Perfect Point!  If you are making records to save for your kids college
fund in the future.  Its not going to happen.  This business has to be
from the heart.


Tim Baker c/o 
Real Estate - Elephanthaus Records 
2544 W. North Ave. Suite 2B 
Chicago, IL 60647 USA 
773-862-9652 fax 773-862-9662 

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Chester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: (313) peacefrog

Of course that's true - the amount of money we are talking about is
pitiful if you view it as an income - but if it's money that drives you,
then Detroit Techno and the like is not, and never will be, the place to
find it. If you want to make money from music, then you have to have a
product that more people can latch onto, ie something more mainstream.
Or, as previously mentioned, you can try to make money as a performer -
for example, even if Jeff Mills were to sell 10,000 copies of each Axis
release, it would still leave him with less money than a single big gig.

The point is, in my opinion, that we produce, sell and buy this music
because we love it - music, like all art, is something to spend our
money on, not a way of making it.  To be an independant label manager,
you basically have to accept that you will never see any more money from
a release than you would get from a nights work in a bar, at best.  You
do it because you want to, not because you can make a living from it.
And most people lose badly - in another example, word has it that Andy
Weatherall lost over £60,000 over the lifetime of his excellent
Emissions label...

Not wishing to be overly idealistic about it, but the fact is, there is
no money in our scene - so it's a waste of time and energy trying to
find it

----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Earle
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: (313) peacefrog

Matt Chester wrote:
> That's true - the mark-up on 400 records at that price would be about
£14 -
> take away £1 for postage and admin etc, they'd still make about £5000 
> for selling through all copies, which they will undoubtedly do.  Split

> between the label and the artist, it's still a pretty hefty cut, much 
> more than they'd ever get on a standard 12" release...

I don't know what the split is (I assume it's not 50-50, but for the
sake of argument ... ), but if what you're saying is true, I'd have to
put out a record (in this way) every two weeks to match a decent (read:
long-term, many years of experience) Engineer's salary.

What a conundrum.  We (rightfully) piss and moan about 16-quid record
prices, but even in the best of circumstances (the aforementioned
scenario), it doesn't even provide a (slightly) comfortable living.

And I don't see any solution to this situation, either.

No wonder KDJ doesn't get out of bed for less.  Sure glad I'm not trying
to live as a musician ... *phew*

- Greg

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