On the body surfing - we did notice that. It made the crowd seem very frat-boy-like. It seemed to be in full effect during the Jeff Mills set the last night. There were also really rude people coming through the crowd pushing their way through, not saying excuse me - and there was plenty of room where we were dancing. There was a guy with a little girl (his daughter maybe) of about 4-5 years old who almost got knocked over. Tall guys would just come up and stand right in front of you and then get attitude if you asked them politely to move 2 inches to the left or right so you could see (and again, there was plenty of room around). One guy did that to me and when I said 'hey dude you're blocking my view' he said 'well you can move' - so I looked at him kinda nasty and then he left. Some friends from Vancouver commented how rude the American crowd was. It wasn't the first time I'd heard that sadly. To be fair, there were many nice people too. One guy helped me climb up on something that was a bit too high for me to reach. :)

I just wrote up something I'll post in a sec regarding the Pontch & I totally agree w/ you on this. We thought it might be fun to see Digital Underground but the crowd there was so scary between that and the $10 entry fee we said forget it. We could hear the music from our room & half the time it was decent & the rest it was total cheesy club (imo).



so the only low points for us were the attitudes and actions of a large
number of people staying at the Pontchartrain. One couple apparently
arrived well after their check-in time and lost their reservation - at
which point the female of the couple proceeded to call the poor desk clerk
every name in the book. We later saw her and her boyfriend fighting. The
hallways were trashed, etc. I don't think the party on the terrace level
helped in any way. Anyone go to that? The feeling in the hotel was more
Miami/WMC than Detroit I thought. The two rooms on both sides of us were
busted early Sunday morning and I think everyone was kicked out because it
was really quiet after that. We heard several people (during the long
elevator rides) saying they were being kicked out of the hotel.

Hey Fred, you were staying there too - your thoughts?


p.s. so did a bus load of Pearl Jam fans make up portion of the crowd at
the main stage?

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