> moby can retire tomorrow from the royalties and licencing fees he recived
> from that last record, can you afford to quit your job?
I cannot believe there are some people on this list that still think, there
is a direct correlation between the quality of the music and units sold.

You are kidding yourself if you think that money does not change music from
its purest form. 

You are also kidding yourself if u think that many of the excellent
musicians that this list was set up to discuss, press limited quantities
because they think that is all they can sell.

I think that in the music industry more than any other (except maybe
fashion) 'consumer soveriegnty' has been taken over by 'producer
sovereignty' that is; people don't necessarily buy what they like; but they
buy what they are trained and told to like by the marketing arms of huge
music publishers and record labels that have bottomless budgets and employ
trained psychologists to f**ck with peoples heads that really should know


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