The way I see your explanation, the problem is not Moby - but MTV. Say they
suddenly decide to label Duke Ellington as "techno", and that's the only
techno they show in their programs, will it change anything to the quality
of Duke Ellington's music ? Should Duke Ellington be blamed because millions
of stupid american teenagers will associate big band jazz with techno ?

> When XYZ teenager from XYZville, America looks to MTV for all
> their music,
> and sees this guy "Moby" on the TV, they think "oh, this is
> techno!" Surely
> due to the fact that he is labelled as "techno" and it's the
> only thing
> resembing "techno" that MTV (and thus the largest purveyor of
> teen culture
> in america) chooses to play. So, basically, his
> commercialization of good
> music makes the whole electronic movement look dry, even
> though its just one
> performer.

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