On my part I apologise for not thinking out my post or expressing myself
clearly on that occasion. I was trying to put another point of view - or put
something in another context. I personally enjoy the other viewpoints on the
list, even when and if I don't agree with them, it helps me get a sense of
the bigger picture or even re-think my opinions, which is healthy for me. I
was raised to respect other viewpoints and backgrounds and I do try to be
relatavistic most of the time (OK, except when Moby comes up) and veer away
from anything personal - I think that is key. 

I want to be very clear on the fact that I am very happy and excited about
the DEMF line-up and very much looking forward to it. It was not my
intention to criticise it in any way. I understand the concept and respect
it. I also enjoy many of the artists who may not be on the DEMF whose names
come up.

Sometime this weekend I will offer a detailed post with some new release
info to make up for the inadvertently vacuous content of this.

It's all good Chris. Hopefully we have a new respect and understanding of
where we are coming from now, corny as that sounds.

Apologies to all once again.

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