing based on your recommendation or objections from 
.x to method.  The chat is now working.

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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-17 Thread Michael McGrady
Martin Cooper wrote:
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 21:19:03 -0700, Michael McGrady

Martin Cooper wrote:

IMHO, dispatch actions, whatever flavour, are a bad idea in the first
place. They are essentially second-level controllers. 

The problem that dispatch actions are primarily related to, Martin, is
determining which submit or image type was pressed when a form is

This is condescending. I know what dispatch actions are for, and have
done since before you knew they even existed.

Well, when you call them essentially second-level controllers, Martin, 
I assumed you did not see they were essentially methods to get around 
the problem of not knowing which image with input type='image'.  I 
don't know how to talk to you if you want to say they are one thing and 
get testy if I point out they are another thing.


I am not sure what exposed methods you are talking about.  This is not
required at all.  Thanks for you contribution to this.  I am glad you
weighed in.  It is impossible to tell what silent people think.

If you don't know what exposed methods I'm talking about, how could
you possibly know that This is not required at all? You know very
well what methods I'm talking about, and nowhere did I suggest that
that they were required, only that they are extremely undesirable.

Isn't the logic the other way around?  I.e., if I DID know what exposed 
methods you were talking about then I could not know that This is not 
required at all?  The truth is that I don't know what exposed methods 
you are talking about and so far as I can see such exposure is not 
required at all.  Why this makes you so upset is a mystery to me.

I am merely trying to state what I think here.  I have no emotional 
commitment to this situation.  I am not going to watch every word I say 
because you might read them to have hidden meanings or unkind intents I 
don't have, Martin.  I hope you see that my statements were without any 
untoward view toward you or your abilities or anything else than the 
code.  I think people have clearly misunderstood this class in many 
respects and they can expect me to say so.  If I am wrong, then they can 
tell me.  But I am interested in principles here, not personalities.

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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-17 Thread Rick Reumann
Now my 1 cent worth:)...
(sorry if this is wordy but I do wish some of you comment on it.. esp 
Martin and Niall because I'd be interested in your approaches)..

First off, I've used all the flavors of DispatchAction available so I'm 
familiar with their use. I'm certainly anti LookupDispatchAction ( could 
give plenty of reasons why but that's not the topic of this). At the 
moment I'm not bigoted one way or the other 'yet:)' towards use of the 
regular Dispatch, MappingDispatch, or Michael's SimpleDispatch.

Some thoughts first. One of the benefits in using Struts is that in the 
end it reduces the time it takes to develop a web application and makes 
it easy to maintain.  The main reason I like the use of a DispatchAction 
is in regard to situations where you have multiple buttons on a form.

*Without using Javascript to swap out the form Action name, I'm curious 
how you guys accomplish using multiple buttons for a form without the 
use of a DispatchAction?* I know Martin and Niall said they don't like 
the DispatchAction so I am particularly interested in their approach to 
this. If I could solve that problem cleanly I might consider going back 
to separate regular Action classes to handle things - 
(EmployeeUpdateAction, EmployeeSetUpAction, EmployeeDeleteAction, etc). 
( We could also debate whether a DispatchAction organizes things better 
- all CRUD in one related class -  which I'd actually argue that a 
DispatchAction really does NOT help that much does save some typing, 
especially in regard to the Struts config.. but that's not too big a 
deal imo). Separate Actions would be fine for me if I could figure out 
the multiple button issue.

For example maybe a user form with two buttons Update and Delete 
which will either update the user information displayed or delete the 
user you are looking at. I'm curious how you would tackle this? You 
could of course submit to one regular Action that will look at the 
parameters but then you end up doing what a DispatchAction does. You 
could use Javascript to swap out the action name for the form (not a bad 
approach really. I was doing this). (Probably this example above is bad 
because in reality to do the delete all you would need is the delete 
button have an onClick that goes to a different Action passing in the 
user id and not really submit the form, but there are plenty of real 
life cases that do come up where you need the form submitted and do 
different things bases on what submit button was clicked).

What I do like about the SimpleDispatchAction is it does make things 
'simple' you have one consistent way to handle all scenarios.

The main benefit I find in the use of the SimpleDispatchAction is that 
it handles the problem of multiple buttons or images on a form without 
having to use javascript to set a hidden dispatch parameter (or without 
having to use javascript to change a form action name if using 
MappingDispatchAction).  What is nice is that the approach you use with 
these buttons is the same one used for links (pass in a name like 
update.x) (Using LookupDispatchAction with links is just very ugly).

In reference to the security issues of passing in exposed names of 
non-trivial Java methods in URLs, I agree this is a problem. But don't 
you run into the same problem using regular Actions? Your Action name 
itself if going to give a way what you are trying to accomplish (ie 

Martin Cooper wrote the following on 9/16/2004 10:59 PM:
I guess this thread has come to the point where I just have to throw
in my 2 cents worth... ;-)
IMHO, dispatch actions, whatever flavour, are a bad idea in the first
place. They are essentially second-level controllers. What for? You
already have a perfectly good controller in the Struts ActionServlet,
so why have your own additional levels of controller below that? It
only complicates the mechanism by which an incoming request is handed
off to the relevant body of code, and confuses people trying to
understand how the application works.
As for which of SimpleDA, MappingDA, FubarDA, whatever, is the best,
all I have to say is that exposing the names of non-trivial Java
methods in URLs, and so visible outside the container, makes me very
queasy from a security perspective. So if I was forced to use a
dispatch action, I would certainly choose one that did not rely on a
query string parameter to specify the method name.
Martin Cooper
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 17:54:03 -0700, Michael McGrady
Niall Pemberton wrote:

You're making the assumption that everyone wants to do things the way you
do - SimpleDispatchAction doesn't replace any of them if people don't.
Personally (if I used them :-)) MappingDispatchAction looks good to me for
most use cases or if I didn't want to specify anything in the
struts-config.xml then have a custom DispatchAction that just always used
method as the parameter name to find the method name from the request.
I guess I am not 

Regular Action? Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-17 Thread Rick Reumann
Rick Reumann wrote the following on 9/17/2004 11:03 AM:
The main reason I like the use of a DispatchAction 
is in regard to situations where you have multiple buttons on a form.

You know, the more I think about I think I might just go back to using 
reular ActionForms and not even bother with any of the Dispatch types. 
For cases where I would have a few extra buttons that would behave 
differently, I could just check that parameter in the execute method. I 
know this ends up being a dispatch of sorts, but to me it won't be 
'that' bad since 1) I usually don't have that many situations where 
there are a lot of extra buttons on a form and 2) So what if it acts 
like a dispatch action? It's only a few extra lines of code creating the 
if/else checks for the parameter name (Or I can do one check for that 
dispatch paramater name and if exists just execute that ActionDispatcher 
class that Niall created ).

