On 8 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I find myself wondering where you guys are coming from...
> It seems  your opinions regarding the state of music from Detroit is 
> superficial at best...Where would your "avant-guarde" dj's  be without someone


> ....Kenny Dixon jr....ever heard of him?????

Hey I'll be the first to admit that I have my head in the sand when it
comes to house music, jazzy house, and related producers.  Nor do I
think that techno producers are any more "avant garde" than house music 
producers.  I'm sure there's a lot of interesting house, soul, funk,
r&b, etc. coming out of Detroit these days too.  It's unfortunate, but I
find that whatever style of music you are into tends to become the center
of your universe.  I was just talking about Detroit music from a techno
perspective.  That's why I titled my reply "Detroit techno/bread n'
butter" (bread n' butter because Detroit techno is what this list is based
around, not implying that techno is the bread n' butter of Detroit
music).  Somehow the techno was dropped from that title.

As for influences/racial issues, that's a whole new ball of wax (one which
is probably best discussed elsewhere, and certainly won't be resolved by
debating on a mailing list).  Just speaking about music though, I find
that it's good to know the roots, but one shouldn't mistake the roots for
the tree.


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