i'd say it was the free factor that brought mp3 to the fore. But at this
point, I think that mp3's have gone beyond a pricing issue and just become
the format people prefer.

why have mountains of CDs when it can all be on your computer. Why carry
around a bulky discman when you can have an mp3 player the size of a

As for the free vs. paying issue... i think a lot of people have come to
realize that swapping files is an unrightous act (don't need to run down
the list), and they are happy to pay for music since paying is the only
way to perpetuate more music in the future.

bleep,com, and more notably itunes have proven, in many ways, the good and
honest nature of people who are more than happy to pay for a service that
cateres to their needs, as opposed to the old record company CD model
which is 'you want it, come and get it'

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hey.
> Was just wondering if anyone had used this service of warp's?
> (the one where you can download a track for 99p or whatever)
> I was just wondering why anyone would?
> I mean it's just as easy to download from a peer to peer right, and it's
> free.
> so, if you were going to spend the money, surely you'd actually buy a CD,
> or vinyl or whatever, using soulseek as a try before you buy?
> I guess this service depends on people being 'honest' and paying for their
> mp3's?
> Not sure if I'm missing something, am I?
> Alex
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