I'm still curious on other approaches concerning mutliple buttons that 
submit a form (that don't involve use of a Dispatch flavor).

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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-17 Thread Mike Kienenberger
Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *Without using Javascript to swap out the form Action name, I'm curious 
 how you guys accomplish using multiple buttons for a form without the 
 use of a DispatchAction?*

 You could of course submit to one regular Action that will look at the 
 parameters but then you end up doing what a DispatchAction does.

This is the approach I decided on.  Downsides are that they're somewhat 
hardcoded into each action.  Upsides include better security and no base 
class multiple inheritance issues.

 You could use Javascript to swap out the action name for the form (not a 
 approach really. I was doing this).

Requires that your end users have javascript enabled.  In my opinion, 
javascript should enhance an application if available, but not be a 

 What I do like about the SimpleDispatchAction is it does make things 
 'simple' you have one consistent way to handle all scenarios.
 In reference to the security issues of passing in exposed names of 
 non-trivial Java methods in URLs, I agree this is a problem.

Yeah, and this is the reason why, although I like the simplicity of 
SimpleDispatchAction, I will probably never use it.
Any time you allow an end user an opportunity to specify a parameter for 
reflection, you're introducing security concerns.
However, a secure version could be created by only allowing a dispatch to 
a hardcoded list of methods.

 But don't you run into the same problem using regular Actions? Your Action 
 itself if going to give a way what you are trying to accomplish (ie 

Not relevent to my situation.  We require a WebObjects-like page state cache 
to handle backtracking issues.   Thus our URLs end up looking like 
http://.com:/ebpp/duSRSod7x598ZkHOQ16p1spKaMzS3yj1Dj_1.1.psc and 
contain no user-meaningful information.

This allowed me to get rid of two of the  three struts security issues I 
identified when first using the technology:

- all pages are random-access accessible

- page-scope variables are passed back to the client between requests and 
are subject to alteration

Downside is that you have to add your own bookmarking scheme (could be as 
simple as bookmark=x appended to the end) if you care about that.  Other 
downside is that you have develop a page state servlet :) but that took less 
than a week.


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Re: Regular Action? Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-17 Thread Rick Reumann
Sorry to clug the dev list with this, but since the topic started here, 
I'll continue. What about this approach that when enable the use of 
regular Actions and would handle the multiple button problem

I like the concept of using single Actions since it isolates what you 
are doing in a single class (vs a method in a class). What I was 
thinking is in the cases where you needed to use multipe buttons on a 
form you could simple create an Action that would handle this request 
and call the appropriate Action. For example, you have yoru typical 
UserUpdateAction, UserDeleteAction etc., but then you might have a 
UserMultipleActionHandler that would call one of the above Actions based 
on a param. The benefit to this your regular Actions remain independent 
and can be used as normal. You'd only need the handler when you have 
multiple buttons submitting the form.

Uggh the whole problem with all of this is it seems like I'm going 
backwards:) In other words, my first MVC app had one controller servlet 
and simple Command objects that would be called (which would return a 
foward param). When you think about it, that's all Actions really are 
(but with a handle to the Request/Response).

Rick Reumann wrote the following on 9/17/2004 2:12 PM:
Rick Reumann wrote the following on 9/17/2004 11:03 AM:
The main reason I like the use of a DispatchAction is in regard to 
situations where you have multiple buttons on a form.

You know, the more I think about I think I might just go back to using 
reular ActionForms and not even bother with any of the Dispatch types. 
For cases where I would have a few extra buttons that would behave 
differently, I could just check that parameter in the execute method. I 
know this ends up being a dispatch of sorts, but to me it won't be 
'that' bad since 1) I usually don't have that many situations where 
there are a lot of extra buttons on a form and 2) So what if it acts 
like a dispatch action? It's only a few extra lines of code creating the 
if/else checks for the parameter name (Or I can do one check for that 
dispatch paramater name and if exists just execute that ActionDispatcher 
class that Niall created ).

I'm still curious on other approaches concerning mutliple buttons that 
submit a form (that don't involve use of a Dispatch flavor).

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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-17 Thread Rick Reumann
Mike Kienenberger wrote the following on 9/17/2004 2:17 PM:
Not relevent to my situation.  We require a WebObjects-like page state cache 
to handle backtracking issues.   Thus our URLs end up looking like 
http://.com:/ebpp/duSRSod7x598ZkHOQ16p1spKaMzS3yj1Dj_1.1.psc and 
contain no user-meaningful information.
Wow I'd like to see how you implemented that some day. Sounds pretty 
cool. So I take it your Struts JSP Form would look like...

html:form action=${updateSecure}
Where you'd pass to the page this encoded String for the action name and 
then it gets translated somewhere in the RequestProcessor to equate to 
an actual mapping in the struts-config?

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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-17 Thread Rick Reumann
Martin Cooper wrote the following on 9/16/2004 10:59 PM:
IMHO, dispatch actions, whatever flavour, are a bad idea in the first
place. They are essentially second-level controllers. What for?  
I'm still not totally convinced DispatchActions don't have their place 
for handling CRUD stuff. Do you create separate DAO classes for each 
Database operation DaoUpdateEmployee, DaoDeleteEmployee? Usually you 
have a Dao that encapsulates those common operations related to an 
Employee - EmployeeDAO. I think of DispatchActions in a similar light.

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Re: DispatchAction security

2004-09-17 Thread Mike Kienenberger
Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mike Kienenberger wrote the following on 9/17/2004 2:17 PM:
  Any time you allow an end user an opportunity to specify a parameter for 

  reflection, you're introducing security concerns.
  However, a secure version could be created by only allowing a dispatch 
  a hardcoded list of methods.
 But your approach to encoding could do the same thing for a dispatch 
 param so I'm not certain that using an Action vs DispatchAction is any 
 more secure.

I must not be understanding you.

If you have url of /pagemethod=X and use reflection to resolve X, then 
you have far less control than if you simply check to see if X is in your 
list of approved methods.

On the other hand, a pure action with /pageSaveButtonName=ButtonValue is 
always going to go to my save code if the SaveButtonName parameter exists, 
and it'll go to my default code if not.   There's no other option.  That's 
as secure as it gets.

