I went to see Spider-man with Alan Oldham [Detroit Techno relevence] himself and the man was literally in tears [please don't hold that against him because he truely loves comic books and superheros!] when the flick ended. I myself couldn't help trying to see through mines because although it was a kick-ass, action packed movie, it has romance and touching moments that played towards the female audience. A little bit for everyone. Tobey was just smashing in this movie and I can't wait for the sequel. I think they're working on it as we speak and will be out next year! Alan told me that he basically waited 38 years for a movie like this. I'm sure you'll read about it soon on his website at the 'studio notes' section for he said he'll definitely write a review on it. And J.K. Simmons [Ole' Shillinger (sp?) from HBO's Oz fame.] as J. Jonah Jameson was so like the comic book and the old cartoons! He was true to form. Yeah, the way the web was spun is, ummmm....hahhahahah, gross at first. Well he can't run out of web because he's Spider-man :-) but I think they decided to make Parker spin his webs naturally or automatically, as opposed to an artificial mechanism to produce the web. Oh and the way the Goblin died is like....OUCH! The web swinging scenes were abolutely breath-taking, OMG! Just think of seeing this at the L.A. premiere! That would've been over the top. All I can say is that this movie was pretty much a perfect 10.

Also, Sean, did you see the new Star Wars preview along with the "Hulk" and directed by Ang Lee!?!?! Whooohoo!! That's gonna be bad-ass! Sheesh, where I was at, the audience was more excited about Hulk than the Star Wars preview. People where cheering, clapping and shouting. Pretty funny. We even ran in to Dan Sicko at the Post office afterwards and he says he's going on Monday so let us know what you think Dan! :-)

And Sean, you RAWWWWWK!!! As for Kirsten, Alan agrees. LMAO. He always say, "From Dunst 'till Dawn". :-)


sean deason wrote:

hell yeah!! I second the motion! Tobey (deer caught in the headlights)
Maguire nailed it! Not since Michael Keaton has an actor *really* gotten
into the psyche of a legendarysuperhero, but I was very impressed. I'm
ready to plop down another 6 bucks to give it another spin.
One thing that does bother me though. the new way he spins his webs is
kinda gross. and where does the material for the webs come from? wouldnt
he run out of it after a while? Maybe thats something they adapted from
the Venom costume, but still it grosses me out :^)
XMen was a big disappoinment (too much character development and by the
time the action started the movie was over) but I love this movie!

sean deason

Kirsten Dunst in the rain is well worth the price of admission :^)


Mxyzptlk wrote:

hmmmmmmmmm detroit relevance...let me think...if only the director were from
Detroit or something.....

That would be one thing, but it would be better if there was a 313 type link between techno and comix.
What's Alan Oldham been up to lately?


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