I used to ask for autographs some years ago, here are the pictures:

All are collected, when they visited Estonia and it seems to me, that
Detroit artist are very friendly and like to sign records :)


On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 1:17 AM, ja...@iridite.com <ja...@iridite.com> wrote:
> .....so, how many of you out there have signed records in your
> collection?  I don't mean ones you've picked up in a store (I still
> kick myself after all these years remembering passing up a complete
> set of signed and sealed Transmat and Fragile releases in Ruadub
> because they were £1 more expensive than the normal copies and I had
> the majority of the tracks anyway)...I mean the ones you've actually
> taken the time and bother to drag down to a club night where somebody
> you totally respect is about to play and you run up to them with a
> silver or black marker and...well, you know the rest :)
> Tonight, whilst going through my vinyl for the first time in a LONG
> time, I found:
> Mr Fingers - Amnesia - of course I was new to the signing thing then
> and had brought a ball point pen instead of a marker and poor old
> Larry had to sort of inscribe the cover as the pen wouldn't write -
> this would have been roughly 1994-1995 when he played live (DX7, Emax
> II and live vocals- I recoreded the gig on DAT and of course, it
> didn't work) in the Volcano club on a Thursday night (where the club
> scene in Trainspotting was filmed fact fans!)
> Orlando Voorn - 1987 DMC MegaMix - signed at his Art School gig back
> in 2001 just before I moved over to Amsterdam - he ended the show by
> coming out of the DJ booth, dancing like a crazy man and then
> scratching in the next track by leaning back into the booth whilst
> still dancing - pretty impressive stuff!
> Of course the hardest part after making a fool of yourself is getting
> the said record home in one piece..or home at all!
> Come on you lot, what you got?
> Jason

Ilmar Kerm

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