On the other hand, if you're just saying that you can encode your reflection 
dispatch name so that /pagemethod=X becomes /a1b2c3d4e5.psc, you've 
just made the security more obscure.  If someone figures out your encoding, 
they can still bypass it.

The first rule of computer security programming is never trust user data.  
Let users specify indexes of items in lists, never the item values 

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Re: DispatchAction security

2004-09-17 Thread Michael McGrady
Mike Kienenberger wrote:
Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mike Kienenberger wrote the following on 9/17/2004 2:17 PM:

Any time you allow an end user an opportunity to specify a parameter for 


reflection, you're introducing security concerns.
However, a secure version could be created by only allowing a dispatch 


a hardcoded list of methods.

But your approach to encoding could do the same thing for a dispatch 
param so I'm not certain that using an Action vs DispatchAction is any 
more secure.

I must not be understanding you.
If you have url of /pagemethod=X and use reflection to resolve X, then 
you have far less control than if you simply check to see if X is in your 
list of approved methods.

On the other hand, a pure action with /pageSaveButtonName=ButtonValue is 
always going to go to my save code if the SaveButtonName parameter exists, 
and it'll go to my default code if not.   There's no other option.  That's 
as secure as it gets.

On the other hand, if you're just saying that you can encode your reflection 
dispatch name so that /pagemethod=X becomes /a1b2c3d4e5.psc, you've 
just made the security more obscure.  If someone figures out your encoding, 
they can still bypass it.

The first rule of computer security programming is never trust user data.  
Let users specify indexes of items in lists, never the item values 

I am not sure what you are saying, Mike.  Suppose we have use the 
following actions.  One action has the following:

Action that Chooses What CRUD to Use from the Button
 public ActionForward execute(...) {
   String command = getCommandName();
   if(save.equals(command)) {
   } else if (delete).equals(command)) {
 return mapping.getInput();
2.  SOLUTION TWO: Dispatchers
Action that Chooses what CRUD Method to Call Via Reflection
 public ActionForward execute(...) {
   // Dispatch util is a method to get the methodName and use one of 
the following methods by reflection
   forward = new 

   public ActionForward save( ...) {
 String ButtonValue = request.getParameter(SaveButtonName);
 // use ButtonValue
   public ActionForward delete( ... ) {
  String ButtonValue = request.getParameter(DeleteButtonName)'
  // use ButtonValue
  Plain Old Action Objects
  public ActionForward execute () {
 String ButtonValue = request.getParameter(SaveButtonName);
 /// do whatever
  public ActionForward execute () {
 String ButtonValue = request.getParameter(DeleteButtonName);
 /// do whatever
Isn't the third option in fact the least safe?  And, isn't the dispatch 
option at least tied for the most safe?  The safety of the parameter and 
its value is in all three models, but in the plain old action object, 
that is the only distance between a hack and the application, whereas 
in the other cases there are added levels of security due to the 
complexity of the internal logic.  Ultimately the level of complexity 
and the bottom security the name/value pair from a request parameter for 
what must be deleted, etc. is the same in ALL cases.  What is different 
is that the object for deleting is an obvious target whereas the 
operations are hidden in an object represening, in essence, an actor 
rather than an action. 

Please do not take this question as disingenuous or otherwise as an 
attack on you.  I don't even know you.  This is just an attempt to 
exchange ideas.  I don't mean to suggest you would react that way but I 
have gotton gun shy on this list.  Thanks.  I am interested in your answers.

Michael McGrady


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RE: DispatchAction (was: [Apache Struts Wiki] Updated: StrutsCatalogSimpleDispatchAction)

2004-09-16 Thread Hubert Rabago
I was actually thinking of playing around with this idea, so that the
way the method is determined is refactored out, similar to how you
(Niall) changed ValidatorActionForm.

Specifically, I'm interested in figuring out if we can refactor it in
such a way that it becomes useful to other Action hierarchies.  One of
the issues with using an app-specific base class is that they lose the
functionality provided by the Action subclasses that comes with
Struts.  If we can move this code outside of the *DispatchAction
classes, app-specific base classes can take advantage of these
features as well.


On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 18:05:46 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: 2004-09-16T11:05:45
   Editor: NiallPemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Wiki: Apache Struts Wiki
   Page: StrutsCatalogSimpleDispatchAction
   no comment
 Change Log:
 @@ -179,5 +179,47 @@
 '''Michael !McGrady'''
 +Seems to me that most of the SimpleDispatchAction duplicates whats already in the 
 DispatchAction class. If we re-factored DispatchAction so that the parameter 
 retrieval was moved into a new getParameter() method then all that would be needed 
 to achieve what you want is a flavour that overrides the 
 getParameter()/getMethodName() methods.
 +Something along the lines of ...
 +public abstract class SimpleDispatchAction extends DispatchAction {
 +  protected String getParameter(ActionMapping mapping,
 +ActionForm form,
 +HttpServletRequest request,
 +HttpServletResponse response) {
 +return mapping.getParameter();
 +  }
 +  protected String getMethodName(ActionMapping mapping,
 + ActionForm form,
 + HttpServletRequest request,
 + HttpServletResponse response,
 + String parameter) {
 +if((parameter != null)  (parameter.endsWith(.x))) {
 +  methodName = parameter.substring(0,parameter.indexOf('.'));
 +} else {
 +  Enumeration enum = request.getParameterNames();
 +  while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {
 +buttonValue = (String)enum.nextElement();
 +if(buttonValue.endsWith(.x)) {
 +  methodName = buttonValue.substring(0,buttonValue.indexOf(.x));
 +  }
 +return methodName;
 +  }
 +'''Niall Pemberton'''
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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Michael McGrady
What SimpleDispatchAction does not duplicate is the logic of 
DispatchAction vis-a-vis the view in the MVC.  There is no need at all 
for a getParameter() method in SimpleDispatchAction.  The logic if very 
different.  In essence, DispatchAction substitutes the parameter of 
ActionMapping for the name in submit and adds the value of name to the 
parameter in ActionMapping.  SimpleDispatchAction avoids all of this by 
strip mining the name in submit, image, file, link, etc. and leaving the 
value in the request parameter and the value of the parameter in the 
MappingAction to be whatever you want. 

I think myself that some of these classes are just good ideas and really 
should not be in the Struts application.  If you start putting these in 
you will just, I think, bloat Struts unnecessarily.  If someone wants 
these, they should be available on the wiki or whatever.  However, if 
you think they should go into the Struts application itself, then I 
don't think the suggestion really works.  You simply have way too much 
baggage in DispatchAction for SimpleDispatchAction.  If you wanted to 
refactor by reversing the situation and making SimpleDispatchAction the 
superclass, that, I think, works better.  But the actual use of these 
two classes is so radically different I actually think separating them 
entirely would be the best bet.  The only thing they have in comom is 
the use of the reflection really.  That is not much in common.  They do 
meet similar needs but in radically different ways.

