I loved that Progressive Hardcore compilation on Rising High. That and Rings of Saturn by UR.
Still got them. Those drew me to techno initially, as far as I remember.

On Apr 24, 2013, at 04:36 PM, Joe Marougi <jmaro...@gmail.com> wrote:

44 year old "House Dad" here too. Was into "faster stuff" in the
early/mid 90's (big Rising High Records fan back then). The bpms have
slowed down for me over the years as well.

The only parties I get to spin at here in the US are the ones where
I'm involved with bringing in the main act from Detroit, but it's all
good ;)


On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Odeluga, Ken <ken.odel...@dowjones.com> wrote:
> 45-year old techno dad here.
> Still throwing parties [nowadays, they’re not parties which are liable to
> get busted.]
> Still listening to electronic music for dancing and myriad other forms of
> music.
> Still making tracks.
> Ken
> From: kent williams [mailto:chaircrus...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 24 April 2013 16:03
> To: Kerr Knoll
> Cc: list 313
> Subject: Re: (313) KRU Noise Radio 2013-04-20
> I'm going to be 56 in August. My first appreciation of electronic music
> happened when I was 14 or 15 (Kraftwerk! Tangerine Dream!) -- unless you
> count Switched On Bach, which was in heavy rotation at our house when I was
> 11 or 12 ... During the disco period (which ran roughly from when I was 18
> until 21 or so) I gravitated to the more electronic stuff like Giorgio
> Moroder. I got into techno & house music seriously about 20 years ago...
> The mixes I post are from Noise Radio KRUI (Iowa City) -- I don't get asked
> to DJ in clubs very often. Since I'm mostly using Ableton Live, some
> premeditation is involved, and my mixes are sorted from lowest tempo to
> highest. If you can start out at a lower tempo, the higher tempos later
> are felt as an increase in energy.
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Kerr Knoll <kerr.kn...@me.com> wrote:
> I'm 38. I'm another techno-dad. I understand there's a few on this list :)
> When I was younger I made couple of techno tracks on an Amiga computer and
> when I listened to them recently I had the same kind of reaction. They were
> about 160 BPM and I didn't really think about that at the time. It wasn't
> like what I listened to, though I'd been into Hardcore, or UK breakbeat as
> well as techno before then. I may have put that down to youth as well, but
> I'm not sure.
> On Apr 24, 2013, at 02:43 PM, Andrew Duke Cognition Audioworks new email
> address <andrewdukecognit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm 44. I'll leave Kent to share his age if he so desires.
> In explanation: I've mellowed somewhat in terms of the speed of the tempos I
> produce and mix as I age.
> Example:
> I was lucky enough to have a track released on Matrix back in 1995, but
> quite soon thereafter lost my
> master and copy of the CD compilation. At the time the song was produced,
> it was the tempo I was into. I only recently
> reacquired that CD and I knew, as I was about to first listen to the track
> in 18 or so years, that it was going
> to be faster than what I produce/play these days. I figured it would be a
> bit faster than
> what I'm playing these days. Well, it was VERY fast. I shudder to listen to
> it now simply because it is so incredibly fast,
> it gallops along like some out of control train. Anyway, that's the way I'm
> feeling now as I get older,
> I still listen to a huge variety of styles of music, much of it much faster
> than the music I play on the show, of course,
> but personally I tend to make and mix music at much much slower tempos than
> when I was 20 years younger.
> http://andrewdukeinthemix.com
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Kerr Knoll <kerr.kn...@me.com> wrote:
> Well said :)
> On Apr 24, 2013, at 02:24 PM, "Lechowicz, Thomas" <tale...@pointpark.edu>
> wrote:
> On the note of age, I'm 21 and thoroughly enjoy the material you guys put
> out. Regardless of age, a good mix is a good mix. Keep em coming :)
> ________________________________
> From: Kerr Knoll [kerr.kn...@me.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:09 AM
> To: andrewdukecognit...@gmail.com
> Cc: list 313
> Subject: Re: (313) KRU Noise Radio 2013-04-20
> Really? I'm not sure what age has to do with it though I suppose it's more
> measured with less urgency but no less lively. It's grown-up music. I'm
> neither young or old either. I'm not sure I can tell that much from music or
> whether or not it really matters. There's maturity and taste, and that
> counts.
> http://k-os.net/music/kerr-knoll
> http://soundcloud.com/kerr-knoll
> On 24 Apr 2013, at 02:31, andrewdukecognit...@gmail.com wrote:
> Thanks for the kind words. I'm guessing the laid back-ness is likely
> because Kent and I are both so darn old! ;)
> http://andrewdukeinthemix.com
> http://cognitionaudioworks.com
> On 2013-04-23, at 10:01 PM, Kerr Knoll <kerr.kn...@me.com> wrote:
> I note that both Kent and Andrew's mixes are about 2 hours each and filled
> with quality tracks. Thoroughly enjoyed those too. They are filled with
> laid-back & colourful techno vibes.
> There are a lot of mixes about but you guys are doing a great job with these
> and well worth listening too.
> On Apr 22, 2013, at 02:17 PM, "Kerr Knoll" <kerr.kn...@me.com> wrote:
> We are spoiled for quality mixes today :)
> Been listening to the Darkwave 11 and thoroughly enjoying it. Looking
> forward to listening to Kent and Andrew's mixes next.
> On Apr 22, 2013, at 02:10 PM, Martin Dust <mar...@dustscience.com> wrote:
> Here you go :)
>> re: The Black Dog; just saw a new
>> DarkWave mix posted; Martin; can you share the link here please?
> http://www.theblackdogma.com/tbd/2013/04/the-black-dog-darkwave-11/

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