> the idea is that techno has difficulty gathering a 
> large listening audience because it defies strict  
> boundaries and racial identities (i.e. it contains 
> both "black" and "white" elements.)

Yeah, I like that... a sound with no race connected. I
mean a black guy invented techno as we know it, right?
Doesn't mean he owns it tho... I guess... What about
asian ppl, they do a heck of a lot for music and

I don't wanna discuss the politics that's all. Ppl get
hurt, we all know about it, it's gonna be a touchy
area until ppl stop pointing out the differences and
start pointing out the similarities. We're all the
same, you know that... It's why Muslims and Jews are
at each others throats in Jerusalem.

Nick (Dj Pacific:)

Ps. Hard house sux... LOL;)

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