> I wonder how many people on this list would do thew same if they were in
> shoes?

> How many people on this list are reading from corporate accounts? You sell
> you personal time like he sells his music. Are you any better than he is?
> he better paid than you are, who is the sucker?

> moby can retire tomorrow from the royalties and licencing fees he recived
> from that last record, can you afford to quit your job?

It's not anything to do with who's a sucker. It's to do with the
representation of a music. Moby represents techno, according to MTV, which
is not just absurd to the likes of yer average 313 subscriber but offensive
to anyone concerned about telling the truth about a thing's history. I would
hope that nobody on this list *would* do the same in his shoes seeing as it
is very easy to acknowledge the roots of where you are coming from, or,
better, to put the record straight and admit that is no longer where you are
coming from (i.e. "I am not techno, MTV viewers") and, before, anyone
accuses me of naivety, I'll use the old chesnut of the Rolling Stones'
"What's the point in listening to us doing 'I'm a King Bee' when you can
hear Slim Harpo do it?" - it's really that easy. When it comes to moral
worth Moby couldn't retire tomorrow, I reckon. And I'll take that as my
criterion of who sucks, cheers.


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