you misunderstood me.
i dont  class him with the overpaid etc. as i personally
feel he's been in a league of his own for years with
nobody even now able to touch him on a good night.

and it would be nice for him to give us the chance
to "progress with him" at the clubs we all love and
have seen him rock many times. not in some super
money club full of people who really won't understand
what he's actually doing.

if he wasn't so far up his own arse as to believe his
music isn't techno anymore then maybe we'd all get
this chance.

wasn't he the one who said
"techno is whatever you want it to be......"

so why is he now restricting himself to house clubs?


----- Original Message -----
From: glyph1001 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [313] jeff mills stars again

off his rocker
> but then as he explained himself, I gradually understood.
> Frankly, I believe its up to his audience to appreciate the switcher-roo
> he is contemplating and perhaps progress along with him.  Those I think
> are the true believers of this talent.  Its unfair to carelessly lump
> Jeff in the 'overrated, under skilled + massively over paid superstar dj
> category, if not "tech". Looking at his career, he has worked his butt
> off (ever noticed how skinny the man is?) to arrive at his current
> prestige.  His schedule is non-f***ing stop.  In observing him at Musik,
> I've come to the conclusion that this man is just amazing. A bloody
> genius who has a genuine passion for the music and its progression.
> So basically my friend, with all due respect...I don't know what to tell
> ya.  Heheh, it is what it is, eh?.  We can only progress with him in the
> belief that he can lead this music into a new direction or get out there
> and make it ourselves.  Me, I'm sticking around.
> My 2 ¢,
> --Glyph
> innercity records wrote:
> >we just heard that jeff's quitting (quit?) techno and
> >in future will only play house clubs with dates
> >this year at fabric and the god awful tribal sessions
> >in manchester.
> >
> >he's totally blown out the uk's most important clubs
> >orbit, lost, slam and atomic jam after constant assurances
> >that he'd be touring uk this year.
> >
> >if he feels the need to take his sound to another new
> >audience then fair play but to turn his back on what
> >he's best known for really beggars belief.
> >
> >i for one won't be putting on me best shiny shoes and
> >sparkly shirt and paying £20 to see him while in the
> >company of a bunch of clueless fashion victims who
> >are probably in the club only to prance around to
> >some overrated, under skilled + massively overpaid
> >superstar "tech" dj.
> >
> >after 3 years of not playing the uk due to his bollocks
> >immigraion excuse this is how he repays his long time
> >fans and followers who've spent countless money on
> >his records and hours queing in the rain to go hear
> >him spin.
> >
> >i don't think i'd actually be as angry over any other dj
> >doing this which just shows the kind of admiration this
> >guy has over here and i'm sure it'll be the same for
> >many others.
> >
> >simple reply of course is for all us to turn our back
> >to him and stop buying his music and going to his
> >club dates. it works both ways.
> >
> >pure arrogance (again)
> >
> >
> >innercity.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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