Hmmmm... I don't think there's a law that says you have to invest in a $600
Technics SL-1200 to enjoy UR's music?  (OK, so I have two of them...) :-)
Just the same, here in the states you can probably find happiness with with
a $100-$200 belt-driven turntable, equip it with a high-quality needle and
you're good to go.  Granted, the cost is a bit higher than a CD player, but
still roughly equivalent to the cost of a good cassette deck.

Personally, I can appreciate the fact that UR stands by its decision to
press its catalog on vinyl.  This accomplishes one of two things I believe.
First, it goes against the direction of most the "major music labels" which
have nearly abandoned vinyl altogether it seems.  Sure, it's possible to
obtain a lot of popular club stuff on vinyl but you have to hunt for it...
you can't exactly just march down to any Sam Goody or Best Buy and pick up a
stack of 12's.  Secondly, anyone familiar with UR's independent and
underground status knows that by not marketing everything they have on CD
makes their music primarily available to independent and specialty music
retailers and out of the hands of the unknowledgable mass marketing
retailers.  I'm sure there are some that will disagree with the way that UR
approaches this, but it seems to me that they want to do what they can to
market their music through people that are knowledgable about the culture
and the music, rather than putting it in the hands of commercial retailers
that will attempt to homogenize it with music CD's like "Ultimate Club Mix
2000" or "MTV Party to Go".... *shudder*

One last thing... I've been to Submerge's web site and a lot of the UR stuff
is like $4 or $5 per EP?  (about $9 for the double packs)  Geez a lot of the
european stuff is about $12 per single, and most of the domestic music I get
in Chicago easily runs me close to $7!  I should wish that I could find all
of my music priced like UR's. :-)


> >Turntables do not cost a lot of money and it doesn't take hundreds of
> >dollars to buy the UR vinyl. Go to
> >I put my vote in for W.P.A.Seawolf.
> Maybe it's relative to your income levels? They cost a lot of money for us
> in Australia, that's for sure. And servicing old turntables is near
> impossible. I have tried - the old ones I have turn everything into "the
> chipmunks do speed garage/booty."
> Believe me, I would happily buy turntables exclusively for UR and Mills
> vinyl if it were possible. I'd also buy me a car and a find a nice
> near the city and find me a way to the DEMF..... It seems to me that
> levels in West Europe are higher than ours, but we're happy.

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