2011/7/6 Thor Teague <thor.tea...@gmail.com>

> Music is its own meaning... there is no need for it to be this or be
> that, if you choose to let it simply be. Nobody dances to a
> destination. The point of the dance is the dance.

I know what you mean, in fact it was over the table when I had the
It is just DANCE music, so just dance it

But somehow, It has some meaning the other point of view.
Yes you just dance this song or another, It has some groove and other
things, but are you aware of the meaining and the reasons of that song?
Maybe i'm getting some complicated with this point but I feel nowdays that
all the things should be done with a sense of responsibility and therefore
be honest with your cultural legacy.

> I don't think you can understand the SOCIO-POLITICS behind it without
> at least living there for a few years, if not being from there.

I agree with that.

> But that only has as much meaning as you choose to attach to it.
> ~T
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 9:04 PM, Diego Simak <diego.si...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > What do you guys think about this?
> > Is possible for a person that had born outside Detroit and US, correctly
> > understand the real meaning of Detroit Techno?
> >
> >
> >
> >

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