At 11:23 PM 19/04/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> Can I ask why you are singling me out for a fairly innocuous statement and
> humiliating me publicly?

is it really that humiliating to be flamed on an internet mailing
list?  It's happened to me hundreds of times in the short while that i've
been active on this list!

It's the norm, really.  Just because your opinions align closely with the
majority of the active posters on here doesn't mean it won't happen to

err really? maybe flip the script bud. being flamed is one thing, being humiliated is another, and it shouldn't be tolerated anywhere, especially when it's for the sake of differening points, constructive criticism is fine, but to shout someone because you think different is oh so different. i've been on this list for close to 7 years now, and how many times have I been flamed, hmm.. maybe twice, humiliated - never. If you've been flamed so many times over a short period, that would identify to me that your ideas are the ones that don't align.


Benn [Royal] Glazier

phone: +61 (0) 413 316 618
mail: R720 Royal Exchange NSW 1225 Australia

:house groove makes you move

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