In a message dated 16/06/00 11:30:21 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> If that is how you truly feel, then please "progress" to another mailing 
>  list. You and the smart guy in the message below this one are obviously 
>  angry non-americans.

I'm American, although living in England at the moment, so if you dont listen 
to these "non americans" then perhaps you will believe me.  What they said is 
true.  You are simply demonstrating your ignorance and unbelievably stupid 
although no doubt very strong patriotism.  You are a victim of brainwashing, 
its not your fault, but please try to get past it.  You are exactly the kind 
of American that gives all of us a bad name.  Any time anyone says something 
that is percieved to be even slightly critical you jump to the defence and 
start going on about how great America is.

Why dont you just grow up, accept that America is not the best thing in the 
world, but only a small piece of a large puzzle, and shut the hell up?

Thank you, my fellow American,


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