oops! almost forgot: Spiderman rules! tee hee

youve been a lovely audience. thank you. goodnight.

sean deason

sean deason wrote:

> that reminds me of the question I wanted to ask Jeff Mills at the
> Submerge/Metropolis showing (but unfortunately the Q&A period was dominated
> by some clown with a big mouth and small brain): is Detroit Techno® still
> music of and for the future or is it now considered "retro" to make Detroit
> style techno? has the future envisoned by the original Detroit Techno®
> generation passed us by? When people ask me what kind of music I'm making
> these days I tell them "old Detroit style techno like Derrick May and Carl
> Craig used to make." I think if the future has indeed passed us by, then
> it's time we went Back to the Future. Anyone feel the same way or is it
> just me?
> sean "old school g.e.d. receipient" deason
> glyph1001 wrote:
> > I would believe that alot of comic book/superhero fans are into Techno
> > or may have played a role in the creation of Techno music because of the
> > fantasy and romanticism of superheros and the pining for space travel
> > and anything to do with Futurism.  So in that sense, I'm not surprised.
> >  Actually I think its cool. :-)
> >
> > g.
> >
> > Mxyzptlk wrote:
> >
> > > At 09:21 AM 5/4/2002, you wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >>> hmmmmmmmmm detroit relevance...let me think...if only the director
> > >>> were from
> > >>> Detroit or something.....
> > >>
> > >
> > > (to make matters worse/risking the ire of the 'purists', I would ask:)
> > >
> > > How many of you would 'fess up to being/have been comic book
> > > fanciers/collectors/followers? I ask because I have a feeling there's
> > > more overlap than some may anticipate; music geeks are geeks looking
> > > for an obsession (from personal experience anyway). I know when I was
> > > young I had hefty bags upon bags full of comix...early Marvel
> > > (Spiderman, Daredevil, FF, X-Men, Dr. Strange, Avengers, etc., etc)
> > > and D.C.  I used to spend my weekly allowance on them. My guess is
> > > that many of you know the origin of my email "handle" from other
> > > sources than Saturday morning cartoons of yore. It's pretty amazing
> > > how many former comic book junkies populate email music lists.
> > >                                                 jeff
> > >
> > >
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