On 5/31/18, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> Did you know that less than half of SQLite installations are on desktop
> computers ?  My guess is that mobile phones are now the biggest category of
> devices.  They run off battery power.  They have firmware on chips.  The
> more chips they have to keep powered-up, the more battery power they use,
> the physically bigger the phone has to be to hold not just the chips but the
> bigger battery, the heavier and more expensive it is.

Back in the day, Motorola and Symbian used to really pressure us to
keep the library footprint down.  Every byte mattered.

But more recently, mobile phone designers are telling me things like
"try to keep the size under 5 megabytes, if you can, please."

Based on those more recent conversations, I'm thinking that we have
more headroom that we have had historically, and so I have recently
been allowing new features to start creeping into the core.

Size is still important.  But having useful features is important too.
I'm continuing to work to find the right balance between these
competing goals.
D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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