Itunes for Windows launched back in November. I have a friend who spent
over $200 his first night alone with it.

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Tom Churchill wrote:

> > I was just wondering why anyone would?
> >
> > I mean it's just as easy to download from a peer to peer right, and it's
> > free.
> I wondered the same thing when Apple launched their iTunes Music Store - but
> eight months later they've sold 30 million songs. And bear in mind the
> service is only available to Mac users (approx 5% of the market), and only
> in America. So it looks like the market's definitely there...
> While we're on the subject - would people on the list pay to download (for
> example) Headspace and Emoticon tracks as high-quality MP3s? Trying to work
> out whether it's worth exploring these alternative forms of selling music on
> such a small scale...
> Cheers,
> Tom

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