> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Chester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 15 January 2004 13:16
> Don't mean to nit-pick, but you can get a co-hosting option 
> or a decent, large scale (though perhaps not enterpise scale, 
> which is maybe a little over the top for a label) remote 
> server with 1000 gigs per month bandwidth for less than $30 
> per month...

Seriously?? Whereabouts? A terabyte a month for 30 dollars sounds like a bloody 
good deal to me, I'd snap that up in a minute :)

In answer to Alex's question, that's the sort of package the deephousepage site 
almost certainly runs on - the person who owns that site most probably doesn't 
own the server that hosts it, but instead has some sort of co-hosting deal 
where they've never physically seen the machine that serves up their site but 
just pay a company by the month to run it. Their site has no e-commerce 
component, though, so no need for SSL and the various other security, 
encryption and transactional shenanigans that Warp need to have on their own 

I do reckon, though, that all in all, the cost to Warp of setting up that site 
would have been a lot more than the cost of putting out two EPs. They probably 
do need something that's enterprise scale, IMHO, although hardly any other 
label in our field of electronic music would need to do that.

Here's an example of a smaller label which is selling mp3s on its site, though, 
and whose setup costs would have been a *lot* lower than Warp's:



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