> i believe the common goal of techno is to create music that hasn't been
> heard before.
> i've heard plenty of artists say the same thing most notably juan atkins
> jeff mills.
> is this not enough of a unifying definition and a common goal for ya? : )

No, I am not saticfied with that, it would imply that we are pretty boring
and lazy.  No, there is causation for everything, things just don't happen
for the hell of it.  There is something to keep in mind, there is a global
scene in which embodies techno, the rave scene.  There is definate reason
behind that scene, it is not existing for the hell of it, there is very real
sociological catelysts behind it, and again, there is real reason for the
rave scene clentching onto techno like it has...

Another thing, artists often disregard more scientific explainations in that
science isn't all that artsy, and inderstandably so.  But I propose that
this is why Jeff Mills and others have complete skirted more scientific
explainations, its not art to do so...

And so be it, and visa versa, it is my desire to interpret what is
happening.  BTW, we have gone nearly 15 years with barely any analysis...

and analysis is *definately* needed when a movement overtakes the entire
globe, almost all authority figures are scared, so on and so forth...

you cant just brush it off as a social fluke...


"create, demonstrate, toneshift..."

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