Michael McGrady
Hubert Rabago wrote:
I was actually thinking of playing around with this idea, so that the
way the method is determined is refactored out, similar to how you
(Niall) changed ValidatorActionForm.
Specifically, I'm interested in figuring out if we can refactor it in
such a way that it becomes useful to other Action hierarchies.  One of
the issues with using an app-specific base class is that they lose the
functionality provided by the Action subclasses that comes with
Struts.  If we can move this code outside of the *DispatchAction
classes, app-specific base classes can take advantage of these
features as well.
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 18:05:46 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Date: 2004-09-16T11:05:45
 Editor: NiallPemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Wiki: Apache Struts Wiki
 Page: StrutsCatalogSimpleDispatchAction
 no comment
Change Log:
@@ -179,5 +179,47 @@
'''Michael !McGrady'''
+Seems to me that most of the SimpleDispatchAction duplicates whats already in the 
DispatchAction class. If we re-factored DispatchAction so that the parameter retrieval 
was moved into a new getParameter() method then all that would be needed to achieve 
what you want is a flavour that overrides the getParameter()/getMethodName() methods.
+Something along the lines of ...
+public abstract class SimpleDispatchAction extends DispatchAction {
+  protected String getParameter(ActionMapping mapping,
+ActionForm form,
+HttpServletRequest request,
+HttpServletResponse response) {
+return mapping.getParameter();
+  }
+  protected String getMethodName(ActionMapping mapping,
+ ActionForm form,
+ HttpServletRequest request,
+ HttpServletResponse response,
+ String parameter) {
+if((parameter != null)  (parameter.endsWith(.x))) {
+  methodName = parameter.substring(0,parameter.indexOf('.'));
+} else {
+  Enumeration enum = request.getParameterNames();
+  while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {
+buttonValue = (String)enum.nextElement();
+if(buttonValue.endsWith(.x)) {
+  methodName = buttonValue.substring(0,buttonValue.indexOf(.x));
+  }
+return methodName;
+  }
+'''Niall Pemberton'''
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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Niall Pemberton
I don't see anything radically different in SimpleDispatchAction to the
other DispatchAction flavours - it just uses a slightly different mechanim
for determining the method name to execute and it doesn't throw an exception
if the parameter is null.

Looking at it, it seemed to me that factoring out retrieving the parameter
in DispatchAction into a separate method would mean that your
SimpleDispatchAction could re-use the bulk of the DispatchAction code that
it was duplicating and just provide the slight different flavour of method
name determination that you are keen on by overriding the getMethodName()
method - making SimpleDispatchAction much simpler :-)

Personally I don't use DispatchAction or any of its flavours at all and for
me SimpleDispatchAction doesn't seem to provide that much difference in
behaviour to make me think it would be worth adding into Struts - but if the
getParameter() refactoring of DispatchAction is helpful and makes extending
its behaviour easier then I'd be willing to do that.

To be honest Michael I'm confused by you saying SimpleDispatchAction is
*radically* different - I just don't see it. Maybe if you could point out
the radical differences in simple enough sentances for me understand then I
might get it?


- Original Message - 
From: Michael McGrady [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: DispatchAction

 What SimpleDispatchAction does not duplicate is the logic of
 DispatchAction vis-a-vis the view in the MVC.  There is no need at all
 for a getParameter() method in SimpleDispatchAction.  The logic if very
 different.  In essence, DispatchAction substitutes the parameter of
 ActionMapping for the name in submit and adds the value of name to the
 parameter in ActionMapping.  SimpleDispatchAction avoids all of this by
 strip mining the name in submit, image, file, link, etc. and leaving the
 value in the request parameter and the value of the parameter in the
 MappingAction to be whatever you want.

 I think myself that some of these classes are just good ideas and really
 should not be in the Struts application.  If you start putting these in
 you will just, I think, bloat Struts unnecessarily.  If someone wants
 these, they should be available on the wiki or whatever.  However, if
 you think they should go into the Struts application itself, then I
 don't think the suggestion really works.  You simply have way too much
 baggage in DispatchAction for SimpleDispatchAction.  If you wanted to
 refactor by reversing the situation and making SimpleDispatchAction the
 superclass, that, I think, works better.  But the actual use of these
 two classes is so radically different I actually think separating them
 entirely would be the best bet.  The only thing they have in comom is
 the use of the reflection really.  That is not much in common.  They do
 meet similar needs but in radically different ways.

 Michael McGrady

 Hubert Rabago wrote:

 I was actually thinking of playing around with this idea, so that the
 way the method is determined is refactored out, similar to how you
 (Niall) changed ValidatorActionForm.
 Specifically, I'm interested in figuring out if we can refactor it in
 such a way that it becomes useful to other Action hierarchies.  One of
 the issues with using an app-specific base class is that they lose the
 functionality provided by the Action subclasses that comes with
 Struts.  If we can move this code outside of the *DispatchAction
 classes, app-specific base classes can take advantage of these
 features as well.
 On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 18:05:46 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: 2004-09-16T11:05:45
   Editor: NiallPemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Wiki: Apache Struts Wiki
   Page: StrutsCatalogSimpleDispatchAction
   no comment
 Change Log:


 @@ -179,5 +179,47 @@
 '''Michael !McGrady'''
 +Seems to me that most of the SimpleDispatchAction duplicates whats
already in the DispatchAction class. If we re-factored DispatchAction so
that the parameter retrieval was moved into a new getParameter() method then
all that would be needed to achieve what you want is a flavour that
overrides the getParameter()/getMethodName() methods.
 +Something along the lines of ...
 +public abstract class SimpleDispatchAction extends DispatchAction {
 +  protected String getParameter(ActionMapping mapping,
 +ActionForm form,
 +HttpServletRequest request,
 +HttpServletResponse response) {
 +return mapping.getParameter();
 +  }
 +  protected String getMethodName(ActionMapping mapping,
 + ActionForm form

Re: DispatchAction (was: [Apache Struts Wiki] Updated: StrutsCatalogSimpleDispatchAction)

2004-09-16 Thread Niall Pemberton

Is this what has already happened in DispatchAction with the getMethodName()
method that has been added since Struts 1.2.0?

Maybe I've mis-understood what you're saying.


