that reminds me of the question I wanted to ask Jeff Mills at the
Submerge/Metropolis showing (but unfortunately the Q&A period was dominated
by some clown with a big mouth and small brain): is Detroit Techno® still
music of and for the future or is it now considered "retro" to make Detroit
style techno? has the future envisoned by the original Detroit Techno®
generation passed us by? When people ask me what kind of music I'm making
these days I tell them "old Detroit style techno like Derrick May and Carl
Craig used to make." I think if the future has indeed passed us by, then
it's time we went Back to the Future. Anyone feel the same way or is it
just me?

sean "old school g.e.d. receipient" deason

glyph1001 wrote:

> I would believe that alot of comic book/superhero fans are into Techno
> or may have played a role in the creation of Techno music because of the
> fantasy and romanticism of superheros and the pining for space travel
> and anything to do with Futurism.  So in that sense, I'm not surprised.
>  Actually I think its cool. :-)
> g.
> Mxyzptlk wrote:
> > At 09:21 AM 5/4/2002, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >>> hmmmmmmmmm detroit relevance...let me think...if only the director
> >>> were from
> >>> Detroit or something.....
> >>
> >
> > (to make matters worse/risking the ire of the 'purists', I would ask:)
> >
> > How many of you would 'fess up to being/have been comic book
> > fanciers/collectors/followers? I ask because I have a feeling there's
> > more overlap than some may anticipate; music geeks are geeks looking
> > for an obsession (from personal experience anyway). I know when I was
> > young I had hefty bags upon bags full of comix...early Marvel
> > (Spiderman, Daredevil, FF, X-Men, Dr. Strange, Avengers, etc., etc)
> > and D.C.  I used to spend my weekly allowance on them. My guess is
> > that many of you know the origin of my email "handle" from other
> > sources than Saturday morning cartoons of yore. It's pretty amazing
> > how many former comic book junkies populate email music lists.
> >                                                 jeff
> >
> >
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