On Tue, 8 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I don't think that musicians need writers to transform their work into
> something that is more meaningful. Most music is equivocal, and it is this
> that has imbued it with so much power and meaning throughout history. If an
> artist wants some sort of narrative to their work, you'd expect that they
> would be able to string a few sentences together themselves.

Well yes and no.  The bottom line is that the music should speak for
itself...it really doesn't NEED notes right?  I've got the cd, and it
would've STILL been played at full blast for nine hours straight on the
way home from the demf, without the notes.

But if you're going to add another layer to it...why not use a WRITER?
This is the jazz model more or less...and it works.  Wynton Marsalis
doesn't write his liner notes...Stanley Crouch does.  Now in some cases
the artist is a qualified writer in his/her own right....but I'd argue
that these cases are the minority.


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