- Original Message - 
From: Hubert Rabago [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 8:23 PM
Subject: RE: DispatchAction (was: [Apache Struts Wiki] Updated:

 I was actually thinking of playing around with this idea, so that the
 way the method is determined is refactored out, similar to how you
 (Niall) changed ValidatorActionForm.

 Specifically, I'm interested in figuring out if we can refactor it in
 such a way that it becomes useful to other Action hierarchies.  One of
 the issues with using an app-specific base class is that they lose the
 functionality provided by the Action subclasses that comes with
 Struts.  If we can move this code outside of the *DispatchAction
 classes, app-specific base classes can take advantage of these
 features as well.


 On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 18:05:46 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 2004-09-16T11:05:45
Editor: NiallPemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wiki: Apache Struts Wiki
Page: StrutsCatalogSimpleDispatchAction
no comment
  Change Log:


  @@ -179,5 +179,47 @@
  '''Michael !McGrady'''
  +Seems to me that most of the SimpleDispatchAction duplicates whats
already in the DispatchAction class. If we re-factored DispatchAction so
that the parameter retrieval was moved into a new getParameter() method then
all that would be needed to achieve what you want is a flavour that
overrides the getParameter()/getMethodName() methods.
  +Something along the lines of ...
  +public abstract class SimpleDispatchAction extends DispatchAction {
  +  protected String getParameter(ActionMapping mapping,
  +ActionForm form,
  +HttpServletRequest request,
  +HttpServletResponse response) {
  +return mapping.getParameter();
  +  }
  +  protected String getMethodName(ActionMapping mapping,
  + ActionForm form,
  + HttpServletRequest request,
  + HttpServletResponse response,
  + String parameter) {
  +if((parameter != null)  (parameter.endsWith(.x))) {
  +  methodName = parameter.substring(0,parameter.indexOf('.'));
  +} else {
  +  Enumeration enum = request.getParameterNames();
  +  while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {
  +buttonValue = (String)enum.nextElement();
  +if(buttonValue.endsWith(.x)) {
  +  methodName =
  +  }
  +return methodName;
  +  }
  +'''Niall Pemberton'''
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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Michael McGrady
Niall Pemberton wrote:
I don't see anything radically different in SimpleDispatchAction to the
other DispatchAction flavours - it just uses a slightly different mechanim
for determining the method name to execute and it doesn't throw an exception
if the parameter is null.
Thatt slightly different mechanism changes pretty much completely how 
you can relate to the view.  _/*You have to remember that these two 
classes are obtaining the method name from different places*/_.  
Remember too that SimpleDispatchAction does not merely replace 
DispatchAction, it replaces DispatchAction, LookupDispatchAction and 
MappedDispatchAction.  That should show that, while it may (and does) 
look like a simple change (and is a simple change) the results are 
radically different because of how it relates to the view.  For example:

With SimpleDispatchAction, for /any /number of methods, you might have a 
struts-config.xml that looks like:

|  action path=/subscription 

With MappingDispatchAction, for a create, edit, save, delete, and list 
set of methods, you would have to have the following:

|  action path=/createSubscription 
 forward name=success path=/editSubscription.jsp/

 action path=/editSubscription 
 forward name=success path=/editSubscription.jsp/

 action path=/saveSubscription 
 forward name=success path=/savedSubscription.jsp/

 action path=/deleteSubscription 
 forward name=success path=/deletedSubscription.jsp/

 action path=/listSubscriptions 
 forward name=success path=/subscriptionList.jsp/

Additionally, what will occur on the page will be completely different.  
That does not mean a link won't be a link and a file browse won't be a 
file browse, etc.  What it means is that the view code will be broken.

I am a pretty good coder and sometimes not the best communicator on 
these things because I tend to come from a different angle, being 
self-trained.  Rick Reumann is changing some things to use this instead 
of MappingDispatchAction, I think.  Maybe he can be helpful to you on this.

Michael McGrady
| |

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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Michael McGrady

Hubert Rabago wrote:
   public ActionForward execute(_usual_params) {
   RequestUtils.dispatch(this, _usual_params);
This will work fine for SimpleDispatchAction, in fact I LOVE IT and I am 
going to do it, if you don't, but this would not replace DispatchAction, 
LookupDispatchAction or MappingDispatchAction, and there probably is a 
lot of code out there with those actions.  You would have to provide the 
following four options.

I want to emphasize, however, that 
RequestUtils.simpleDispatch(this,_usual_params) will do everything that 
the others do and do what they do more simply, but it is based on 
different data.


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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Michael McGrady
Tom Drake wrote:
It appears that what we have are different strategies for determining the
method name. 

Yes!  *_/The existing classes use DIFFERENT DATA AND DIFFERENT LOGIC to 
get the method name/_*.  The ONLY thing SimpleDispatchAction and the 
present classes have in common is that they do get the method name and 
that they use reflection once they have the method name.  The present 
classes use a combination of a request parameter value from a name/value 
pair with the value of an ActionMapping parameter property to determine 
the method.  SimpleDispatchAction uses neither of these sources and so, 
requires no special coding in struts-config.xml and frees up the related 
values for the name/value pairs in a href=, input type='submit', 
input type='image and input type='file for whatever clever 
machinations we coders can create. 

The SimpleDispatchAction, if it were not for legacy uses, can completely 
replace the three existing dispatch classes.

Enough from me.  I am too noisy.  Right?
Michael McGrady
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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Michael McGrady
Niall Pemberton wrote:
You're making the assumption that everyone wants to do things the way you
do - SimpleDispatchAction doesn't replace any of them if people don't.
Personally (if I used them :-)) MappingDispatchAction looks good to me for
most use cases or if I didn't want to specify anything in the
struts-config.xml then have a custom DispatchAction that just always used
method as the parameter name to find the method name from the request.
I guess I am not communicating well at all. 

I have no idea what people want to do and not only am I aware that 
people are not very predictable but also that I have no desire to try to 
get people to do anything whatsoever.   I can tell you that also having 
been a Federal Public Defender I am really, really aware of the variety 
of choices people will make.  ;-)

I just am saying that for my money a class that does exactly the same 
thing as three other classes and is faster, lighter, and less coupled is 
preferrable to me.  I also suspect it will be preferrable to others, if 
that is right.  So, I assumed the only issue was whether it was better, 
and not whether people liked things that were not better.

