There's a recent piece by Giorgio Moroder on SoundCloud on his introduction to the Moog and his work. I thought it was interesting. He's posted some interesting clips on SoundCloud actually. I'm not too keen on the 'I Feel Love' track with Donna Summer but he's cool. Seeing him with his white hair and still so much into the 'future' music is fantastic.

You don't do yourself as much credit as you deserve with your mixing, but you are particularly modest :)

On Apr 24, 2013, at 04:03 PM, kent williams <> wrote:

I'm going to be 56 in August.  My first appreciation of electronic music happened when I was 14 or 15 (Kraftwerk! Tangerine Dream!) -- unless you count Switched On Bach, which was in heavy rotation at our house when I was 11 or 12 ...  During the disco period (which ran roughly from when I was 18 until 21 or so) I gravitated to the more electronic stuff like Giorgio Moroder. I got into techno & house music seriously about 20 years ago...

The mixes I post are from Noise Radio KRUI (Iowa City) -- I don't get asked to DJ in clubs very often.  Since I'm mostly using Ableton Live, some premeditation is involved, and my mixes are sorted from lowest tempo to highest.   If you can start out at a lower tempo, the higher tempos later are felt as an increase in energy.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Kerr Knoll <> wrote:
I'm 38. I'm another techno-dad. I understand there's a few on this list :)

When I was younger I made couple of techno tracks on an Amiga computer and when I listened to them recently I had the same kind of reaction. They were about 160 BPM and I didn't really think about that at the time. It wasn't like what I listened to, though I'd been into Hardcore, or UK breakbeat as well as techno before then. I may have put that down to youth as well, but I'm not sure.

On Apr 24, 2013, at 02:43 PM, Andrew Duke Cognition Audioworks new email address <> wrote:

I'm 44.  I'll leave Kent to share his age if he so desires.

In explanation: I've mellowed somewhat in terms of the speed of the tempos I produce and mix as I age.  

I was lucky enough to have a track released on Matrix back in 1995, but quite soon thereafter lost my
master and copy of the CD compilation.  At the time the song was produced, it was the tempo I was into. I only recently 
reacquired that CD and I knew, as I was about to first listen to the track in 18 or so years, that it was going 
to be faster than what I produce/play these days. I figured it would be a bit faster than
what I'm playing these days.  Well, it was VERY fast. I shudder to listen to it now simply because it is so incredibly fast,
it gallops along like some out of control train. Anyway, that's the way I'm feeling now as I get older,
I still listen to a huge variety of styles of music, much of it much faster than the music I play on the show, of course,
but personally I tend to make and mix music at much much slower tempos than when I was 20 years younger.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Kerr Knoll <> wrote:
Well said :)

On Apr 24, 2013, at 02:24 PM, "Lechowicz, Thomas" <> wrote:

On the note of age, I'm 21 and thoroughly enjoy the material you guys put out. Regardless of age, a good mix is a good mix. Keep em coming :)

From: Kerr Knoll []
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:09 AM
Cc: list 313
Subject: Re: (313) KRU Noise Radio 2013-04-20

Really? I'm not sure what age has to do with it though I suppose it's more measured with less urgency but no less lively. It's grown-up music. I'm neither young or old either. I'm not sure I can tell that much from music or whether or not it really matters. There's maturity and taste, and that counts.

On 24 Apr 2013, at 02:31, wrote:

Thanks for the kind words. I'm guessing the laid back-ness is likely 
because Kent and I are both so darn old! ;)

On 2013-04-23, at 10:01 PM, Kerr Knoll <> wrote:

I note that both Kent and Andrew's mixes are about 2 hours each and filled with quality tracks. Thoroughly enjoyed those too. They are filled with laid-back & colourful techno vibes.

There are a lot of mixes about but you guys are doing a great job with these and well worth listening too.

On Apr 22, 2013, at 02:17 PM, "Kerr Knoll" <> wrote:

We are spoiled for quality mixes today :)

Been listening to the Darkwave 11 and thoroughly enjoying it. Looking forward to listening to Kent and Andrew's mixes next.

On Apr 22, 2013, at 02:10 PM, Martin Dust <> wrote:

Here you go :)

> re: The Black Dog; just saw a new
> DarkWave mix posted; Martin; can you share the link here please?

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