glyph, i totally agree with you. but unfortunately only a small group of
people is able to make a living out of what they love, and this will
probably never change, not on this planet.
there are so many people, alone on this list for example, that would
deserve the right to be able to express themselves in the way they like
most on a full-time basis. but honestly: would that be good or bad? maybe
it's exactly because of many people only having very limited time that
makes their music or whatever they do so intense?


----- Original Message -----
 : See years from now you will say to yourself, "Man, where has the time
: gone?"  (working at your day job) "I've wasted all that time being a
: pessimist".
: Put all your energies into something more worthwhile, buddy.
: Peace and good luck,
: G l y p h
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