Rc's words ring true. Exactly my point when I compared Moby to a clever
musical con-artist. Without the massive push of capital & marketing
machinery of companies like sony (& all the phonies who dole out music
like so much fastfood)to back him up he'd collapse in a bewildered heap
under the weight of his own self-delusions.  

Sure, we all live in glasshouses (even those of us in the trenches,
arguably), and criticizing Moby on this list is like harpooning whales in
a lagoon, but the stakes are enormous. It's about more than musical
integrity, which the likes of Atkins & Hawtin will always have in
spades. The con is on.


On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, RC wrote:

> I think that in the music industry more than any other (except maybe
> fashion) 'consumer soveriegnty' has been taken over by 'producer
> sovereignty' that is; people don't necessarily buy what they like; but they
> buy what they are trained and told to like by the marketing arms of huge
> music publishers and record labels that have bottomless budgets and employ
> trained psychologists to f**ck with peoples heads that really should know
> better.
> Rc

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