----- Original Message -----
From: "Berislav Oremus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: [313] Black techno artists

> >
> > With no disrespect intended (I really love your music and your
> contributions
> > to the list), I think a lot of Europeans have trouble relating to racial
> > problems in the US
> this is so offtopic again, but im asking my self how we europeans cant
> understand a racial problem in us, and again everything we do (in smaller
> countreys) is so not democratic and we always live on some teritory of
> economic sanctions, but we have to understand a rical problem in US. im
> confused....
> i have a very big respect for black artist, and realy i dont have any
> problems with black or white.
> but i dont have any need to understand problems in US, at the same time
> somebody from US have no need to understand problems that we have, or we
> had....
> and lets take that off this list... music learnd me to be tolerant

The only reason I'm not taking this off list, is b/c I know how racial
threads on 313 spiral. I am feeling every word that you're saying in terms
of US imperialism abroad, but what I think a lot of Europeans (and
color-blind Americans) have trouble seeing is that the history of oppression
in America *to its own people* is still a living factor here (as witnessed
by too man examples to cite). This is clearly not the right forum to go into
a history of race relations in the US, but I just wanted to clarify my
point, that engrained capitalistic-patriarchal-white supremasist societal
forces (as Bell Hooks would have it - and I happen to think she's right) are
very different than white supremacist attitudes *in the specific*. These
would be the same societal forces encouraging US imperialism abroad.

Black History month is a recognition of a lineage of historical oppression
in the US (and the triumphs that overcome these forces) that is still not
dead - and it has a critical value to many citizens concerned with the
reversal of these wrongs. We should respect that for what it is - regardless
of how poorly I may have outlined its importance.

The reason why I specifically pinpointed Europeans is because race relations
(although still problematic) in Europe, do not operate in the same way that
they do in the US, and since this list is mostly Euro-American I commented
as such. I'd be glad to go into more detail off-list if anyone doubts the
differences between American and European race realtions.

Sorry to be so Americocentric with this post, but it's (to my knowledge) the
only place where Black History month is acknowledged (other than Canada???),
and I think awareness of all that the symbolism of this calendrial occurence
means should be amplified, not censored.

And yes, music can be an incredibly powerful force in teaching tollerance,
but this is at an individual level, which is so much different than
understanding the societal forces that come to bear on the racially
disenfranchised in the US, or imperialistic forces abroad.

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