talking abour beauty.. .

there are no girls on this list..

marsel (who remembers the low-party)

At 2/5/2002 +0100 15:46, you wrote:
The beauty of it is that I'm sure everything we need is here on this list. I know that some one from Groovetech is on it (Wes is it you?) so that would hopefully be the broadcast sorted. There are plenty of DJs, maybe even some PAs. List members who run websites could promote it, anyone working for a printing company could run off fliers etc.... Maybe some of the listmembers with labels could sponser the party (myself included) to raise some funds. The other thing to consider is will this be a midweek night or a weekend. Hiring a decent venue isn't too much of a problem midweek, but will be more difficult and more expensive at the weekends.

.. . :: 

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