great topic!

i had Chris Simmonds sign a few of his records when he was in Detroit in
2000 or 2001.  meeting him was a treat.  he was so nice.

i think i have a cd signed by Carl Craig somewhere.  it was always exciting
when he came to Record Time.  also very nice the few times i got to speak
with him, and generous with the whitelabels!

one of the biggest thrills of my life was seeing Alexander Robotnick perform
in Detroit in 2004, i believe.  not sure, but it may have been his first
Detroit performance.  i first heard "Problemes D'Amour" on the radio in the
early 80's and have been in love with the song ever since.  20 years later
i'm standing there with his record in my hand, waiting for the end of his
gig to get an autograph.  holding the record and a drink at the same time
were probably the only thing keeping me from doing some Whitney
Houston-style finger waving in the face of the ignorant girl behind me who
said to a friend in a nasty tone, "who's the old guy?"  THAT "OLD GUY" IS
ALEXANDER F****** ROBOTNICK!  he was so nice and signed the record
immediately, even though there was a bit of a language barrier.


*-----Original Message-----
*From: [] On Behalf 
*Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 6:17 PM
*To: 313 list
*Subject: (313) Silly fanboy collectors question...
*, how many of you out there have signed records in your 
*collection?  I don't mean ones you've picked up in a store (I 
*still kick myself after all these years remembering passing up 
*a complete set of signed and sealed Transmat and Fragile 
*releases in Ruadub because they were £1 more expensive than 
*the normal copies and I had the majority of the tracks 
*anyway)...I mean the ones you've actually taken the time and 
*bother to drag down to a club night where somebody you totally 
*respect is about to play and you run up to them with a silver 
*or black marker and...well, you know the rest :)
*Tonight, whilst going through my vinyl for the first time in a 
*LONG time, I found:
*Mr Fingers - Amnesia - of course I was new to the signing 
*thing then and had brought a ball point pen instead of a 
*marker and poor old Larry had to sort of inscribe the cover as 
*the pen wouldn't write - this would have been roughly 
*1994-1995 when he played live (DX7, Emax II and live vocals- I 
*recoreded the gig on DAT and of course, it didn't work) in the 
*Volcano club on a Thursday night (where the club scene in 
*Trainspotting was filmed fact fans!)
*Orlando Voorn - 1987 DMC MegaMix - signed at his Art School 
*gig back in 2001 just before I moved over to Amsterdam - he 
*ended the show by coming out of the DJ booth, dancing like a 
*crazy man and then scratching in the next track by leaning 
*back into the booth whilst still dancing - pretty impressive stuff!
*Of course the hardest part after making a fool of yourself is 
*getting the said record home in one piece..or home at all!
*Come on you lot, what you got?

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