You are right, I jumped from my feeling of Mills as having a very
musical, tone and synth oriented style, and tried to describe more of
a mental philosophy, at least as I see it.  Mills obvious first public
success and work was in the dj/radio department.

I'm glad, however, that I touched upon the vein of dj does not have to
equal musician (and frankly, plenty of great musicians make horrible

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 11:54 AM, kent williams <> wrote:
> Wasn't Mills DJing long before he began making records? Or am I
> misunderstanding the connection you're making?
> I started making music long before I ever tried to DJ, but it was more
> lack of opportunity and not having $1200 to drop on 1200s and a mixer.
>  Somehow picking up a synth for a couple hunderd bucks every so often
> was more managable.
> People that DJ first often have an intuitive grasp of what makes a
> good dance track. Whether that starts them down the path to artistic
> excellence is another question.
> One does have to attain some minimal musical knowledge along the way
> though.   I people who have released records who are functionally
> tone-deaf.  I've actually 'music-doctored' a few tracks for them,
> where I had to tell them how to get their chords and basslines in the
> same general key, tune the vocal samples, etc.  And of course, they're
> way more successful than I am.  And I have 2 years of college as a
> music major.
> There is a big difference between DJs who start producing, and DJs who
> hire ghost producers to make tracks for them because they're too busy
> or coked up to learn how to do it properly themselves.  That some weak
> sh*t, and it's remarkably common, especially among the big room techno
> and progressive DJs.
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 8:58 AM,
> <> wrote:
>> (Here comes some flame bait)
>> And this is why I really like Jeff Mills.  Frankly, I know very few
>> electronic music people who look at things as producers.  They become
>> producers after djing, which to me isn't musical, it's beat making.


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