On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 09:54:17 -0700 (PDT), "spw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> label design and music are equally important.
> Some labels have a minimal approach to design or at least they try even 
> though it doesn't look right.

I'm interested in your rationale behind these statements, as yet you are
to release them to us - you keep iterating the same point. Perhaps we're
not worthy?

If it's a pop record, then yes, Britney's t*ts must look bigger on the
cover so that more people will buy it. This ain't pop music dude. 

As someone who has done label art on this list (and gee... there aren't
many otheres on this list who have done it ;P), yes.. label art is
important, but at no point is it so important that it's importance
eclipses that of the music.

If it was, we'd all be employing TDR to do our artwork and releasing
white noise.  

Benn Glazier 
aka DJ Royal
ph:+61 (0)413 316 618

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