i bought the moodymann private pressing, because i loved that track on theo's 'eclectic asthetic' mix-cd. haven't bought the robert hood [yet], partially because i hardly ever buy something i haven't heard yet, and partially because i'm broke, and rather spend 20 euro's on records i know i'll love, instead of taking a gamble, just because it's limited.

it's funny how on one digest i read heartbraking stories about recordstores and labels suffering from mp3's, and on the very same digest, the story of a label that has come up with a way to ensure itself from at least a couple of sold out records every year, to make sure the label can carry on doing what it's been doing for the past 10 years. the limited nature of these records will create a need amongst the public for the actual item, people won't settle for just the mp3.

UR is [imho] doing the same with those 7"s: giving it's 'customers' an added reason to buy their product, and not settle for a digital copy.

as for limited releases;
i've been thinking about this over the weekend, and listening to a couple of sets on the deephousepage has strengthened this feeling, i came to the conclusion that we need more limited releases, unreleased tracks, and different versions of 'well-known' tracks. nowadays everyone can find just about every worthwhile release through mailinglists like this, messageboards and online stores and ebay. hearing something 'new' is therefore quite rare. in my opinion it would be great to hear your favorite dj play, and all of a sudden hear him or her play an unreleased version of a song, along with a couple of songs he/she always plays, but are impossible to find. it all adds to the excitement of hearing a certain dj play. UR dj's have their z-tracks, lil louis tried out his new tracks for months before releasing a definitive version, the whole west-london crew at co-op, all those unreleased versions of classics ron hardy would play. people are still talking about the original 'acid trax', the real 'blackout' and so on.

i say: press more limited releases! [or should that be 'press less limited releases'?]


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