I was at the Pontch as well for the second year in a row and it was WAY more out of control this year.

Last year, there was a big Judo convention at Cobo and many of those attendees were in the hotel. Also, all of the National Guard (about 100) that were helping with border security at the time were staying there as well. So no matter where you went, you were surrounded by people who could kick your arse if you acted up.

As for the crowd surfing and moshing, we were discussing this at the media tent on Monday. I don't remember seeing it quite that bad in previous years. Two of the people I was working with were from a local media relations firm and not familiar with the techno scene. The rest of us were explaining that we were just as stunned as that is NOT something electronic music fans are into. I blame it on local teenagers who only came down because there was "something going on at Hart Plaza".

To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: (313) Body Surfing and Moshing
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 14:42:00 -0500

so the only low points for us were the attitudes and actions of a large
number of people staying at the Pontchartrain. One couple apparently
arrived well after their check-in time and lost their reservation - at
which point the female of the couple proceeded to call the poor desk clerk
every name in the book. We later saw her and her boyfriend fighting. The
hallways were trashed, etc. I don't think the party on the terrace level
helped in any way. Anyone go to that? The feeling in the hotel was more
Miami/WMC than Detroit I thought. The two rooms on both sides of us were
busted early Sunday morning and I think everyone was kicked out because it
was really quiet after that. We heard several people (during the long
elevator rides) saying they were being kicked out of the hotel.

Hey Fred, you were staying there too - your thoughts?


p.s. so did a bus load of Pearl Jam fans make up portion of the crowd at
the main stage?

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