In a message dated 14/06/00 22:11:29 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Can we get back to the music?  B*tch about Moby or Carl Cox or haggle over
>  t-shirts?  Gripe about Sony or BMG?  Anything but this anymore!

Speaking of the whole Sony/UR thing, its all showed up in the latest issue of 
Mixmag!  Knights of the Jaguar is listed on the cover, and they reckon its 
gonna be one of the biggest tunes of the Summer!  Where the hell have they 
been?  Must have taken last summer off or something...   Of course, to them, 
its only "the biggest tune of the summer" if it gets played in Ibiza (groan).

I find it funny as well, that Mixmag act all hip and cool about it, 
portraying a pro UR sort of stance.  Which you obviously would have to (who 
could possibly side with sony?), but still, Mixmag don't really give a shit, 
and its actually kinda annoying seeing them suddenly write about UR as if 
they have always been real fans or something.  They never would have payed 
attention if Pete Tong didn't get his filthy hands on a copy of the record 
somehow.  And as for Pete Tong, he was initially playing the rip off trance 
version!  (oh dear, the whole purpose of this post was to avoid that "other" 
T word)


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