I'm subcribed to the 313 list a while back ago.
One thing that is important to note here is that I live outside Detroit in
fact I live in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Since the beginning I think that I've learned a lot about Detroit Techno and
all of the related stuff that had emerged from this style.
I've "polish" the rough sides of my knowledge, reading all the things
written on this list, I had a lot of pleasures times listening to all the
mixes posted here, where I consider some of them as jewels of dance music.

But since the beginning I have a doubt and this has reached some point of no
Maybe this is the time to write it to the list.

Here it is:

My question is: how a city and all the environment that surrounds it can
influence the creation of art and more specific, the music creation?
Please correct me, but from all that I had read seems that Detroit City had
a primary influence in the techno style creation.

More important to this question is how a person that lives outside this city
can correctly understand this style.
Is this possible? Is possible for me, and for others that live outside
Detroit "understand" techno as it was in that city?

A very friend of mine that is musician told me that we can reach some of the
aspects of this music, in a asymptotically way, but never understanding the
real origin of this style and therefore have an incomplete picture of
techno, since we live outside the city that was created.
I don't know if you understand what I'm saying.

Personally I think that I agree in the last comment, I will never reach the
whole picture, the essence of techno since I live in another city and more
important in another culture.

What do you guys think about this?
Is possible for a person that had born outside Detroit and US, correctly
understand the real meaning of Detroit Techno?

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