They're almost 2 grand Australian new - now the US dollar is about 60, 65
Australian, so you do the maths.....  Plus we now have a new GST tax - extra

You can get those cheap home stereos at pawn shops but there's no service or
spare parts and the service/parts cost you. Hence I am stuck with one that
turns UR into..... instant Walt Disney records.

In fact the service for turntables sucks all round in this country.

Trust me, I have tried all of these recommendations. My techno CD collection
is actually quite modest. Even import CDs are A$40 over. I'm still saving up
for Alan Oldham's - at 41/45 bucks.

We call it "the tyranny of distance".

Redeeming 313 content: Detroit Grand Pu Bahs is getting a local release
through Zomba. You should read the official label bio - hilarious. Goes on
about them meeting at the Detroit Zoo. I got sucked in until it went into
the part about underground labyrinths.



>Turntables cant be that expensive in Australia?
>In the Staes (I'm sure its about the same in Europe) a new direct drive
>table by gemini or numark will run you about $100, theres also the cheap
>home stereo turnatbles you find at pawn shops that will play 33 and
>45rpm just fine for $20 and up.
>Have you seen those complete dj systems in box for $300-$500?
>My advise is if you have enough money to build yourself up a impressive
>Detroit techno CD collection invest 400 bucks on a Technics SL1200MK2.

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