here's a question...

at what point has the music of one scene become so copied that the original
soul and unique spirit of those first pioneers become diluted with 1/2 arsed
knock-offs and misguided interpretations?  simply put, how long doest take
for the bandwagon to run over the pioneers?

cybotron is seen as the foundation of the detroit sound.  10 years later the
sound had been refined and the banner picked up by a larger crowd.  10 more
years have pasted.  what is left of the original voice?

i have been around in this scene for the better part of 10 years.  i have
seen the rise of UK breakbeat and it's tranfiguration into the various drum
and bass camps.  techno has gone from minimal concrete and steel to organic
and then full circle again and again, each time picking up more and more
bits of other influences.

i am certain that a large section of this mailing list would not enjoy
listening to the early techno records.  they lack much of the movement that
exists today.  a large portion of the listening audience has come to
"techno" thru the remains of the rave scene and the mega parties.

i have people tell me all the time that they love techno, but when i break
out some minimal techno stuff that ca. 1984, they look at me very confused.
if i play early electro, they seem to know what that is, but the early
techno is lost on them.  to tell you honestly, the early techno takes some
serious patience to listen to until it "clicks" in your mind.  it took a few
years for that to happen with me.

so all this talk of trance and techno seems rather pointless.  if you must
confine your mind to a narrow defination of techno, then i feel sorry for
you and at the sametime i have no time for you.  there are many great works
out there hiding on the b sides of many records filed under other banners
than "techno."


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