I think that was a Honda comercial that had the "raver types"
but anyone breathing today would have to be either blind and deaf, a media hermit, or clueless to have not been exposed to images of "ravers" or electronic dance music of one genre or another being used in whatever media format. So it's not even a question of putting anything together to get the Ford Focus commercial. Any marketing department that doesn't include "rave culture" (as they call it) in their campaigns is going to lose out. They know it, we know it. The big question is: Are you buying it?


PS The next wave will most likely be throw-backs to the 80's. I ain't joking.

When Ford first started airing the Ford ads late 1999 they showed the
small hatchback model pulling into a parking garage.  A group of raver
types are sitting in the car, the car being squished between two cars
parked too close.  So they pop the hatch and clumb out the back, all the
while a house track is playing in the background.  So it could be the
marketing people put two and 2.5 together a while ago.

> And with Ford's current ad campaign theme, it's no surprise either that
> they decide to sponsor such an award, even though they know it's not the
> real techno. In any case, it's the closest thing at the AMA they have
> for reaching the intended target audience. Assuming they show the ad
> during the awards, it will certainly make people wonder what Detroit
> Techno is. Then it's up to 'us' show them what it all is about (and not
> flame polite-but-ignorant newbies like what happened to that raver kid a
> few weeks ago!).

Is the ad I'm referring to the one y'all are talking about?

Steven White
steve at barking cat dot org
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