I don't like this. I'm a whitey. Half of my family is
black but I'm 100% white and my parents are too. My
mum used to listen to lots of black music and my dad
used to be the only white guy who could get into black
clubs when he was a youngster cuz he could kick all
their asses (Wing something waddada whateva Kung Fu
thing), so he got on with them. I was brought up in a
multicultural community and I don't see why the colour
of your skin should make any kinda difference. There's
money grabbing blacks and whites and yellows and
f**kin' martians. Greed and hate and selfishness
crosses the race barrier.

Kraftwerk are honkys. So what if D-town is full of
blacks, so what? That's positive discrimination,
dissing white culture... 

I don't like what you've said at all and I'd just shut
your mouth before you start a flame war. Race
shouldn't come into the techno equation, alright? 

Nick (Dj Pacific)

> c. Race does have a lot to do with it. White folks
> who were raised on
> pop music do not want to hear soulful dance music
> because it is too much
> of a stretch from the music they normally listen to.
> Brothers are not
> going to the trance parties, it is white kids.
> Trance music is pop with
> a kick drum, it is white, dumb, and musically
> unadventurous people that
> love it. And don't tell me that Humpty does not draw
> a very dumb and
> unfunky white crowd, I know you know better. People
> go to motor to drink
> and hit on chicks, they are not there for the music,
> if you analyze the
> crowd and think about what you are seeing, you will
> come to the same
> conclusion. 
> these days many black people do not support the
> stuff because it is not
> perceived as black enough, or soulful enough. D-wynn
> does not even play
> good records on saturdays, he plays for a motor
> crowd, which is dumb and
> white. It isn't a pleasant thing to say, but it is
> the truth. Another
> thing, and this is going to get me in huge trouble,
> but who even wants
> to go to motor anymore? Honestly, everyone I know is
> bored to death of
> the place, and the only reason anybody still goes is
> because there are
> no real alternatives.  
> As for why Detroit doesn't support its best and
> brightest, I can think
> of a number of reasons. For one, intelligent techno
> people are getting
> old, even us newschool youngsters who were into it
> in the mid-90's are
> getting older. We have jobs, some of us have kids,
> and we all have
> responsibilities. Also, most of us who have been
> around long enough to
> know the difference between Humpty and Dwynn are
> starting to get bored
> with the whole idea. How many years to you have to
> hang out at the club
> before you start to get the idea? Third, times are
> changing, people are
> not going out like they used to, it is 1982 again,
> just look through a
> new issue of Vogue. 
> music is changing, it isn't 84 anymore. The crowds
> in detroit are
> totally segregated, commercial radio is totally
> segregated, unless you
> are Eminem or racially anonymous (godfather) you
> aint getting played on
> WJLB. 96.3 or 89x wont play you unless you are
> white, or you music is
> completely and utterly white(re hootie) radio is
> putting people into
> their particular racial boxes, and they are not
> listening outside of
> those boxes. Black people go to the cabaret, and
> white people go to
> raves.
> This is hitting anybody who is playing music that
> does not fit into one
> of those boxes really hard. Techno isn't purist
> black music, there is a
> ton of white influence in Detroit Techno, it is
> Kraftwerk and Parliament
> in an elevator. It is too black for the white people
> who do not want to
> stretch, and too white for black people who want to
> hear "black" music
> at the club. The crowd that did support it is
> getting old, like it our
> not, our scene is aging, and young kids are not
> taking up our slack. 
> I say it is just as well. How many more 909 records
> do we really need?
> Derrick May was right, this dance music does not
> have the charisma to
> last. If you think things are bad now, wait another
> 5 years. it has been
> beaten to death, and it isn't special anymore. oh
> wow, another 12" dance
> record, and the reverb algorithms that is in fashion
> this season are so
> much better than the reverbs they were using last
> year. Wow, instead of
> using 909 closed hats, they are using acoustic hats
> to play the exact
> same shuffled 909 rhythm. How many dance records are
> actually techno?
> aren't you sick of knowing that the break will come
> every 8 bars, and
> that there will probably be a breakdown every 64
> bars...? There are all
> these rules for making a proper techno record, and
> it is just so tired
> and boring. 
> I know that I sound like a bitter and jaded
> old-young man, I accept and
> acknowledge it. The reason I am such a jerk about it
> is because I do
> care about music, and I take the things that people
> like derrick may
> said about techno back in the day seriously. People
> are just rehashing
> the same f***ing record over and over for money or
> status. all these
> records that are coming put now are raping and
> s***ting on something
> that was once special and pure. Where is the real
> innovation, people
> make the same track over and over, they just process
> it a little
> different, put some different drum sounds on it, and
> they are lauded as
> geniuses. 
> The reason people are not coming to the club anymore
> is because detroit
> is not making music that is so vibrant and
> irresistible that people feel
> they need to be at our gigs.
> Detroit needs to go back to Deep Space and bring
> something back that is
> so out there that people will go nuts for it. Who
> cares if there is
> another slammin dance cut, there have been a million
> slammin cuts, it is
> time for a new Detroit sound. We need to make a new
> style that has its
> roots in techno-soul, but is reaching further out.
> It is time for
> Detroit to create another futuristic musical
> language, cause the old one
> has been jacked by the rest of the world and
> trampled to death. How many
> genres have sprung from Techno, how many have come
> from Detroit since
> then?
> I am not hating on any Detroit producers, I just
> think that we need to
> take more risks and use a bit of imagination to make
> weird records that
> do not strictly conform to the rule book that
> Detroit wrote a decade
> ago. I know there is the talent and ability in this
> city to blow the
> world away, people just need to have the courage to
> go out there and
> make records that are not going to conform to
> people's expectations of
> Detroit or what "proper DJ techno" is in general. 
> Take care,
> mt
> Hugh G. Blaze wrote:
> > 
> > No I think racist epithets are inappropriate. And
> I don't think it has
> > anything to do with race. The question was: why
> has Detroit turned a deaf
> > ear to its best homeboys again and again. (DEMF
> excluded).
> > 
> > >
> > >I think a better subject header for this post
> would be why to these
> > >cracker ass honkies ignore the soul. ;)
> > >
> > >mt
> > >
> > >Hugh G. Blaze wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Okay so Friday night, Motor Lounge, Richard
> Humpty Vision played and
> > >there
> > > > was reportedly a capicity crowd.
=== message truncated ===

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