I would give people the dignity of arguing with them a bit about it, if 
they disagree, in order to see what they are thinking.  I am not sure, 
Niall, that you see what is happening in this case, given you previous 
posts, but let me say that the logic in SimpleDispatchClass replaces the 
logic in all these other cases and gives you more flexibility.  If you 
prefer to have to code the struts-config.xml when you don't have to and 
if you prefer to have heavier code in an underlying super class, and if 
you prefer to have a situation where you cannot use a single solution to 
all uses of buttons, then you won't want to use SmpleDispatchAction.  
But, if you do like your code to be simple, lightweight, generic, and 
fairly straightforward, you might try SmpleDispatchAction. 

Do you see that you can do exactly the same thing with 
SimpleDispatchAction as with MappingDispatchAction and without the heavy 
load of DispatchAction?  Do you see also that you can do exactly the 
same thing with SimpleDispatchAction as all three of these classes?  
Heck, if you see all this and prefer to use those classes, I would be 
surprised but would not be plussed.  (Is there a plussed to go with 

The preceding sardonic presentation is meant to be a bit comical, but I 
would be interested, Niall, in knowing why you would do what you say you 
would, given what seems to be a pretty decided inferiority of the 
classes you say you would use.  I may well be completely wrong in my 
assessment and would welcome any critique you have to offer.  Maybe I 
too should do what you suggest, but I cannot see it.

Laughin' and Lovin' inWashington,
Michael McGrady

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RE: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Steve Raeburn

Quick comments on your suggestion. Please don't mistake the brevity for
abruptness - just lack of time on my part.

I agree with pretty much everything Niall said in his previous reply, with
the following 2 cents-worth.

1. Big reason for not including this as a standard action is the use of '.x'
to identify the method name to dispatch to. The .x suffix has a particular
meaning in HTML (i.e. Image Button) and it would be incorrect/misleading to
subvert it for other uses that have nothing to do with image buttons.

2. I don't *want* to use '.x'. I don't like using DispatchAction much
because it pollutes my URLs. MappingDispatchAction let's me keep the URLs
nice and tidy at the expense of slightly more configuration in the config
file, but I'm OK with that trade-off.

3. The example code doesn't work for SimpleDispatchAction. You are not
passing the ActionMapping parameter to the getMethodName method, which
requires it. Could you update the wiki with the correct code?

If you're proposing this as an additional action that *some* people might
find useful, then that's great. But I think you were suggesting this as a
*replacement* for DispatchAction/LookupDispatchAction/MappingDispatchAction,
but it simply does not do what those actions already do and so could not
replace them. Also, I would not be happy with inclusion in Struts because of
the non-standard use of HTML.



-Original Message-
From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: September 16, 2004 5:54 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: DispatchAction

Niall Pemberton wrote:

You're making the assumption that everyone wants to do things the way you
do - SimpleDispatchAction doesn't replace any of them if people don't.
Personally (if I used them :-)) MappingDispatchAction looks good to me for
most use cases or if I didn't want to specify anything in the
struts-config.xml then have a custom DispatchAction that just always used
method as the parameter name to find the method name from the request.


I guess I am not communicating well at all.

I have no idea what people want to do and not only am I aware that
people are not very predictable but also that I have no desire to try to
get people to do anything whatsoever.   I can tell you that also having
been a Federal Public Defender I am really, really aware of the variety
of choices people will make.  ;-)

I just am saying that for my money a class that does exactly the same
thing as three other classes and is faster, lighter, and less coupled is
preferrable to me.  I also suspect it will be preferrable to others, if
that is right.  So, I assumed the only issue was whether it was better,
and not whether people liked things that were not better.

I would give people the dignity of arguing with them a bit about it, if
they disagree, in order to see what they are thinking.  I am not sure,
Niall, that you see what is happening in this case, given you previous
posts, but let me say that the logic in SimpleDispatchClass replaces the
logic in all these other cases and gives you more flexibility.  If you
prefer to have to code the struts-config.xml when you don't have to and
if you prefer to have heavier code in an underlying super class, and if
you prefer to have a situation where you cannot use a single solution to
all uses of buttons, then you won't want to use SmpleDispatchAction.
But, if you do like your code to be simple, lightweight, generic, and
fairly straightforward, you might try SmpleDispatchAction.

Do you see that you can do exactly the same thing with
SimpleDispatchAction as with MappingDispatchAction and without the heavy
load of DispatchAction?  Do you see also that you can do exactly the
same thing with SimpleDispatchAction as all three of these classes?
Heck, if you see all this and prefer to use those classes, I would be
surprised but would not be plussed.  (Is there a plussed to go with

The preceding sardonic presentation is meant to be a bit comical, but I
would be interested, Niall, in knowing why you would do what you say you
would, given what seems to be a pretty decided inferiority of the
classes you say you would use.  I may well be completely wrong in my
assessment and would welcome any critique you have to offer.  Maybe I
too should do what you suggest, but I cannot see it.

Laughin' and Lovin' inWashington,

Michael McGrady

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RE: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Steve Raeburn
IMHO DispatchActions are more of a programmer convenience, than an
additional level of controller. I don't use them to dynamically select the
action at runtime (the job of the controller), just to let me organize code
together and avoid duplication where the code seems to belong together.
(e.g. CRUD operations).

In particular, with the MDA, the action is determined exclusively from the
action path not from request parameters. Exactly the same as using standard,
separate actions but - in some cases - more convenient.


-Original Message-
From: Martin Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: September 16, 2004 7:59 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: DispatchAction

I guess this thread has come to the point where I just have to throw
in my 2 cents worth... ;-)

IMHO, dispatch actions, whatever flavour, are a bad idea in the first
place. They are essentially second-level controllers. What for? You
already have a perfectly good controller in the Struts ActionServlet,
so why have your own additional levels of controller below that? It
only complicates the mechanism by which an incoming request is handed
off to the relevant body of code, and confuses people trying to
understand how the application works.

As for which of SimpleDA, MappingDA, FubarDA, whatever, is the best,
all I have to say is that exposing the names of non-trivial Java
methods in URLs, and so visible outside the container, makes me very
queasy from a security perspective. So if I was forced to use a
dispatch action, I would certainly choose one that did not rely on a
query string parameter to specify the method name.

Martin Cooper

On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 17:54:03 -0700, Michael McGrady
 Niall Pemberton wrote:

 You're making the assumption that everyone wants to do things the way you
 do - SimpleDispatchAction doesn't replace any of them if people don't.
 Personally (if I used them :-)) MappingDispatchAction looks good to me
 most use cases or if I didn't want to specify anything in the
 struts-config.xml then have a custom DispatchAction that just always used
 method as the parameter name to find the method name from the request.

 I guess I am not communicating well at all.

