>Don't diss because he went through some phases that you didn't.

I'm not dissing him because we didn't go through the same phase (or get
stuck in the same one)
I actually had a flirtation with Big Beat but came to my senses when I
realized that there were records with real soul and not some blackface
sampled version that Big Beat was/had become
*I didn't write a book about the history of rave culture that included
attacks on genres I don't get - *he did* and he slagged off lots of very
talented people
He mixed his very biased opinions with his facts and that's bad journalism
if you're attempting to write a *factual* history
he knew that some people reading Gen Ecstasy would be influenced by what he
had to say (because they were new to electronic dance music and hadn't
formed their own opinions yet)
there should be a BIG disclaimer at the front of the book

"WARNING - most of the material in this book is based on factual events but
I sometimes digress into petty slagging because I can't bother to think or
feel anything about the music on an level that is beyond one without first
taking drugs."


                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
                      et                       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]      
                                               cc:       313@hyperreal.org, 
"'Redmond, Ja'Maul'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   
                      12/05/03 02:43 PM         robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       
                                               Subject:  RE: (313) Book: 
Generation Ecstasy : Into the World of Techno and Rave      

Oh, I completely agree that Reynolds had an agenda. And like I said, I
basically disagreed with every conclusion he came to.

BUT...while his thesis may have been severly flawed, the research that he
presents (ie- the history of ecstacy culture) is still compelling and well
written. This is all sounding too scientific. Its music. And you can take
the exact same story of ecstacy culture and come to completely different

here's an interview with Reynolds that helps explain where he's coming
from: http://www.space-age-bachelor.com/features/99/reynolds.htm
he talks extensively about "Energy Flash"

here's a piece where Reynolds first seems to develope his theories on
Detroit techno vs hardcore:

and finally- a rather extensive page on Reynolds that finds him
"rediscovering house" with the Mille Plateux guys:

Everyone's music collection is based around 'phases'. Reynolds just does
an excellent job capturing his phases in print. Don't diss because he went
through some phases that you didn't.

On Fri, 5 Dec 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >To immediately address Mr. Knight's concerns, I blieve the book was
> >published around 97-98, which is when big beat was a new and exciting
> >sound. And judging from where electronic music went after big beat in
> >terms of mass appeal, seems as though Mr. Reynolds wasn;t that far off.
> >Granted- Big Beat now seems trivial, but you can't deny the importance
> >the Chemical Brothers and Norman Cook in bringing electronic music to a
> >higher level of awareness to the public. A level that hasn't been topped
> >since.
> Ah this is true...
> However, I'd like to know how many people who went to all the Chemical
> Bros.
> and Fatboy Slim shows back in the heyday of Big Beat are still listening
> this music? It seems to be more of a "flash and it's over" movement as
> opposed
> to the steady life of techno and house.
> So - after the party was going for a few years how many people were
> heading
> for the door? Now the White Stripes are "saving rock 'n roll"
> The mass appeal didn't last in either case of Hardcore or Big Beat.
> I'd like to see a new addition with some kind of update on his thoughts
> or maybe "Generation Ecstasy part deux - everyone back to mine"
> I know that the Chems and Fatboy Slim were/are immensely popular but they
> had to
> cop rock 'n' roll images to get there - which does nothing for any music
> producer
> who doesn't want to sell themselves like that. I'd argue that Big Beat
> brought
> little attention to any other genre that wasn't presented as a circus.
> Plus, how can someone write a book saying that one subgenre is going to
> save the entire
> world of electronic music and then turn around and slag off other
> subgenres?
> I think he does/did a disservice to all electronic music by leaning so
> against some
> very important styles and artists. Aphex Twin did quite a bit bringing
> millions of people
> into electronic music and his influences in music production are heard a
> lot more today than
> any Big Beat track.
> Reynolds had an agenda.

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