Whoa, it doesn't pay to do a show and then try and come to work ...

Stewart Walker and Greg Schiff played last night here in Iowa City, to
a small but maniacally appreciative audience; it was interesting to watch
them use the same setup and come out with fairly different results -- Schiff
was on the whole more melodic, sort of techno by way of deep house, and
Stewart was relentlessly, rigorously minimalist.

Local DJ Herbert played angry, starting off with banging techno. I then
did my current live-sampling, baffle-the-ravers set -- why do straight ahead
techno with Stewart and Greg on the bill?

I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Stewart Walker has gone further
towards perfecting the performance of techno live than anyone else I've ever
seen.  So much so that he really sounds like a different artist than the
one that makes his records -- he wants to engage a dance audience fully when
he's in front of them, and his records are smoother, more reflective.

Greg's stuff really got to people too -- he seemed to have the housier
half of the crowd eating out of his hand, whereas Stewart had the techno heads
at hello.

The crowd wasn't very big, but for a monday night in a town of 50,000, it
was decent.  Except for the banging sound system, I could have done the party
in my basement.

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