Quote: "When it comes to techno labels as a general rule a name must
have an 
emphasis on technology and a disassociation from human culture like the 
band Kraftwerk."

---> ?? As a general rule there are no rules to techno. Or at least
there should not be any rules. That's what sets it apart and what
safeguards its evolution and progress. 
And 'disassociation from human culture'?? I could point you to numerous
labels that care more about people than about technology. Everybody
should! If you need a leading example: Jeff Mills, truly concerned with
society and sociological evolutions + a will to let those ideas
infiltrate his music. 
And maybe, just maybe, Kraftwerk were not all that 'pro' disassociation
from human culture. Maybe they wanted to point it out and have people
think about it. Think about both the positive and the negative aspects
of the technological evolution mankind is going through. It's not
because it can be done technologically that it should be done. Otherwise
we'll all be running around like 'The Borg' soon. 'Resistance is
futile'? NO IT'S NOT!!!


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