 I have no idea what people want to do and not only am I aware that
 people are not very predictable but also that I have no desire to try to
 get people to do anything whatsoever.   I can tell you that also having
 been a Federal Public Defender I am really, really aware of the variety
 of choices people will make.  ;-)

 I just am saying that for my money a class that does exactly the same
 thing as three other classes and is faster, lighter, and less coupled is
 preferrable to me.  I also suspect it will be preferrable to others, if
 that is right.  So, I assumed the only issue was whether it was better,
 and not whether people liked things that were not better.

 I would give people the dignity of arguing with them a bit about it, if
 they disagree, in order to see what they are thinking.  I am not sure,
 Niall, that you see what is happening in this case, given you previous
 posts, but let me say that the logic in SimpleDispatchClass replaces the
 logic in all these other cases and gives you more flexibility.  If you
 prefer to have to code the struts-config.xml when you don't have to and
 if you prefer to have heavier code in an underlying super class, and if
 you prefer to have a situation where you cannot use a single solution to
 all uses of buttons, then you won't want to use SmpleDispatchAction.
 But, if you do like your code to be simple, lightweight, generic, and
 fairly straightforward, you might try SmpleDispatchAction.

 Do you see that you can do exactly the same thing with
 SimpleDispatchAction as with MappingDispatchAction and without the heavy
 load of DispatchAction?  Do you see also that you can do exactly the
 same thing with SimpleDispatchAction as all three of these classes?
 Heck, if you see all this and prefer to use those classes, I would be
 surprised but would not be plussed.  (Is there a plussed to go with

 The preceding sardonic presentation is meant to be a bit comical, but I
 would be interested, Niall, in knowing why you would do what you say you
 would, given what seems to be a pretty decided inferiority of the
 classes you say you would use.  I may well be completely wrong in my
 assessment and would welcome any critique you have to offer.  Maybe I
 too should do what you suggest, but I cannot see it.

 Laughin' and Lovin' inWashington,

 Michael McGrady

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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Michael McGrady
Hi, Niall,
Thanks for the discussion.  I have a few things to say on it which might 
be of interest.  I will be brief.

* It doesn't do EXACTLY the same as MappingDispatchAction or DispatchAction
(I'm ignoring LookupDispatchAction 'coz I don't like it). It almost does the
same as MappingDispatchAction except that MappingDispatchAction requires the
method name in the struts-config.xml and throws an Exception if it isn't

If you like doing this with MappingDispatchAction, then you can do it 
with SimpleDispatchAction as well.  It /is/ the same in this regard, 
Niall.  I am not sure why you think it isn't..  You don't /have /to do 
it but you can configure SimpleDispatchAction so that it will do exactly 
what MappingDispatchAction does in this regard.  I think it will in all 
regards.  I cannot imagine, given what I know of both classes, what 
would be an exception in this regard.

DispatchAction also throws an Exception if theres no parameter in
struts-config.xml and uses the parameter to find the name from the Request.
Can't see how you can say SimpleDispactgAction does exactly the same thing -
it doesn't.

The logic, of course, is different.  And, SimpleDispatchAction does 
things the others don't.  But, so far as I can see, if you want the 
behaviors of the other three, SimpleDispatchAction provides it.  I have 
not seen yet how it does not.

* I don't see how its faster or lighter - most of its code is just a
duplication of whats in DispatchAction and the only difference is the
determination of the method name.

Because of the way the value of the parameters are displayed, in 
LookupDispatchAction you have to have this whole initLookupMap code that 
is significant, I think.  In MappingDispatchAction you have to have all 
the code for the various paths.  You may want that.  And, if you do, it 
is available with SimpleDispatchAction, but it is not necessary and is 
heavier.  I might have overstated how heavy, but my prejudice is to get 
simple and light always.

* If I used dispatch actions I would create my own custom one that always
used method as the parameter name to get the method name from the Request.
I'm sure that would suit most situations, would mean nothing was required in
struts-config..xml and the custom action wouldn't have to go through all the
request parameters find one that ended in .x

You can do this, of course, but you would sacrifice a lot of flexibility 
in solving problems that I see people struggle with constantly on the 
list.  Indeed, SimpleDispatchAction was born recently out of an attempt 
to assist another engineer engaged in such a struggle.  I put a lot of 
stock in providing an easy architecture to the view team.  This solution 
gives them a simple solution and has no downside that I know of to date.

Well given that I don't use them its probably a bit rich stating my
preferences :-) but anyway. MappingDispatchAction looks OK to me - if I
hated specifying stuff in the struts-config.xml then I wouldn't be using
Struts. Also seems to me that having different paths for each of the
actions would be a good thing - my app controls user access based on the
path - so having / and / with different parameters seems
like a better idea than just having one action mapping. Anyway I was never
argueing for this - but its different and I thinks its a valid option for
people to have.

It is one thing to hate specifying stuff in the struts-config.xml file 
but another to have to do so in order to meet certain problem domains.  
SimpleDispatchAction removes the necessity and takes away nothing that I 
know of to date.

I don't get the heavy load bit at all, not if you're taling about the
actual code in the classes rather than how you configure the xml and view to
use them.

The multiple mappings mean multiple classes, of course, vis-a-vis 
MappingDispatchAction.  And, the extra coding and the extra methods 
employed by LookupDispatchAction are what I call heavy.

Actually never said I would use them - I don't, I use plain old Action
classes and am happy doing so.

Yah, they are not necessary.  I just determined what method to call by 
using a utility class to do what SimpleDispatchAction does not and then 
switches and the if else if else if else if etc. in the past.  I have 
found out that using SimpleDispatchAction gives me much more speed.  I 
was amazed, actually.  The code is also a lot easier to read.  public 
ActionForward update() is a lot easier to follow in an action class 
than else if(SiteConstant.UPDATE.equals(method)) for me.  So, I like 
the DispatchAction idea of using reflection.  I just hated the 
complexity and the inflexibility of the way the name of the method to be 
employed.  The biggest use for LookupDispatchAction is to get around the 
problem of there being an .x and a .y with input type='image', 
after all.  I just tried to turn the problem into a plus.  And, so far, 
I think I have.

I am not trying to change your mind, but 

Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Michael McGrady

Martin Cooper wrote:
IMHO, dispatch actions, whatever flavour, are a bad idea in the first
place. They are essentially second-level controllers. What for? You
already have a perfectly good controller in the Struts ActionServlet,
so why have your own additional levels of controller below that? It
only complicates the mechanism by which an incoming request is handed
off to the relevant body of code, and confuses people trying to
understand how the application works.

