On Sat, 14 Jun 2003, Phonopsia wrote:
> agree. Brendan (of Ectomorph, not Brendan of Brelson) blew the roof off the
> place using Ableton and an Evolution controller. His set must've lasted over
> 2 hours, and covered such an obscene amount of ground with a fluidity I've
> almost never heard. I was actually quite jealous, even if it was all
> sequenced in advance (i don't know for sure that it was, but since he didn't
> use headphones I assume it must've been).
Um, it could have been more on the fly than at first glance.  Since
Ableton can start tracks on beat, and handle the beatmatching, and you
can see what you're triggering, you wouldn't need to mess with cuing and
beatmatching.  Drop a track in, bring the levels up and bob's yer uncle.

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