>On Thursday, 31 May, 2018 10:19, Dominique Devienne said:

>Given where the conversation is going, let me point out that many do
>not care one bit about the lib's size :)

>I'd much rather have an SQLite with tons of features, than forego
>those in the name saving a few bytes, to save a few bucks on the 
>embedded chip and flash for commercial products that don't even 
>pay for SQLite.

>SQLite is already amazingly small for the value it brings. And if
>people want "smaller", they can still stick
>with older leaner versions of SQLite too. My $0.02... --DD

The custom version of the library that I build which contains *all* features 
and extensions built-in, and then some, compiled with MinGW-w64 GCC 7.1.0 on 
Windows using -m64 -O3, and statically linked with all the GCC libraries 
(__float128, runtime, threading, etc., so no dependancies other than to the 
subsystem runtime (MSVCRT) and the Windows DLLs actually used) comes in around 
2 MB ... APSW a wee bit bigger ...

2018-05-30  16:40         2,173,456 sqlite3.dll
2018-05-30  16:43         2,326,544 apsw.cp36-win_amd64.pyd

Of course, this includes almost all the extensions, all the math library, many 
Windows APIs, and a bunch of aggregates/functions/collations to handle IP 
Addresses (v4 and v6), some running statistics, proper rounding (Half-Even), 
all the hash functions 
(MD4/MD5/SHA/SHA1/SHA2(256/384/512)/SHA3(224/256/384/512)) and a few other odds 
and sods.

If it were for a computer with "limited resources" I would par it down a lot, 
but having everything automatically available is very nice ... and I am not 
CPU/Memory/IO constained (though having all NVMe drives does make me have to 
"fix" things from time to time to stay within the constraints of spinning rust 
(3 GB/s I/O can become very addictive).

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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