The problem that dispatch actions are primarily related to, Martin, is 
determining which submit or image type was pressed when a form is 
submitted.  The problem is that you have to find out what the parameter 
is (it could be various things) and not what the value of a parameter 
is.  The controller is not set up for this.  The controller cannot do 
this.   I agree that the usual way of doing this confuses people.  Other 
ways, using Button classes in ActionForms, for example, which I have 
discussed at length elsewhere, is a really heavy and slow solution.  I 
find SimpleDispatchAction or the associated ImageTagUtil, which does not 
use Action code at all clear and good ways to do this.  You cannot avoid 
the problem.  The problem is real.  How do you solve it?  JavaScript?  
Given the available solutions I have seen in Struts, which are: 
LookupDispatchAction, Button classes outside the ActionForm, Button 
class as an inner class in the ActionForm, ImageTagUtil, and 
SimpleDispatchAction, I vastly prefer the last two.  That's why I coded 
them, of course, so I am prejudiced.

As for which of SimpleDA, MappingDA, FubarDA, whatever, is the best,
all I have to say is that exposing the names of non-trivial Java
methods in URLs, and so visible outside the container, makes me very
queasy from a security perspective. So if I was forced to use a
dispatch action, I would certainly choose one that did not rely on a
query string parameter to specify the method name.

I am not sure what exposed methods you are talking about.  This is not 
required at all.  Thanks for you contribution to this.  I am glad you 
weighed in.  It is impossible to tell what silent people think.

Michael McGrady
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Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Michael McGrady
Steve Raeburn wrote:
Quick comments on your suggestion. Please don't mistake the brevity for
abruptness - just lack of time on my part.

I don't.  I appreciate all this feedback and discussion.  I like the 
idea of ideas being honed and forged with discussion and criticism.  It 
is a good thing and I know we all have limited time.

3. The example code doesn't work for SimpleDispatchAction. You are not
passing the ActionMapping parameter to the getMethodName method, which
requires it. Could you update the wiki with the correct code?

You are wrong about this.  The code presently is running and working 
fine on my application.  I know why you think this, but your conclusion 
is based on the same misconception everyone else has had when they first 
see SimpleDispatchAction.  It does not work the way they think.  This 
uses a really unusual twist which results in some surprising and not 
immediately understandable logic.

If you're proposing this as an additional action that *some* people might
find useful, then that's great. But I think you were suggesting this as a
*replacement* for DispatchAction/LookupDispatchAction/MappingDispatchAction,
but it simply does not do what those actions already do and so could not
replace them. 

This is, I think, false.  I think maybe you don't see what 
SimpleDispatchAction does, Martin.  Members on the user list have 
adapted it, in fact, in place of all those actions.  We are not used to 
seeing what it means to look for a name in a name/value pair.  This is a 
fundamental change in what we do.  It has been there to do, of course, 
and so is not invented.  But, SimpleDispatchAction does it and the 
results are cool, I think.  Doing so allows really powerful things to 
happen and creates surprising flexibility.

1. Big reason for not including this as a standard action is the use of '.x'
to identify the method name to dispatch to. The .x suffix has a particular
meaning in HTML (i.e. Image Button) and it would be incorrect/misleading to
subvert it for other uses that have nothing to do with image buttons.

I agree in a sense with this, and I would not be surprised if someone 
wanted to use a different class for those cases where there is no .x 
just for this reason.  However, let me tell you how this all happened.  
First, I wanted to solve the problem of the .x case, which 
LookupDispatchAction does, I think, in a cool but ugly fashion.  I tried 
Button classes but they were too heavy.  They really bog down 
performance, actually.  Then I tried an inner Button class in the 
ActionForm, which is associated with ImageTagUtil for historical or 
hysterical reasons on the wiki StrutsCatalog.  This was better.  
Finally, I realized that the simple solution in ImageTagUtil was the 
best.  Just mind, retrieve, get the value with .x and be done with 
it.  So I did.  This leads to the usual series of choices in the Action 
and associated classes for various methods, e.g. as in CRUD, etc.  That 
too was surprisingly slow, if you did not want to hard code values in 
the if and else if choices.  And, the code really got hard to read if 
there were significant numbers of methods.  This was really flexible though.

Then, following some prompting by people on the lists with their 
problems, I began to seek a generic button solution.  That mean using 
.x throughout for consistency, even if this was not required.  But, 
that led me to a further discover beyond the scope of this note, viz. 
that leaving the value of the .x name free for other uses created a 
whole new kind of logic I had not even considered before with all sorts 
of interesting possibilities.  Instead of getting one value from a 
name/value pair, I was getting two values which could be assciated or 
not.  There is more, but you get the picture.  I have a very interesting 
whole application dealing with images and buttons which will be on the 
table in the near or not too distant future with some surprising aspects 
which really aid development, I think.

Also, I would not be happy with inclusion in Struts because of
the non-standard use of HTML.

I am on record as being of the opinion that I think nothing like this 
should be included with Struts but should be provided as possible code 
in wikis, etc., so I agree.  I just thought that if you were going to 
have three classes where one would do, you might want that.  I am not 
sure why you think the HTML used is non-standard, however.  You mean the 
use of names like update.x?  The HTML is standard.  The protocol for the 
values of the request name/value pairs is just expanded to four rather 
than one option in the semantics, leading to the flexibility previously 
discussed.  IMHO that LookupDispatchAction actually distorts normal 
practice with less benefits.

Thanks again for all your thought put into this.  I appreciate it a 
great deal and have enjoyed your posts over the time I have been 
around.  That goes for the other people assisting in this aa well.


Re: DispatchAction

2004-09-16 Thread Michael McGrady
Steve Raeburn wrote:
IMHO DispatchActions are more of a programmer convenience, than an
additional level of controller. I don't use them to dynamically select the
action at runtime (the job of the controller), just to let me organize code
together and avoid duplication where the code seems to belong together.
(e.g. CRUD operations).

With LookupDispatchAction and with SimpleDispatchAction, you get a 
solution to the problem of multiple images.  That is something that is 
particularly important, and is necessarily related to distinguishing 
either between utility classes or differing methods.  No?

In particular, with the MDA, the action is determined exclusively from the
action path not from request parameters. Exactly the same as using standard,
separate actions but - in some cases - more convenient.

This and other options are equally available with SimpleDispatchAction 
and statements to the contrary have not seen what is happening with 
SimpleDispatchAction or have not see what can be done with the 
flexibilty available.

Michael McGrady
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